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Cid was dry up here in CT for a long ass time too, but right before New Years it started comin around again. VERY good blotter too. Probably around 150mics or so. 2 would send me into another time zone and I've taken WAY to much acid in the past. Just be patient, it'll come your way sometime soon.

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Acid is so much different than rolls...Its hard to even describe...I get so unbelievably happy when I'm tripping balls. Everything is funny to me, you could tell me my mother just died and I would probably laugh. You see shit moving all the time, like the walls, floor, peoples faces...shit looks like its melting, but its different for everyone. You get really scatterbrained and can't think straight, but you don't really give a fuck about it either. Your body does get uncomfortable at points, but usually I'm to happy or zoned out to really care...these days I pop a couple tylenol 3's before I start tripping, they really help on the whole body load thing. But anyhow, acid is just great...that's all I can say, but it's also not everyones thing...some people love it, some people hate it.

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acid is the next step above E. (or a few steps up)

Where on E people stare at the glowsticks to see the light show.

On acid, everything is a light show. Moving hands or hair can have multiple glowing trails, walls move and breath with patterns appearing where there are none. Music becomes unreal. Where you normally hear a song, you now hear every different ellement of it. You can follow the multiple sounds in the bassline and how they interact with the highs and/or the vocals, tell which speakers each sound is comming from, hear the barely audible words that the creators of the songs put in there just for you :) etc..

The only bad thing about acid is that it is much easier to over do it than E. There is a limit to how hard you can roll, with acid you can keep going until you lose your body and are a point of light running around the universe along the communication lines of God. Some people love this, for others it is just too much and they wigg out and cant stop thinking about bad shit. (of course adding a bit of E cures this :) )

Acid deserves respect, and is not for everyone, but it can be so much more fullfilling than E.

or for an analogy. E is candy where Acid is a meal.

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acid = mind fuck

xtc = body fuck

so why not mixem?! candyflip!!!

I agree with Shroomy tho..lsd commands respect. Ive seen a guy take 3 or 4 hits of liq one day and the same amount a week later (same vial) and lose his shit and wig out..bad trip way as well...if u dont repect it, it will fuck u

ive come as close as i care to a 10k mic hit..and let me tell you that will change your life forever...not much left to see after u do a thumb-print of crys lsd....phew

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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I really loooove X only just tried it about 10 months ago, I guess

I am a late bloomer !!!

I have a ton of friends that have tried acid alone and with a roll.

And now I'm curious, so I want to try it.

I love rolling but not sure about being really F**cked up out there.

So what do you think if for my 1st time I try half a jell tab with a


Remember I don't want to wig out or anything.

Feed back Please.


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Originally posted by esance

I really loooove X only just tried it about 10 months ago, I guess

I am a late bloomer !!!

I have a ton of friends that have tried acid alone and with a roll.

And now I'm curious, so I want to try it.

I love rolling but not sure about being really F**cked up out there.

So what do you think if for my 1st time I try half a jell tab with a


Remember I don't want to wig out or anything.

Feed back Please.


As a very experienced psychonaut, I recommend against half tripping on anything, especially the first time. I would say that a typical hit of acid would be safe, keeping in mind set and setting. Acid can be a very intense and awesome trip. I've candy flipped quite a few times, but that was after i knew both acid and E on an individual level. Find an experienced friend or few that don't mind keeping an eye on you, go somewhere nice (rave, club, field, beach, etc.), and set aside a plan of some sort for the next 12 hours or so. As for your wigging out concerns, don't even think about it, that's what your friend is there for, and besides, remember that it's all in ya head. You are the master of your trip. Smoke a little weed if you like, but stay away from alcohol. Just my $.02

All good advice/comparisons above.

One more quick note to esance...you might wanna try shrooms before acid. IMO shrooms are the best of both worlds when it comes to E and acid.

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Shroomy--That was one of the best descriptions I've heard for acid. I am usually at a loss of words when people ask me what it is like. Very nicely put. I actually found some acid recently that I wouldn't recommend a whole hit for a first time user. I witnessed a relatively experienced tripper wig out on a whole hit. Extremely good hits...I originally thought they were going to be fake too, but ended up being the best hits I've ever eaten...and they are just white blotter too. The shit keeps on comin to me too..I love it.

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Originally posted by entheogen8

You are the master of your trip. Smoke a little weed if you like, but stay away from alcohol. Just my $.02

i totally agree with the above statement...everything that is going on in your head is just that...in your head...most people i see wig out dont really wig out per say...i see they get 'caught in the loop' per say...let me explain what i think it is...

remember this is from my experience only...ive helped dozens of friends and strangers that freaked out on cid and to the extent of duct taping one of them for their own safety...my def of the loop:

your trippin along and the sensations and experiences are getting to the overwhelming phase..and your mind (for whatever reason) cant handle it...this can put u into a 'loop'...usually ive seen the people go back in their mind and relate to things they are comforable with..people...places..phrases...happenings..and they bounce around with these few (usually 4 or 5) things stuck in their head until they come down enough to take control of the trip again..almost a automatic defense...the problem with this is (that ive seen) is there is usually a trigger...i.e. something that can and will happen that will put them into a seperate loop..sometimes this loop is bad..very bad...imagine going from the "pokemon, happy happy joy joy, candy" loop to the "what if my parents find out, can i goto jail, am i going to die" loop...shit can go downhill REAL fast...ive had this ALMOST happen to me..i caught myself and realized "hey im about to go into a loop..fuckin lame" and i didnt...if someone does go into a loop..keep in contact with them and say and do ONLY positive things..do not suggest anything bad..i had my best friend of 15 years (a brother almost) look me dead in the face and tell me "do i know you?, i dont have any idea who you are"...thats when shit is about to hit the fan...that day i became a lsd expert lemme tell yah...

i always remember these rules of tripping:

- you cannot fly

- cars and fire WILL hurt you

- today is not a good day to die

and most of all...it all in your head and you WILL come down..eventually...maybe even keep a few valium's (or stronger) on hand and if shit gets out of control for someone (ive done this before) tell the person its more acid\candy and give them the pills and within 30\45\60min they are passed out and can come down that way...

sorry that was so long...


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Good explanation of a bad trip Gambit...I usually keep xanax around when I'm gonna be tripping. I also find that if I want to trip really hard, then I can't be around large groups of people. Sometimes it is just too much. I end trying to concentrate on everyone and that is just not possible. I like tripping my girlfriend and maybe 1-2 other really close friends, anymore than that it can get too crazy. The only "loop" I ever got into was on shrooms actually...I later found that those kind of shrooms "wavy caps" cause feelings of near death and paranoia very commonly. It still bothers me though, I can take 20 hits of acid with no problem but a 1/2 eigth of killer shrooms makes me feel like I'm going to die. Oh well.

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Good responses from all.

They all prove the point that with acid you can just keep getting more and more fucked up.

1 hit in the states will almost allways be fine for anyones first time. There is always some premo shit out there though, so try to ask someone who has tried it first.

With one hit you will probabally say "how in the hell could anyone have anything but the time of their lives on this shit!!!???"

It is a lot like alcohol, 3 beers are fun, 25 beers may not be so fun.

The good thing about acid though, is you will feel fine the next day. (unless you are mentally getting over some traumatic revelation)

Acid is much easier on your body than E.

As for the loop thing, just knowing about it before hand is enough to stop it. With out knowing it, many people have the reoccuring thought, OMG, Im stuck here, I will never come down.

Another reoccuring theme is "I cant feel my heart, am I going to die?" but once again, if you just know about it you pull yourself right out of it.

BTW the best thing I have ever seen a friend do to help another person who is not having a good time, is to go right up to them and say "Its your trip dammit!!! You can control it! Just do it!" seems to work everytime.

Obviously we are all talking about the worst case senarios, you are more likely to drink enough to puke and passout than to have a bad acid trip, but allways be prepared.

And the xanax tip is great. I wouldn't trip or roll without a bar. :) it is simply great insurance.

another thing... to some people, pot takes the edge off the trip and brings them down. For others (like me) it blows them the fuck up!!! like they did twice as much.

oh yeah... some more rules.

No matter how good of an idea it seems to go out and sit naked in the middle of your front yard, it may not be as good of an idea to others.

No, they didn't know you were tripping until you ran up to them and stuck your face right in theirs, and yelled "IM TRIPPING SO HARD!!!"

Don't wear clothing with skulls or snakes in the pattern.

There may be a better time to call your parents, gf, etc.. just write it down, it will keep.

No, putting on a Jason type hockey mask or picking up a butcher knife to scare your tripping friends is not funny.

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Yah weed blows me the fuck up too, makes my visuals twice as intense. See with me though...acid is much harder on my body than E. My stomach always feels like its eating itself away...especially on the shit i've been getting recently. My body always hurts while I'm tripping, but now before I trip I always take a tylenol 3 or whatever pain killer I can get. I also found if I take a couple percocets while I'm tripping, I start to trip harder and my body feels like it does while I'm rolling....its kind of fun. And oh, good advice about not calling your parents while tripping...thats never fun.

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...really good explanation of "the loop". I've had 2 close friends go through bad trips (on seperate occassions) and the both went into loops of repeating childhood phrases/images. What was worst was trying to hold my shit together while I saw them further deteriorate into their loop. One I was able to bring back out of it after some comforting/reassuring words, while the other scared the shit out of me and I had to call for outside help (a sober friend) for back up. Ahh, how the chemicals affect us in different ways.

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Thanks guys for all the feed back. I have a friend who is working on getting some for me. I have another friend who is getting some Shrooms as well.

Which as you probaly can guess I have yet to try. Well back in school I tried a small piece of a shroom, I do remember it smelled and tasted like shit. I got something from it but not much.

Well I shall keep you all posted of this newbies experiance's.

See ya.


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Shrooms and acid are very similar. The length of trip and taste being the 2 bigest differences.

There are differences, such as with shrooms you usually feel kind of tired for the first hour before you really peak, and whats going on in your mind is a bit different.

But I am willing to bet that if you took an experienced tripper and dropped them into the middle of a shroom or acid trip. They would have a difficult time telling the diference.

They are about as similar as MDMA is to MDA in effects.

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Originally posted by gambitrah


acid = mind fuck

xtc = body fuck

so why not mixem?! candyflip!!!

I agree with Shroomy tho..lsd commands respect. Ive seen a guy take 3 or 4 hits of liq one day and the same amount a week later (same vial) and lose his shit and wig out..bad trip way as well...if u dont repect it, it will fuck u

ive come as close as i care to a 10k mic hit..and let me tell you that will change your life forever...not much left to see after u do a thumb-print of crys lsd....phew

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

2cb it up man, or 2ct7!! want respect take 1/8 shroomies, mali, dose, smoke some blunts o dro and youll be all nice for awhile!!

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