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What was the stupidest thing you ever did as a kid?

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I will never forget me and my friend Jessica first grade, we are sitting in the auditorium and we told some kid to show us his thingie and the fool does it lol...

The teacher walks over and catches him, he was like they made me do it lol.. boy did he get into so much trouble lol..

Ahh the memories of being young and no worries in the world..

Damn makes me think I had sex on the mind at 6 years old lol..

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hehe i remember it like it was yesterday. 4th grade, this girl on the school bus i took, dared me to spray the bus driver with some water. so the next day i brought in a heavy duty super soaker with a sniper scope and let the fucker have it. so this pissed off wet driver almost beat the shit out of me. he almost did, but my dad, he totally beat the shit out of me when PTA called. ahh memories

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. . .oh that's right . . I neglected to remember the word "kid" in the topic . .

. . . Hmmm. . . . I guess my stupidest act ever as a child was stealing from my first job and getting fired for it . . . Now I wouldn't care, but my dad is an ex-cop and I originally had to get the job because I had stolen stuff from a store and gotten caught . .

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i did MANY stupid things in my youth...my youngest memory has to be when i was like 4/5....we were driving down to south jersey to see fam and i was playing with my teila action figure doll....needless to say she was not amusing me...so i thought it would be fun to throw her at my dad's head while driving!! i don't know why!! well...pops turned that lovely shade of red and broke her in half..then he threw on the parkway!!!! ahhahaha....TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE...being the lil shit i was ...i said."i don't care i have another one at home!!" crazy kids!

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I was 8 years old and we were still living in our old house in Queens Village. There was a housefly sitting on the living room window, so I decided to try to kill it. I crept up on it with a phone book and smashed the shit out of it, but to my misfortune, I wound up shattering the window. I started crying because I had a feeling my father was going to whip my ass, so I called him at work and I was like "Dad, I was trying to kill a fly and I broke the window." He was like "Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it when I get home." Now, to a child in fear of an ass whipping "We'll take care of it when I get home" usually implies an ass beating. I spent the entire day in fear of what was going to happen when my Dad finally got home. When he finally got home he was like "Let's go for some ice-cream," and he bought me a vanilla sundae. He was proud of me for trying to help him out by killing the fly, and he wasn't pissed off at all about it. I remember eating the sundae with dried tears on my face.

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here is something stupid my brother did....when we were really little...i think i was 2 and he was 4....anyway...i had just gotten out of the tub and was all bundled and he wanted a towel...and i would not give up any....i had one on my head..one around me..and i was standing on one....well he thought he could do like the magic trick where they pull the table cloth out and the glasses stay....so he pulled the towel i was standing on...i flew in the air..landed on my chin and had to be rushed to the hospital for stitches!!! .....o...this all went down on christmas eve!!!!

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when i was around 3 or 4 I pissed on a socket in my house and almost burnt it down

around 5'ish I had smelt a bar of hospital soap my uncle had brought home and I licked it and it didnt taste bad so I tried chewing it and the soap got stuck in my teeth and irritated my mouth for about a week.

around 7 i tried sticking a little toilet paper ball in my ear to make it come out the other side which it didnt, I had to go to the docs to get it removed.

somewhere between these 2 my dad had just gotten a car from a used car lot and he was backing it up and I tried to get out and the door got smashed by a fire hydrant =(

around 12 I had just gotten my GT so I tightened my front hand brakes so it could stop on the dime so I can do the ultimate endo, I proceded to head to the corner to get top speed only to do practically a front flip and busted my head open and needed 6 stitches.

the good thing is my mom said I never went through my terrible 2's.

theres more but my head still hurts :)

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Originally posted by rubik²

when i was around 3 or 4 I pissed on a socket in my house and almost burnt it down

around 5'ish I had smelt a bar of hospital soap my uncle had brought home and I licked it and it didnt taste bad so I tried chewing it and the soap got stuck in my teeth and irritated my mouth for about a week.

around 7 i tried sticking a little toilet paper ball in my ear to make it come out the other side which it didnt, I had to go to the docs to get it removed.

somewhere between these 2 my dad had just gotten a car from a used car lot and he was backing it up and I tried to get out and the door got smashed by a fire hydrant =(

around 12 I had just gotten my GT so I tightened my front hand brakes so it could stop on the dime so I can do the ultimate endo, I proceded to head to the corner to get top speed only to do practically a front flip and busted my head open and needed 6 stitches.

the good thing is my mom said I never went through my terrible 2's.

theres more but my head still hurts :)

OK like WOA

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