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I Really Dont Understand Smokers??

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well i will excuse those over 25 cause when they were teens the info we know now wasnt available and as heavly preached and taught in school

however everyone else especially teens

i dont understand

in a sense u are paying to die younger

not only that but for something that doesnt even have immediate pleasure

someone please explain, maybe i am misssing something

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Well, I started smoking when I was 14 and I'm 21..ugh I know my lungs are probably black with tar and gross. But anyway I started b/c of a friend at the time. It was cool and shit. I mean nowadays there are far less 14 yr olds starting to smoke. I can say it may be accredited to the truth.com advertisements and such But you know when I was 14, they never had as many ads as they do now . I mean they are trying real hard for teenagers not to smoke and shit. I mean it isnt the best habit to have, its probably the diritiest. But in all honestly, I can quit if I wanted to with enough will power and shity. But truthfully I don't want to. I have quit in the past for awhile, but I went back to it by choice. So i guess it is all relevant, on who you are and how you can quit. Ok I will stop rambling here I think I lost my point or did I?:confused: Well I tried to explain my deal

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It's called addiction...routine....part of life. It's like trying to quit your favorite food...or giving away your dog that you've had for 6 years....or telling your best friend of many years to get lost....or not having that cup of coffee in the morning. I enjoy smoking a cigarette...and for me there is an immediate satisfaction especially with my coffee in the morning, or after a huge meal or at social occasions. If you haven't smoked for years you wouldn't understand.

I wouldn't condone teenagers to start smoking...definitely not... because it's a nasty habit that is very hard to break but all I have to say it definitely gives me immediate satisfaction. :smoke:

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there are definitely more anti-smoking messages now than when I was a kid. Honestly, tho, kids don't listen to what adults tell them. It's still and always will be all about what your friends tell you.

I never smoked because a) my parents always did, and I strive to be unlike my parents :laugh:B) my friends didn't smoke, and c) I'm not big on addictions. Heck, I barely even drink coffee.

I also don't like when people claim they are non-smokers but smoke on the weekends, socially. Just like you can't have cocktails on the weekend and tell everyone on Monday that you don't drink.

Unfortunately it seems that many more women smoke than men. Maybe 4 out of 5 women I know smokes, as opposed to maybe 1 out of 10 guys I know. So guys, if you're out there looking for non-smoking women, good luck, and maybe consider moving to California. But here in NY it seems like you'll just have to suck it up (pardon the pun) :D

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Originally posted by glowdancer

well i will excuse those over 25 cause when they were teens the info we know now wasnt available and as heavly preached and taught in school however everyone else especially teens

i dont understand in a sense u are paying to die younger

not only that but for something that doesnt even have immediate pleasure someone please explain, maybe i am misssing something

Its A social thing... why do ppl do Drink, ecstacy, or coke, or weed? knowing what we know now??? fuck it... Im not a smoker however i do have a couple cigarettes once i get really fucked up, but never buy packs anymore,(6.50 for a pack of dunhills is type ridiculous) and I never have them anywhere else but clubs/bars when im drunk... who knows why ppl do shit... everyone has there vice in life... to sit here and try to figure out why would be yours then.

Btw this may sound silly, however I hate smokers, like daily smokers, their breathe kicks, their gear smells like fire, then they mix it with 2bit cologne or parfume, and it smells like a forest fire then.. eeeew... its one thing to be huffing and puffing in a bar or club but to constantly walk around with that shit...

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i started smoking @ 14. granted it wasn't an everyday thing back then, but it progressed as the years went on. mainly started cuz i thought it looked "cool". well one day i smoked a cig and got completely grossed out. thought to myself...why the fuck am i doing this to myself. so i quit. cold turkey. haven't had a cig since and it's going to be 6 yrs next month!

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Originally posted by glowdancer

well i will excuse those over 25 cause when they were teens the info we know now wasnt available and as heavly preached and taught in school

however everyone else especially teens

i dont understand

in a sense u are paying to die younger

not only that but for something that doesnt even have immediate pleasure

someone please explain, maybe i am misssing something

. . . It's very simple . . Smoking is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the COOLEST things that we, as humans, can do . . It just works . .

. . Now, I agree that it's horrible for you and it WILL make you stink and eventually kill you in the end, but you know what?? . . It's still cool . .

. . and that's the demon in it. . . I don't even know why I do it anymore . . I hate the way it smells, especially when I'm not smoking . . but I still do it . .

Damn that whole addiction thing . .

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First of all, no smoker will ever tell you that what they are doing is good for them. I am a smoker and I although I thought it was "cool" when I started I by no means think it's cool now. And regardless of what I learned in middle school about smoking....it doesn't matter.

But something that I never said would happen, I got addicted. As said above, it's not easy to quit. You think I like paying almost $5 a pack?? That's sick! $5/day to shorten my life a little bit more. I've tried quitting several times. I've tried the patch twice, got hypnotized this summer, cold turkey, the gum...almost everything out there. The problem is, is that I don't wanna quit. I'm just not ready. WHo knows when the time will be, but I'll know when it is.

And I have to argue with when you said.."something that doesn't provide immediate pleasure" Unless you are a smoker, you'll never know the pleasure that a cigarette brings a smoker. It's like a release of tension. It sounds sick but its true and I'm sure all smokers will back me on this one.

The one thing that bothers me the most about non-smokers is that they always feel the need to preach about it. HEY, yeah I smoke, I know how terrible it is for me, I know my clothes stink, my breath sticks probably and I don;t need you to tell me, AMEN

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While at a wedding last year, a non-smoking friend accompanied me to the smoking section, which was filled with old hard-core Greek men who looked like they had been born with a non-filter hanging from their lips. One of these men looked over at my friend, leaned back in his chair, and asked, "What? You think you're not gonna die because you don't smoke?"

Maybe it's irrational to smoke when you know it's bad for you. However, it is equally irrational to think you'll have a long and healthy life if you DON'T smoke.

The point is that we're all dying. We're all going down. So hey - smoke 'em if you got 'em, ya know? I like to think of it as a pro-active position on my own mortality. ;):tongue:

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Originally posted by msoprano13

i cant stand smoking.....its the worst....hey if you wanna harm yourself thats fine with me but the second hand smoke is terrible.....i cant deal with that shit

i agree... i wish us nonsmokers didnt have to deal with second hand smoke... not like i dont breathe enuf of it in every day, but im a bartender so all i do at work is inhale all the fuckin smoke in that place... it sux... i end up reeking of it, breathing in all that shit, makin myself sick from all the damn smoke.. and i dont even smoke them!! sux. :(
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well some of u brought up how it does provide pleasure but thats' only once u are addicted

in the beginning it did not do anything

thats what i'm saying

why take it up

and dg u said why do people drink and do other drugs

well other drugs have effects of making u feel good, hallucinate etc

by no means am i saying they are better but at least it makes more sense

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Originally posted by glowdancer

well some of u brought up how it does provide pleasure but thats' only once u are addicted

in the beginning it did not do anything

thats what i'm saying

why take it up

and dg u said why do people drink and do other drugs

well other drugs have effects of making u feel good, hallucinate etc

by no means am i saying they are better but at least it makes more sense

It's the same thing...nicotine is a drug. What draws kids to any drug is curiosity..peer pressure. You see your friends doing it and you want to try it. You're curious to know how it feels, what you feel...some people try one cigarette and they hate it. Some try one and it feels natural & enjoyable. The same with other drugs some try Acid and can't stand the hallucinations and others get a kick out of it. It's all the same...bad for you. JUST SAY NO!!!!

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Originally posted by linabina

i agree... i wish us nonsmokers didnt have to deal with second hand smoke... not like i dont breathe enuf of it in every day, but im a bartender so all i do at work is inhale all the fuckin smoke in that place... it sux... i end up reeking of it, breathing in all that shit, makin myself sick from all the damn smoke.. and i dont even smoke them!! sux. :(

might want to keep your eyes open for any class-action lawsuits that may be going on around the US. Just like how non-smoking flight attendants are suing airlines when they developed illnesses. You'll see more of this happening in the future.

In the end, NYC is going to wind up like LA anyway, with smoking banned virtually everywhere (though LA has its own air quality problems). Remember when everyone thought the restaurant smoking ban would force NYC restaurants to shut down? They are still open 7 years later...

just adding my €2...

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speaking of lawsuits...

Prisoner Gets Cash for Bunking with Smoker

TORONTO (Reuters) - The Canadian government has paid $1,600 in compensation to a nonsmoking prisoner forced to share a cell with a smoker, officials say.

William Canning, 44, took the government to court in late 1999, complaining that he was exposed to second-hand smoke while serving part of his 22-year sentence at La Macaza, a federal prison in Quebec.

He said his rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights were violated because he was exposed to ``cruel and unusual punishment.''

The government dismissed Canning's contention, stating that ''the plaintiff suffered no damages from having been bunked with a smoker without his consent for a total period of 17 days.''

But the government later abandoned the court case and granted Canning compensation.

A spokeswoman for the Correctional Service of Canada said Monday the federal prison system allows inmates to smoke in their prison cells and this policy would not change.

``To take away smoking just like that when you are incarcerated is a bit tricky,'' said Michele Pilon-Santilli.

Pilon-Santilli said Canning was ``double-bunked,'' a common practice when federal prisons are tight for space. In more normal circumstances, Canning would have had a cell of his own, she said.

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i think smoking is def. a social thing. for social acceptance, i guess? it a lot to do with looking "cool" and trying it b/c your friends do. a year later all these kids are trying to quit becasue everyone else is. what i dont understand is the semi-smokers who only smoke when they're fucked up... whats the point? i know someone here mentioned that. a lot of my friends are like that and i just dont see the appeal either way, sober or drunk.

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