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*If you only read ONE post today, PLEASE make it this one!!!

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Something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately. And after the last few weeks, I really feel the need to put it into to words for everyone.

It happens with alarming regularity: I walk into a bathroom at some club and what do I see but some poor thing PASSED OUT in a bathroom stall. So you tell security, and you hope the girl's not dead and you move on. but the thing that always pops into my head first is: WHERE THE HELL ARE HER FRIENDS???

We all go out every weekend. many of us drink, smoke, swallow or snort whatever. Its all in good fun, and we all think we know what we're doing, and what we can handle. But every once in a while it happens, someone has too much, gets out of hand, loses control. It aint great, but its a fact of the life we have chosen.

Its has happened to me. I'm not thrilled about it. But I also know that I was safe even though I was not exactly together. Because I KNOW that I have friends around me who will look out for me, stop me if I get out of hand, protect me if I'm in danger, and take my retarded ass home (or god forbid to a hospital) if need be. I dont doubt that shit for a second. They will also risk pissing me off in order to make sure I'm ok. (I can be quite stubborn)

Everyone is always talking shit about the love they have for their club buddies and fellow board memebers. Thats great and all, but how about proving it. TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER. Pay attention. learn each others habits and limits. I dont think its that too much to ask in return for friendship and a whole ass load of good memories. It all fun and games until someone you know dies cause they passed out in a bathroom and no one was paying attention, or they were and they didnt care, or they didnt want to get involved, or they didnt want to pis anyone off.

Everyone of my friends KNOWS that if I saw them in a dangerous spot I would step in. And I KNOW that they would do it for me. Can you say the same about the people you party with? Can you say the same about yourself?

I would never tell anyone not to get fucked up, cause then I'd be a huge hypocrite, but for christ sake, protect each other, and make sure you have people you trust around you.

I mean this post to be a bit of a wakeup call to some and a reminder to others. we dont live in some plastic bubble. Bad things can happen. just take a little extra time to look out for those you love, and hopefully you will get it back. I dont ever want to see an R.I.P. <insertboardname> post.

In the true spirit: P.L.U.R.


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People need to stop getting so fucked up. People brag about how many bumps they did, or how they were in the Khole for 2 hours...bla bla bla.....WTF? If i wanted to get that fucked up, i would do drugs and stay home...the point of paying a ridiculous cover charge, paying 5- 10 bucks a drink, and going out to a place with intense sound and lighting is to dance and have a good time, not to be shivering in the corner whacked out of your brain

if people get themselves into trouble, i agree, their friends should help, but what makes you think their friends are sober too? People need to stop getting so whacked out:rolleyes:


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Originally posted by sleepiswaste


this is reason i stopped going to raves years ago.

there's something disturbing about see-ing someone passed out on the floor in a club...its even more disturbing when they are alone


Yeah, I've been to a few raves, and you see some of the scariest shit there....

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Yes, when I see a stranger passed out or on the verge of doing so.. I check to see how they are doing...

W/ friends, I am always on the watch, and I know they watch over me too. If I see them getting out of hands be it liquor, or drugs I do say something, and take their happy ass's home! I even do that w/ people I am meeting for the first time. I couldn't just ignore someone going through the afterwards of partying too much.

ps. It's not much to ask, "Are you alright, do you need anything?"

my .02

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

if people get themselves into trouble, i agree, their friends should help, but what makes you think their friends are sober too? People need to stop getting so whacked out:rolleyes:


I agree with you, but my point is that friends should pay attention to each other, not look the other way cause they cant be bothered, part of going out in groups is protection. And I'm not saying its right to get fucked up beyond recognition, but the reality is that it IS going to happen. This is what I would like everyone to be a little more aware of. I think everyone needs to question how safe they would feel with their friends if it were to happen to them.

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OK look, I have been 3 deep and surrounded by my crew. But we have never *all* been so f-ed up that at least a couple of us were able to watch out for each other. When I go out with my one true partner-in-crime we stick close or at least orbit around each other.

It's all about paying enough attention to your surroundings that you're still capable of functioning at least on the most basic level. Shit, one time I screwed up and only had enough time to tell my buddy I was gonna need some hand-holding for the next hour or so.

So, I suppose all I'm really saying is: Keep the whole PLUR thing in mind. Lets look out for each other, even if we dont that person... There's no excuse for us letting someone remain alone and passed out in a club. At the very least we can hang and watch out for em... take turns... grab their friends.

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Very Very well said

Just this past weekend at roxy there was some girl that wandered into our room who was passed out on the couch. I forgot who it was that pointed her out to me maybe one of the hoochies dancing on top of eachother. I went over to her, one of our CP members *forgot who* gave me his water to give to this girl i woke her up and gave her the water and she ended up puking. Siceone and a few others were helping me get security and help the girl. Ended up she had food poisioning from eating chineese food and then drinking drinks with sour mix. But i do agree where the hell were that girls friends? Im the type of person I look at all my friends as my children when they are fucked up because i take care of them. I love all my friends dearly and I know that they would all do the same for me, and my CP fam means a lot to me as well....trust me this CP fam is tight as hell we all watch out for eachother. ::err getting all emotional::


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Originally posted by joeg

Yeah, I've been to a few raves, and you see some of the scariest shit there....

. . I'll second that . . . I've been to a "couple" in my time (tee hee hee . .) and I've found that, as things progressed, the frequency of OD's kept going up . .. .

. . I'm trying to figure out why . . . I can get fucked up, but I never seem to lose my shit . . I mean . . I've never had to have anyone take my unconscious ass out the door (thank god, moving me would be a task to say the least . . ) . . . and I really don't see how people get to the point that they just keep doing stuff until they're out of it . . . Accidental stuff is one thing . . . bad reactions are another . . .but you've got to know that 3 capfulls of G IS NOT a good thing . . or several bumps of K . . or whatever . .

. . limits . . . not everyone has em set . . and the ones that don't are the ones that will take the fall . .

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I am a believer of people being adults and choosing their own destiny. I'm no ones father so if you're grown up to make choices in your life, you're grown up enough to handle the consequences. That being said, I would help a friend out because that's just the way I am, but a total stranger, probably not.

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This is a wonderful post.. I'm big on my club buddies.. I have this like addiction to them.. I can't spend a Friday without them (which is why I've been stressed lately acuse they're Exitheadz and I just wanna go to Roxy!!) but I know my friends have been not so good sometimes, and I'm there for them just like they would be there for me if I ever needed them..

I also agree with ibclubbin on this one too.. people need to control themselves a little more.. seems like there's always that one person that seems to not care about their lives at all and just do whatever.. it's hard..

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

People need to stop getting so whacked out:rolleyes:

. . That's the way it should be, unfortunately this aint the land of sunshine, so you got a better chance of knocking over the Federal Reserve with a butter knife . . .

. . I had the fortunate . . and sometimes unfortunate title of being the "Voice of Reason" in my old rave family . . . I was the one that everyone turned to when shit came down the pipe . .

Cops comin? . . I'm drivin'. . .

Busted? . . Let me do the talkin'. . .

OG'ing . . Let me handle it . . . and so on . .

. . I found it kinda flattering that the rest of the people in my group would entrust me with their lives at times when we'd be out. . but I also found that certain members of the group would take my protection for granted, constantly getting fucked up beyond what they could handle after EVERYONE repeatedly warned them to watch themselves . . Those were usually the ones that ended up on the bathroom floor, passed out and covered with vomit and whatever other bodily fluid that we secrete . .

. . . There's only so many times that I can pull you out of danger. . only so many times that I can cover, and talk and cajole the authorities into NOT taking you down . . . eventually I just have to let you go . . and I would, if you didn't learn the first 5 times . .

. .Lav, I agree that it's very scary seeing that passed person in the bathroom . . I've been scared by them too many times. . I've even come close myself to being one . . but just remember that the majority of those crackheads that you've seen have had people who were there time and time again . . people who eventually just gave up . . .

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i been to a rave once and never again. back at whistle 2 in south jersey i beleive. kids passed out everywhere, medics going nutts. even seen a kid getting cpr. i went home that night early. worried about what was happing in the club nightlife. and shocked how kids can go out and not care about what they are putting in there bodys. yes we all done our share of drugs and drinking. but there is a limit and phazes. i am done with mine.

all you really need to have a good time is - good music, great friends and a good atmosphere. even meeting new people is fun too.


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Originally posted by rfkfreak

I am a believer of people being adults and choosing their own destiny. I'm no ones father so if you're grown up to make choices in your life, you're grown up enough to handle the consequences. That being said, I would help a friend out because that's just the way I am, but a total stranger, probably not.

Codica, Ibclubbin, and RFKFreak each are saying we are responsible for our own actions.

I agree with that... but we also have to admit that *we* have all made mistakes in the past. Personally, if I care enough about the people I'm out partying with to actually be in their company, then I'm going to care enough to keep one eye on them. In that vein though... I'm responsible for my own actions as well, and that includes protecting my friends as a selfish interest in seeing them well and safe.

Please lets not take this as flame or trollish, but for the same reasons, even selfish reasons, I'm gonna express concern for strangers if only to foster a safer environment. The time it takes for a friend to come around and notice my sorry ass could make a difference someday. If a stranger just took a minute to see that I'm coherant, it could be the diff btw a good night and a bad one.

So, I'm not attacking the notion that we are all grownups, but I want to remind everyone that we all make mistakes. I hope we can cover each others backs.

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Though we are responsdsible for your own actions I do believe "WE ARE OUR BROTHER/SISTERS KEEPER"

God bless the souls of all those that have passed before their time, leaving friends and family behind. Wish the could have been here for the laughters and the tears. Wish they could have stayed till that last track was played. Wish I could have 5 more minutes of sunshine from their smilies. To have my worries calmed by their voices right now I would travel miles. Maybe the pain will fade but for me not soon all I see is dark in a once lit room.


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People. I dont think that some of you are getting the actual message within this post. This is not a cry to stop going out. This is not a cry to stop doing whatever you are doing to yourselves when you are out. This post is about being a true friend to someone and not just on paper. This post is about being there for someone when they are not able to make sound judgements. Its about how to take control and say enough for today. At some point it just becomes not funny any more and a danger to own's health.

Please, remember what it means to be a friend - care, respect and support in a time of need, not just a label.

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Originally posted by blowflyii

They get this euphoric dizziness and collapse. I do not get it. Maybe too quickly. Maybe they hide a secret flask of absenthe in thier purses and do not tell us about it.....Thats it!

Anyway we should all take care of each other lm is right.

Yeah, OK jackass, girls are the only ones who drink too much. right. :rolleyes:

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