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Marriage and Religion


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So I was curious I know many of us (or at least myself) are not very religious. Do you think that for your family's sake (meaning just to be congruent with your religion) you would marry someone of your own religion? I am Muslim and my family would prefer me to marry someone muslim, but luckily they are not super religious. So I can marry who I please. But my friend for example can't marry outside of his religion. I mean and he has been dating this girl for 3 years but they know they can't get married. IMO what is the point of that?

So would you rather marry someone of the same religion or that plays no role in deciding who you marry?

Personally, it doesn't matter....

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It makes zero difference to me.

I come from a very religious family... well, my grandmothers are, at least. But the two of them couldn't be any more different from each other... my mom's mom is Catholic; she's a total bible-muncher who is always trying to teach me about the "true" church (because in her eyes everyone who does not belong to it is going to Hell). My other grandma, who is Baptist, is much more laid back; she knows a bit more about the world than does Catholic Granny.

I was Christened Catholic but never received First Communion, Confirmation or any of that stuff... I'm an atheist. My Mom was raised Catholic; she's been getting into Spirituality a lot these past few years, but does not believe it has to be experienced through any organized religion. She would never care what race, religion, creed, monetary bracket, etc etc, the person I loved belonged to, as long as he treated me right and made me happy.

The only people who really care about that are Catholic Granny and my holier-than-thou reborn Aunt Fran. And frankly I couldn't care less if they disapprove of someone because he's not among the "saved."

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I have never been so much as baptised, do not believe there is a God, and think organized religion is one of the biggets scams out there. I have been talking about marriage with my girlfriend (she was catholic, converted to buddhism) but her family ( not her parents) are hardcore catholic. She said that she would probably have to get married in a catholic church.

Here is my dilemna. I can not get married in a catholic church due to the no baptism/communion thing, and of course I could do it, but I will not. I will not succumb to this religious nonsense... so I have no idea how this will be worked out when/if we get married.

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IMO you cannot choose who you fall in love with...

I am Jewish, but not very religioous..yes I would love to meet a great jewish girl and fall in love, but if I dont, SO BE IT!!!

my family feels the same way 100%

My Ex GF, and the only girl I have ever been In love with was a quaker.....

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Originally posted by quoth

ehh fuck religion ::pourssomestolies:: if i have a daughter...i'll raise her to give brain....if i have a son i'll raise him to lick kitty. ::halfhourtogobeforethisbottleisdone::

ass...:rolleyes: damn you I wanna be drunk now:( Nah I'll get me a fattie:smoke:

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Originally posted by az-tec

IMO you cannot choose who you fall in love with...

I am Jewish, but not very religioous..yes I would love to meet a great jewish girl and fall in love, but if I dont, SO BE IT!!!

my family feels the same way 100%

My Ex GF, and the only girl I have ever been In love with was a quaker.....

ya gotta luv the goys!

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Never been that religous, but it still is a part of my life even though I'm not practicing. I still consider my self jewish, and I believe in G-D and all, but I think there is someone out there for me, regardless of what religion they are who will love me for who I am and what I'm about, not who I'm affiliated with.

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I'm not very religious, but my family is,and if I were to ever marry anyone outside my religion, I'd be disowned :( I can understand the logic behind it, but I still don't agree with it. Why limit yourself to the other billions of men out there because of a belief? ;)

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Prefer he'd be Jewish but...you can't live your life making all these rules about who you can and can't love for yourself...

I've been dating someone for a while but he and his fam want him to marry someone strictly catholic...yet he continues to date me anyway b/c you can't help who you like. Although the fact that he believes he EVENTUALLY wants to be w someone catholic makes me keep my options open.

Z...you know how many Jewish guys I date...lol... ;)

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hehe. i dont care if someone is religious as long as they dont try to corrupt me. i am interested in all religions. if i had to choose one it definitely wouldnt be a western one but i still like hearing about other peoples beliefs.

for most people religion is merely something they are born into, i dont see why they take it so seriously.

i guess it would be an issue if i had kids, i wouldnt want mine told to believe anything -- forming your own beliefs is extremely important in my opinion.

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I think we should all Marry someone who we are in love with, Not someones race, creed or color!

I can tell you that my boss is jewish and Religious and his sons are NOT to marry outside his religion!

Even if he is in Love They would have to convert!!!!

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Originally posted by sassa

I'm not very religious, but my family is,and if I were to ever marry anyone outside my religion, I'd be disowned :( I can understand the logic behind it, but I still don't agree with it. Why limit yourself to the other billions of men out there because of a belief? ;)

I don't get the logic. I mean wouldn't your family want you to be happy and in love rather than miserable (perhaps) and not in love....just to follow a religion. I am thankful my family isn't like that.

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My mom's getting more religious by the day....it's a little sketchy. I'm not an atheist, exactly...I think that god is a human construction, created by man to make himself feel better about his place and size in the cosmos. A blankie for the ego, if you will.

If I was in love with a religious guy, I'm sure it wouldnt' be an issue between us in marriage. But, at the same time, I honestly can't see myself falling in love with someone like that. It's a completely different way of interpreting the world.

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Originally posted by silente

I'm not an atheist, exactly...I think that god is a human construction, created by man to make himself feel better about his place and size in the cosmos. A blankie for the ego, if you will.

OH MY GOD (no pun intended)- I LOVE IT!!!!! That is so fucking classic! I think that's the best description I've ever read!

God is my woobie.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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hrm, i have seen descriptions like this written many times in philosophy books.

"religion is a crutch for the weak" & that kinda thing. not to say yours wasnt good as well.

i agree that people like us probably wouldnt mesh well with religious types, it is a totally different view of the world.

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I have a friend who is Pakistani. She was born in the states and has lived a very modern American life. She always dated several different races of guys. But when she got older she found out that her parents had an arranged marriage for her. I think that she kinda knew all along, but was hoping that they would change their mind.

Anywayz the guy her parents picked for her was obviously Pakistani and was like 7 years older than her. THey did end up getting married a few years ago.

I don't know how she went through with it. But I guess when u are loyal to your religion that is what type of sacrifice you will make.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

get married on a beach just the two of you...

My friends sister is actually doing that..flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach in the rain!

As for me... I was raised to actually be a Muslim (like Fiery...since my dad is Turkish) I am no where near as religous as I should be, but I do believe in God and want to study all faiths before I make my mind up....

I personally do not care one bit what religion the guy I marry is, but it comes into account when you start to have children. If you are a relgious person, then you will want to raise your children under your faith. If your spouse does not mind either way then it is fine, but if he has a strong faith as well that can lead into major conflict especially when grandparents and other family members butt in.

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