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Lavender, I hear ya.

Despite what some may think, it's not about being anyone's keeper, mommy, or daddy -- it's about doing for another what you'd have done for you should the occasion ever arise (for whatever reason).

You never know what's going to happen, and terrible things can happen to the best of us! One can easily have something slipped into their drink -- even the most cautious of people have gotten shafted out there, so I think we need to give the benefit of the doubt and simply care because a life is a life.

Hell, that crackhead you save just might straighten out after a scare... and if things get better, then you've done a double good deed.

- meli -

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this actually happened to me and my friends on friday at roxy....one of my boys had left around two or three cause he wasnt feeling it but he didnt tell anyone that he had left, and i mean when you lose someone in a club for 15 minutes its ok but we were looking for this kat for around 45 minutes to an hour. i went around the club like 7 times saw the same faces people were looking at me like if i was lost..lol..then he ended up calling his bro that was with us and told him he was home...luckly vicious started throwing down some really good beats as soon as he called us so we continued partying wanted to get a drink but the bar had closed..doooope!.....all in all you should def stick to one another when you go clubbing,partying etc..God forbid what can or may happen to you if your really f**ked up. i almost died once at sf its not cool to feel loneley while you are over intoxicated and drugged up luckly i have the friends i have and they looked for me for like three hours straight in the club and found me on the floor passed out. know who you roll with!!!

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I think you have some points to what is said. Friends should look out for other friends. But you also can't be someone's mother and tell then what they can and cannot have. I mean you can only tell them so many times to not do that to much. I mean if your old enough you should be able to make your own decisions. I'm not sure but would you like your friends telling you that you can't have that. Yeah they are concerned and what not. But people should take responsibility for their OWN ACTIONS!!! Friends are there to help and shit, but not to be someone's mother..*ahem*:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

I am a believer of people being adults and choosing their own destiny. I'm no ones father so if you're grown up to make choices in your life, you're grown up enough to handle the consequences. That being said, I would help a friend out because that's just the way I am, but a total stranger, probably not.

In agreeance with ya hun;)

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I think you have some points to what is said. Friends should look out for other friends. But you also can't be someone's mother and tell then what they can and cannot have. I mean you can only tell them so many times to not do that to much. I mean if your old enough you should be able to make your own decisions. I'm not sure but would you like your friends telling you that you can't have that. Yeah they are concerned and what not. But people should take responsibility for their OWN ACTIONS!!! Friends are there to help and shit, but not to be someone's mother..*ahem*:rolleyes:

Yeah, well I shot herion yesterday and my friends didn't stop me because they didn't want to be my mommy..... Thank you guys... your the best friends a person could have......

:blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:


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Originally posted by blowflyii

They get this euphoric dizziness and collapse. I do not get it. Maybe too quickly. Maybe they hide a secret flask of absenthe in thier purses and do not tell us about it.....Thats it!

Anyway we should all take care of each other lm is right.

Maybe you could take your brain, remove it from your skull and hide it under your bed in a shoebox . . cause then you'd at least have an excuse that you weren't telling US about . . .

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I think you have some points to what is said. Friends should look out for other friends. But you also can't be someone's mother and tell then what they can and cannot have. I mean you can only tell them so many times to not do that to much. I mean if your old enough you should be able to make your own decisions. I'm not sure but would you like your friends telling you that you can't have that. Yeah they are concerned and what not. But people should take responsibility for their OWN ACTIONS!!! Friends are there to help and shit, but not to be someone's mother..*ahem*:rolleyes:

please go back and read it again because you obviously missed the point.

Of course people are responsible for their own actions. this doesnt mean that if someone fucks up I'm not going to help them.

And as far as telling people what they can and cant have, I cant tell anyone what to do, but I can make suggestions. I dont know about you, but I know that if one of MY friends told ME they thought I was out of hand, it would make me stop and think. because I value my friends' opinions and I know they have my interest at heart.

You know I really think that saving someone from physical harm is slightly more important than stepping on someone's toes, but maybe thats just me. (maybe thats why I choose the friends I do) :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by joeg

Yeah, well I shot herion yesterday and my friends didn't stop me because they didn't want to be my mommy..... Thank you guys... your the best friends a person could have......

:blown: :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:


First of all that is totally different. So you need to STFU, b/c I was referring to her post. If I saw my friend doing heroin, I would take the needle away. but first of all, I would never associate with someone like that, maybe you would..


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

please go back and read it again because you obviously missed the point.

Of course people are responsible for their own actions. this doesnt mean that if someone fucks up I'm not going to help them.

And as far as telling people what they can and cant have, I cant tell anyone what to do, but I can make suggestions. I dont know about you, but I know that if one of MY friends told ME they thought I was out of hand, it would make me stop and think. because I value my friends' opinions and I know they have my interest at heart.

You know I really think that saving someone from physical harm is slightly more important than stepping on someone's toes, but maybe thats just me. (maybe thats why I choose the friends I do) :rolleyes:

I read your post....and I know what your saying, so no need to read it again

yeah it would make me think, but did u ever think people don't listen even if you tell them more than once not to do it. WTF? are you going to take it a way from them like they are a little child. Yeah saving someone form phyiscal harm is understandable. How would you be stepping on their toes? By not helping them...:confused: I am not a cold-hearted bitch, I have helped my friends on many occasions so who ever knows me knows that I do help but sometimes you have to let them learn their own lessons...

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Originally posted by fierydesire

First of all that is totally different. So you need to STFU, b/c I was referring to her post. If I saw my friend doing heroin, I would take the needle away. but first of all, I would never associate with someone like that, maybe you would..


relax, I was just exadurating what you said...

Theres definately a certain line at which you do need to step in and excersize a little judgement though... Everyone fucks up, that just goes with the scene.... But its important that people help one another... we all need it now and again.

Sorry if that came off a little harsh...

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If you peeps would just mothafuckin listen to the BEATZ and let that be your drug yo this kinda shit wouldn't happen. My crew sticks tight yo and all we do is look out for each other. But you be out of your mind to think that we go to check out a phat set for anything else except the music yo! Peope forget the power music can have on you with a simple toke and a red bull. AIGHT? But I call it survival of the fitest. Let the week and foolish that don't get it wind up crying over a toilet seat. In the end only the true Music heads survive. Peace.


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Originally posted by beatz

If you peeps would just mothafuckin listen to the BEATZ and let that be your drug yo this kinda shit wouldn't happen. My crew sticks tight yo and all we do is look out for each other. But you be out of your mind to think that we go to check out a phat set for anything else except the music yo! Peope forget the power music can have on you with a simple toke and a red bull. AIGHT? But I call it survival of the fitest. Let the week and foolish that don't get it wind up crying over a toilet seat. In the end only the true Music heads survive. Peace.


who the Fuck are you?:confused:

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check this out...i was in PR for NYE, but i had a friend who went to SF with about 4 other friends...someone slipped a huge amount of G in her coffee and she passed out at around 8 in the morning...like WAY out....security kept her away from everyone except her friends until she regained consciousness an hour later...they didnt call the medics, they didnt do shit...so anyway she left SF when she woke up even thuogh she was throwing up the entire time...

but here's the catch...only one of her friends was with her the entire time...the other two stayed and ate pills until the club closed at 8 in the morning...

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Originally posted by fierydesire

who the Fuck are you?:confused:

Someone that's been in the scene a long long time and heard it all, seen it all and motherfuckin loves the music above everything else. Something many of you in NYC just seem to have forgoten about. As if the beatz was just wall paper for a mutherfuckin frat party full of coked up hooches and roid rage. No wonder the NY nightscene's going to the crapper yo! JUSTCALLITLAIKEISEEIT!

Oh yea, My crew call me BEATZ!

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Everyone of my friends KNOWS that if I saw them in a dangerous spot I would step in. And I KNOW that they would do it for me. Can you say the same about the people you party with? Can you say the same about yourself?


Well where were u when Crackhead was around?

Or when i was talking to that girl with the Popeye forearms?

For real, u'r so right. Of course, if u have a friend that regularly passes out like that, u eventually need to let them face some consequences or they lean on u like crutch. I've got some friends that i just won't go out with anymore.

I won't be everyone's keeper, bujt the peeps that know me, that are friends with me know that i'd throw them over my shoulder and carry them all the way home if i had to...and i feel just as secure with them. But that's partly cause we all respect ourselves and each other and don't put ourselves in that position every week....

So, LM, if i look in danger of bouncing into someone, please....bounce right in and knock me on my ass :)

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Originally posted by barvybe

For real, u'r so right. Of course, if u have a friend that regularly passes out like that, u eventually need to let them face some consequences or they lean on u like crutch. I've got some friends that i just won't go out with anymore.

WORD! And when he/she gets his/her head out of her ass or the toilet maybe they can truely listen to the music and dance in front of the stage with some of us old school raver veterans. (Yea I done my share BUT I WAS LIKE 15 AND SHIT. That's what you supose to be doin and shit so you learn how much it hurts and move on.)

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Okay, you know what? Enough of this holier-than-thou bullshit. This has nothing to do with being someone's mommy and telling them what to do... it has to do, simply, with being a decent human being. If you see someone who might be in danger how much does it really take to simply ask them "Are you ok?"

Come on... so many of us have been there... even those of us who were only "like 15 and shit" :rolleyes: ... As you can see from these posts, you never know what's wrong with a person (drug overdose? food poisoning?), or how they got that way (taken voluntarily? slipped into their coffee?) so get off of your high horse and take a second; you might save somebody's life.

Jesus Christ, some people need to grow a fucking heart.

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I understand the point of the post: look out for your brother

I am defintely a person who will say something when i see people in trouble, because i have been in situations where i couldnt handle myself....puking off the balcony because i drank too much and did too much G, my 21st birthday, and a slew of other occasions where i was not in control of myself..

however, for the most part i am in control of myself, ESPECIALLY when i am at clubs.....the same goes for my friends...the point is, i dont hang around people who do things like that regularly....i dont associate myself with people who get FUBAR:(


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Originally posted by tastyt

Okay, you know what? Enough of this holier-than-thou bullshit. This has nothing to do with being someone's mommy and telling them what to do... it has to do, simply, with being a decent human being. If you see someone who might be in danger how much does it really take to simply ask them "Are you ok?"

Come on... so many of us have been there... even those of us who were only "like 15 and shit" :rolleyes: ... As you can see from these posts, you never know what's wrong with a person (drug overdose? food poisoning?), or how they got that way (taken voluntarily? slipped into their coffee?) so get off of your high horse and take a second; you might save somebody's life.

Jesus Christ, some people need to grow a fucking heart.

Yo my boyz and I have helped pleanty sick clubberz through many parties. That's not my point yo. There is an epedemic growin (always been round but it's getting bigger and shit) Less music, MORE DRUGS! More of INDULGENCE less about the fucking night. It starts with the SELF! If we could all aply this shit to your clubbing then so many peeps wouldn't end up in the hospital. And I assure you homies that it aint bad noodles that are killing a great percentage of our clubbin brothers and sisters. This aint hollier than though sweets. It's the truth AIIGHT! I JUST CALL IT LIKE I SEE IT! But you wann feel sorry about every body that abuses his or herself yo you go right ahead. Whatch them do it again over and over again. Seen that shit before too many times.

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I was a at World (I think it was the night when Tiesto was there don't really go to World very much it was either him or Danny) anyway I went into the bathroom....mind you I was rolling my ass off...and some girl was sitting in a chair inside I came out of the stall when I was done and she was sitting on a chair outside the bathroom she looked a mess I asked her if she was okay and she shook her head no I gave her my water and asked her who she was with she said her boyfriend was passed out on a table overlooking the dancefloor with his cousin or someone and a few friends meanwhile she was feeling ill so I found him and tried to wake him up then I went back and got her brought her over to him got the cousin who was awake to get her a non-alcoholic drink to sip

As fucked up as I was when I saw someone who needed help my mind became as clear as ever I don't know how a bf and gf could lose tabs on each other like that

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Originally posted by beatz

Someone that's been in the scene a long long time and heard it all, seen it all and motherfuckin loves the music above everything else. Something many of you in NYC just seem to have forgoten about. As if the beatz was just wall paper for a mutherfuckin frat party full of coked up hooches and roid rage. No wonder the NY nightscene's going to the crapper yo! JUSTCALLITLAIKEISEEIT!

Oh yea, My crew call me BEATZ!

Did you say Frat party???? Whooooohooooooooo - who's up for a keg stand???? :cool:

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

the point is, i dont hang around people who do things like that regularly....i dont associate myself with people who get FUBAR:(


you never know if/when it'll happen to you.

me? limelight - 4 drinks in an hour before richie hawtin's set at limelight. an hour later? nearly passed out on the stairs at the entrance to the main floor moving to the rhythm but essentially asleep, eyes closed. security would have noooo problems kicking me out, onto the street, in that state having to find some way home. thank GOD xpander lavendermenace barvybe irene and others were there to look out for me...

four drinks in an hour anywhere else and i probably would have been a-ok. i know cuz i've done it sooo many times before. something about the strength of the mixing done by the fucking bartender there.

point being... you NEVER KNOW it can be you until it happens.

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