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Stop The Bitching!!!


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I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people on this board LOVE to bitch and moan. You complain that all you see on this board are promoters plugging their parties. So these posts are then moved to the Promotions board. THEN you bitch about posts being moved! MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND STOP WHINING! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!

Im not taking on the whole board here, its just something I noticed....;)

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

promoters suck!!



lets consider this a test to see if your post gets moved ;)


Why would you do this??? I have talked to you in the past and even sent you a track or 2,but all JBR is doing is trying to be fair and you guys keep testing him. This is going to kill me when i say this,but i actually agree with saleen. Some promoters are ultra cool and do a great job but, Ben ,this is just wrong in my opionion....give JBR chance please..You will see he is more then fair
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Originally posted by cgm

You complain that all you see on this board are promoters plugging their parties. So these posts are then moved to the Promotions board. THEN you bitch about posts being moved!

:laugh: ha ha ha I never even noticed that! But you are so right!!!!! Hilarious!!! :)

p.s. WAIT- I hope I'm not one of those people... :worry:

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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Why would you do this??? I have talked to you in the past and even sent you a track or 2,but all JBR is doing is trying to be fair and you guys keep testing him. This is going to kill me when i say this,but i actually agree with saleen. Some promoters are ultra cool and do a great job but, Ben ,this is just wrong in my opionion....give JBR chance please..You will see he is more then fair

Its just a joke....I dont want to get started on the whole promoter thing....I think all this moderating is getting out of hand...let people say what they want and where they want it....

Half the posts on the NY board are nothing but people rambling on about things that have nothing to do with NY...is there any need to move them? I say, let people post whatever wherever.....


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and if you notice, i post on just about anything...i dont simply put up posts that promote a night at a club and my guestlist.....this post i did as a joke, but you will never see a post from me that is just

So and so @ ETC club

use the " "guest list for bla bla bla


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

and if you notice, i post on just about anything...i dont simply put up posts that promote a night at a club and my guestlist.....this post i did as a joke, but you will never see a post from me that is just

So and so @ ETC club

use the " "guest list for bla bla bla


thats cool he has got me even thinking it right now..sorry about that
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Originally posted by Emmitt

enough with the promoting, please..............and don't forget to catch Cosmic after hours this summer!.....hahaha:D the couches there are so comfortable....

Oh Yeah.....!!!!!!:)

Emmit call me so I can you that number to check out houses......

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it's official, I am NOW promoting myself as a promoter for promoters who promote niteclubs, music, events, suggestions, threads, complaints, whine, bitchings, and everything else that can be promoted... my first promotion is, um, er... ah, well, I will get back to you on that when I think of something worthwhile promoting promotions for promoters' promotions... oh yea, Manny rocked it last nite!

Al Pal aka sydnie... so there, no more hiding.

PS... about this thing where people complain about promoters on the NJ board, U know what they're promoting on the subject heading, if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT! how difficult is that, example, if you see something u don't like on tv or the radio, do call up the station and ask them to take it off the air? change the station, or in our case, don't read it... so there

keep on dancing u happy pills...

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Originally posted by cgm

I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people on this board LOVE to bitch and moan. You complain that all you see on this board are promoters plugging their parties. So these posts are then moved to the Promotions board. THEN you bitch about posts being moved! MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND STOP WHINING! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!

Im not taking on the whole board here, its just something I noticed....;)

Why don't you stop bitching about people bitching!

People bitch about everything. I find it so funny how people on these public message boards take everything so serious.


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Originally posted by tempkid

Why don't you stop bitching about people bitching!

People bitch about everything. I find it so funny how people on these public message boards take everything so serious.


Hey Tempkid...

Heres an Idea...Why dont you shut the Fuck up!

Just Kidding...Why is it that everytime I see you your getting thrown out of one place or another????:confused: :confused:

Oh yeah...and CGM, this comming from the biggest BITCH of all...How IRONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D

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Originally posted by lesdig

Hey Tempkid...

Heres an Idea...Why dont you shut the Fuck up!

Just Kidding...Why is it that everytime I see you your getting thrown out of one place or another????:confused: :confused:

Oh yeah...and CGM, this comming from the biggest BITCH of all...How IRONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D

Yea Tempkid..you better watch it or I'll get Don on your ASS:D

and as for you LESBIG.....why dont you go tanning...you're spilled milk! I GUESSSSSSSSSSSS

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Originally posted by scarletpromos

I just think that people like to bitch -- people bitch about everything -- its not just here on CP --- all day everyday someone is bitching about something -- I think its funny lol

we bitches, i'm gonna bitch you bitch, lets all bitch-- BITCH!

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save the bitching for the "Fuck you" posts...this is an antipromoter post!!!!!!!!

goddamn promoters telling me about Denny Tsettos at Platinum and Dave Raplh at Bunka! I wish they would leave me to my TV guide and overdue library books so I could enjoy myself!!!


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