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I Have A Dream review.....


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K, I wasn't there very long, so I don't have too much to say...just startin somethin to chat about....Got there @ like 12, heard seme D&B which was good, but I don't really understand it that much, I'm more into house musik so it all kinda sounded the same...Dave Ralph was pretty nice, and Tranced said Rob Gee was amazing...wish I would have heard...the crowd though young, wasn't TOO woung where u feel like such an adult @21 walkin round with your wristband...smelled A SHIT LOAD of dips....as they r such a party drug, got ripped off with fake acid, but shit happens, specially @ parties...chillin for a few then I'm hittin up Factory to complete my weekend :)

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holy shit....that was the best night ive ever had, ever, anywhere!!!

first off, i was completely sober this whole weekend so i get a round of applause

rob gee was fuckin something else........i was amazed and blown away and stomped like i have never stomped before, i think my legs are still jello

dj irene was insane, it was cool cuz we play a lot of the same tracks so i got into it real quick

storm - :eek: that was insane

frankie bones doing drum and bass didnt really work out.....

dave ralph was good, green velvet was crazy, i loved it

ill post the pic of me and rob gee once my friend puts it up on his webpage

and i met a really hot girl too!! how much better does it get??

lets see...some shout outs

laine - thank youthank youthank youthank you

glowgirlnyc nice to meet you finally!

brooklynkid thanks for letting me chill here till the trains start running so i dont get mugged by homeless guys!

actually i dont have the motivation to pursue any more shoutouts, you know who you are...it was fuckin fun

my faith has been restored!!!! there wasnt a lot of shadiness and it wasnt overcrowded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah, and glowgrlnyc is a fuckin good dancer, she puts my raver stomp to shame :D

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I had a lot of fun, NO DOUBT!!!

Got there around 8:30, and got roughed up by security (it was TIGHT...they even checked my wallet...good thing i put my "J" away)

It was DeF. kool to run into a bunch of you CP'ers, you know who u are! I really loved the upstairs, spent most of the time there, cuz who knows if i'll ever go there again?/?

I really dug Rob Gee, Felix da Housecat and Ed rush + optical ended my night upstairs.

I hear ya justin,,, my feet feel like jello. Hehhee, i wish i could take them off and put them in a recharger, but i'm not a cyborg yet:tongue:

:: need......more........ SLEEEEEEEEP :eek:

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gotta agree...IHAD4 was one of the best parties I've been to in a long time. Good crowd and music...

Rob Gee was off the hook. I never saw hardcore live before. Was pretty amazed.

DJ Irene's set was excellent if not too early (9pm??)

Green Velvet was awesome. Much more than La La Land!

Can't even remember all the other DJs...too tired to think now. I need to go get my calves repaired...

Shout outs to all the CP peeps, you know who you are :D

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glad to hear it was a good time. im kinda pissed i didnt go. i was supposed to go see my friend rob play but he went on at 8 and i had dinner plans already. all my friends told me he rocked it. did anyone stay and see h foundation?

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oh yeah...2 more additions

totallyoff: thanks for threatening to break that guys legs or whatever you did :D

another reason i was happy as a pig in shit is that i saw ALL my friends from over the summer....as most of you know i havent been to a party like this since the summer (im not counting "joy", im trying to forget that ever happened)

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Fuck Me... That was one of the best nights i've had a while... Music was great... I think pretty much everything has been said at this point...

Shouts to the usual suspects...

I think I lost 10lbs just from going to the dnb room a few times...

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Originally posted by joeg

Fuck Me... That was one of the best nights i've had a while... Music was great... I think pretty much everything has been said at this point...

Shouts to the usual suspects...

I think I lost 10lbs just from going to the dnb room a few times...

You said it Joey... when were u there?//? I was there for quite sometime, it was a slick room, but like PhutureP said, they could have spiced up the lights in there...

But still that was my FaV room for most of the night. Freakin awesome how you could walk all over the place, up in the balconies and down in the basement. And every dj had a diff. sound. Ed Rush n Optical Blew my mind, though

Also, special shout out to Xpand and Errl...u guys kept me going like an energizer battery :D

Brooklynmike...that hat kickx!!! i saw u even b4 we met, that shit's H-O-T

Totally off and LAveNdar, you guys get the best-dressed from me, totally "au natural"

Glowgrl, i missed your dancing :( but really dug your outfit:) :)

Phuture, we should def. chill in a mellower scene sometime (Hacker and I have an offer for you )


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George, we met up with each other... Remember, you told me about luna being open again starting friday? you had your smurf doll.... On the main floor probably about 11pm or so if I had to guess... but I didn't look at my watch once all night.

other than that, yeah, we seemed to miss each other... I was on the main floor a lot, except when they were throwing down some crazy hardhouse in the basement... daaamnn...

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Originally posted by joeg

George, we met up with each other... Remember, you told me about luna being open again starting friday? you had your smurf doll.... On the main floor probably about 11pm or so if I had to guess... but I didn't look at my watch once all night.

other than that, yeah, we seemed to miss each other... I was on the main floor a lot, except when they were throwing down some crazy hardhouse in the basement... daaamnn...

Yes, I remember seeing you, joe ( i AM laying off the ganja, y'know ;)

I met up with a friend of mine who has spun at Luna B4, and he told me about the party this Friday. I'm gonna call the organizers up and make sure B4 i post the flyer.

I have the flyer for the party, i just don't wanna post it, get people's hopes up, adn then find out that it's not happening ~

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I HAD 4....well well well....My first party after 6 months. It wasnt too packed, Music was excellent, i just did not like the bar deal, and how it took me 20 mins to find the DnB Room. Im sorry to say that i was soooooooooooooooooooooo dusted that i do not remember much after 2am. :( I guess i am dissapointed at myself but none the less i had a great time. I do remember H-Foundation and Green Velvet (the reasons i went to this party). Sick sick sick can only describe it. Met a hot girl was with her all night and all sunday. This party kinda restored my faith in the NY party scene. Cannot wait til Lust 4. My b-day weekend. Party safe...Peace.

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