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DT had to go and drop Witchdoctor again.....

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..........For the second week in a row..............only dt

Other than that, I'd say that DT absolutely owns that crowd at vinyl. Vinyl is DT's house, plain and simple. Sucks for all the CPers that didn't come from Roxy, his shit is just getting nastier week by week.

He is really dropping some evil tracks. Getting into dark house and dark techy house more and more.

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Yes he did...odd for him to drop old tracks consequetive weeks...I'm starting to dislike the crowd as more ppl hear of "VINYL" and they head on out and spoil our time with no space, rudeness..."Who is spinnin?", "WTF, no alcohol!!!" PUH-LEZ...leave yourself @ home...

BTW: DT made a lil turn around from last week...tech-house to Danny's Classics?? All tracks could be easiely identified but non the less enjoyable :)

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Dt definetely gained my respect last night. I headed over there after Roxy around 6:30 and left at 9:30. The crowd is a little more wack than i remember, i noticed a lot of SF people there. All in all everyone looked like they were having a great time. I know I did. DT is an awesome DJ to watch too, funny man.

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I had more fun than you can imagine. Especially with a few of those NASTY ass tracks he threw in somewhere around 6:30-7am.

Oh and Deep in the Jungle... damn that's like my FAVORITE track of all time.

Jon im so freakin' tired man. I cant get that damn bassy track out of my head - you know the one i'm talking about.

I'm gonna name it War of The Tribes for lack of a better name.

Damn DT. Every fucking time...

btw, the crowd is getting more wack. I'm noticing a lot more of the idiot juicers in there who think everybody oughta bow to them just because they dont have shirts.

And before when someone was walking through the club and they bumped into you, it was usually a sorry, followed by a smile and you'd get back to dancing.

Man, people were downright SHOVING me out of their way last night as if i didn't belong on that dancefloor.

god damn guidos.

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I got to Vinyl around 12:30 and was so happy to see Danny behing the decks early. BTW, it was totally wierd walking into Vinyl with no one there. Danced my face off on the spacious dancefloor till it began to fill up, then watched Star Wars on the new big screen tv deal in the chill room. That was phatty. Danny came out of the booth early and chilled on the dancefoor for a bit which was pretty cool too. I missed him drop Witchdoctoer again, but I did hear 'Music Is The Answer' and that track where the vocal is this person yelling at diff pitches. I forget the name, but it's a DT classic.

Left just before 4 and saw a bunch of regulars outside saying, "You're leaving??" LOL, never left that early. Got home just in time for 4:20...:smoke:

Great seeing you Carl, and nice meeting you Citron.

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Originally posted by klohe

Yes he did...odd for him to drop old tracks consequetive weeks...I'm starting to dislike the crowd as more ppl hear of "VINYL" and they head on out and spoil our time with no space, rudeness..."Who is spinnin?", "WTF, no alcohol!!!" PUH-LEZ...leave yourself @ home...

BTW: DT made a lil turn around from last week...tech-house to Danny's Classics?? All tracks could be easiely identified but non the less enjoyable :)

i'm sorry girl

but i really do not like comments like that

no one owns the dancefloor its not urs, and its not mine

its ours

and that is what i like about vinyl the people that go there

understand this

different people coming together for the music

thats what its all about

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DANNY is the fuckin man. end of argument. the crowd was really mixed, from hardcore glowgirls to SF muscleboys to gothy vampires and to those two guys on like 20" platforms with skimpy underwear on, and fur boots. its like im at Manumission. man my ears are ringing like doorbells. every1 i met last nite was ultra cool, had lotsa fun. btw, what was the track DT dropped around 4am, it had funky male vocal, went something like 'I want to fly...blah blah " or maybe it was me singing? oh well

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I am so pissed I missed partying with you guys last night. I wasn't feeling well and I had to be at work today. Next weekend is going to be insane though. Friday - Roxy, then 3 year anniversary at Vinyl. Saturday Howells. You guys better get well rested because there will be no sleep next weekend.

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

yo...let's not forget when he dropped the new vocal track "Away"! HOTNESS... :D

Hey, thats supposedly a secret of mine and yours......for now.

I think that is going to be the next big vocal track, so I don't see how I can really keep it a secret. However, it is kinda funny that Vicious and dt dropped that track after all the hooplah that we have stirred between us and that song.

BTW..........that was the best remix of "Music Is The Answer" I have ever heard that he dropped.

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Originally posted by cintron

I had more fun than you can imagine. Especially with a few of those NASTY ass tracks he threw in somewhere around 6:30-7am.

Oh and Deep in the Jungle... damn that's like my FAVORITE track of all time.

Jon im so freakin' tired man. I cant get that damn bassy track out of my head - you know the one i'm talking about.

I'm gonna name it War of The Tribes for lack of a better name.

Damn DT. Every fucking time...

btw, the crowd is getting more wack. I'm noticing a lot more of the idiot juicers in there who think everybody oughta bow to them just because they dont have shirts.

And before when someone was walking through the club and they bumped into you, it was usually a sorry, followed by a smile and you'd get back to dancing.

Man, people were downright SHOVING me out of their way last night as if i didn't belong on that dancefloor.

god damn guidos.

We will keep at War of the Tribes.............

I really was getting tired of the juicehead crowd pushing people around becausee they thought they could get away with it. These are the types of people I actually start shit with just because I hate that bully shit.

At one point in the night, I was getting pushed in every which way when I was out there dancing with Tribal, snoozie8, and siceone. I got fed up, a shirtless juicer pushed me in the back to get by and I shoved him hard right into the stage. He turns around and starts staring down two little guys that happend to be dancing next to me. With the scour on his face and all, the idiot just walked away. Nothing came out of it, but finally gave the dick a taste of his own bullshit.

Too bad that shit has to happen at vinyl.

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hehe it was nice meetin' you too NYC420.

And Tribal, man we were kickin' it all night. hehe.

I'm SO damn happy now. I always get an insane positive boost from that place. I could've kept on dancing but i decided to check and see how sice, kitty, jon and a few others were doing.

Yeah you pussies. 8:00 and you're all whining about being tired.

Sheesh. :tongue:

i got back home and went straight to bed. Mom saw me and said "wow you look like you lost a lot of weight and you look much younger"

hehe fuck oil of Olay. I've got Vinyl. :)

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Originally posted by glowdancer

i'm sorry girl

but i really do not like comments like that

no one owns the dancefloor its not urs, and its not mine

its ours

and that is what i like about vinyl the people that go there

understand this

different people coming together for the music

thats what its all about

i agree... but half the people at vinyl dont know who danny is

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Originally posted by klohe

i agree... but half the people at vinyl dont know who danny is

This is so true its pathetic.

I was sitting down next to the bathroom waiting for a friend and I stuck up a convo with some dude sitting next to me. I asked him what he thought of the music and he went into saying how me was really surprised and how he was loving it. I asked why he was surprised and he said because he only heard of DT from that Global Underground CD and heard the CD wasn't even that good. His girlfriend dragged him out with her friends because they wanted to check "This new place Vinyl" out. I was like, well have a good time.

Whatever.......it does go to show that Vinyl is now unfortunately becoming a mainstream place, but different types of crowds are always welcome to me......thats what the whole "Be Yourself" is all about. I just don't like the people that start shit.

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i officially got pissed.....when all i saw around me was the chill room packed to the t ::when is it ever packed???:: in tits and ass and sweaty stubbled out juiceheads....ugh. My night went bust from then.

And before when someone was walking through the club and they bumped into you, it was usually a sorry, followed by a smile and you'd get back to dancing.

oh man that is soooooo true :(

woohoo!! Mofongo!!! We totally ruled the "second level" haha!

::i was totally amped not only because he dropped "free your mind" ::which is the song i wait for the whole night, then i could die happy:: but because you were sharing the blue spotlight with me ::muaahhhzzzz::

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for those that left me and had that look on your face like "i wanna take you with me" lol

i left at 9 or so......ahem.

::i couldnt find a certain someone for about an hour and a half::

But i still had an awesome time!

::drool:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii feeeeeeeeel looooveeeeeeedddddddddd :D

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