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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Top 3 Likes and Dislikes about this Messageboard

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1. People who reply to threads with *BUMP*

2. People who include a picture of themselves with their shirt off in their signature.

3. People whose worlds revolve around SF and Exit.


1. Threads about current events and politics- there are some very smart people here.

2. People who really feel for the music.

3. People who can express their opinion on a topic without sounding like a moron.

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Top Posters In This Topic


1) Drama

2) Stupidity

3) Drama


1) The People... Lots of cool people/new friends here.

2) Music... Been exposed to a lot of great music through the board.

3) Psuedo... I'm chalking that place up to CP... Probably never would have been there otherwise.

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Damn I love this thread :D


1. People who constantly talk about themselves like they are some kind of gods gift :rolleyes:

2. People who take this messageboard to heart and get crazy and upset at the drama.

3. Not enough mature people on the board.


1. You always have someone here to help you out when you have a problem , there is always someone here to lend a helping hand :D

2. The great people I have met and that I talk to on this board.

3. How the moderators put up with all the shit that goes on

and still put a lot of events together.

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1. information about DJ's, theme nights at clubs

2. ability to share my club experiences with fellow clubbers

3. ability to find out about new music


1. cliqueness on the board between members

2. threads that just dont make any sense whatsoever

3. people who cant take a joke, and respond to posts angrily(which i do when people cant take my jokes and respond to my posts angrily:))


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1.) to many people are judgmental! ex. knocking people that wear a/x and stuff like that beause they look like everyone else.. well UFO's don't make u original these days either! ur suppose to dress how u feel comfortable and if u feel comfortable being trendy then whatever!

2.) if someone's opinion differs from certain people they get bashed.. also no need for it!

3.) u bash people cause they love SF or Exit, just cause they go there alot doesn't mean their lives rotate around it, but at the same time... no one says anything to the people that go to roxy & vinyl every weekend!


1.) the people that i have met so far are crazy chill... :)

2.) hear about good events

3.) did i mention some people on here are awesome?

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Originally posted by crystelbella21


1.) to many people are judgmental! ex. knocking people that wear a/x and stuff like that beause they look like everyone else.. well UFO's don't make u original these days either! ur suppose to dress how u feel comfortable and if u feel comfortable being trendy then whatever!

2.) if someone's opinion differs from certain people they get bashed.. also no need for it!

3.) u bash people cause they love SF or Exit, just cause they go there alot doesn't mean their lives rotate around it, but at the same time... no one says anything to the people that go to roxy & vinyl every weekend!

I did not say I didn't like people who "go" to SF or Exit. I said i dislike people who communicate through their postings that they are obsessed with the places. Those places are serious crackden shitholes and I wouldn't be caught dead inside either one of them, but thats just my opinion. And if you read a lot of threads on this board, it sure seems like many people are obsessed with these places. "JP played this, Paris won't let me in, don't buy from the guy on the third floor, I have 2000 pills" Who gives a fuck! These are all quotes from SF people and they are all moronic comments.

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Originally posted by lucabrase


1. People who reply to threads with *BUMP*

2. People who include a picture of themselves with their shirt off in their signature.

3. People whose worlds revolve around SF and Exit.


1. Threads about current events and politics- there are some very smart people here.

2. People who really feel for the music.

3. People who can express their opinion on a topic without sounding like a moron.


1. When there are posts like this.. Was it this necessary to make this post, or did you need the hate to connect with others?Oh and i'm supprised you dont rep. with like 30 more things you hate, cause by all means... add my name to the list..


THATS ABOUT ALL I HATE ABOUT THIS.. the stupid posts that are like "hey ashtray is full dont you hate when that happens" threads... lmao..

What i LIKE

I like to much shit on here to list in a day.. so well CP rock, rock on.. lol

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1. interesting opinions/viewpoints

2. the music, the passion

3. the Sex board :)


1. people who post topics simply out of boredom, that wastes your time writing it, and my time reading it.

2. CP's servers sink faster than titanic, need to upgrade providers Dave!

3. the childish and vividless drama

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Originally posted by lucabrase

I did not say I didn't like people who "go" to SF or Exit. I said i dislike people who communicate through their postings that they are obsessed with the places. Those places are serious crackden shitholes and I wouldn't be caught dead inside either one of them, but thats just my opinion. And if you read a lot of threads on this board, it sure seems like many people are obsessed with these places. "JP played this, Paris won't let me in, don't buy from the guy on the third floor, I have 2000 pills" Who gives a fuck! These are all quotes from SF people and they are all moronic comments.

its funny how u thought i was talking about u... i didn't say u specifically... i am saying in general... i have been reading this board since october i know that if i posted "i had such a good time at SF.. JP was off the hook" i would be ripped apart sideways, backwards, and upside down! which isn't cool.. at all!

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Originally posted by lucabrase


1. People who reply to threads with *BUMP*

2. People who include a picture of themselves with their shirt off in their signature.

3. People whose worlds revolve around SF and Exit.


1. Threads about current events and politics- there are some very smart people here.

2. People who really feel for the music.

3. People who can express their opinion on a topic without sounding like a moron.

1. i guess you are referring to the "..." thread. just don't click on it and stop reading it then.

2. turn off sigs, easy as that. not forcing you to look at my pic

3. just because people's prefernces are different then yours you hate them? typical

sounds like you just wanted to give off some hate and put some bullshit for your likes so you wouldn't look like the hater you were fuckface

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1. The amazing people I have met and made great friendships with

2. The information about music and clubs and lots of other great oppertunites

3. The funny threads that just keep us all laughing our asses off when we are bored at work


1. People who take this board and the drama way to seriously and take things out of hand

2. Judgeing people by age or the way they look or parties that they go to

3. DRAMA BITCHES - People that just crave to bring drama and just dont know when to shut up

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd


1. The amazing people I have met and made great friendships with

2. The information about music and clubs and lots of other great oppertunites

3. The funny threads that just keep us all laughing our asses off when we are bored at work


1. People who take this board and the drama way to seriously and take things out of hand

2. Judgeing people by age or the way they look or parties that they go to

3. DRAMA BITCHES - People that just crave to bring drama and just dont know when to shut up


too lazy to type so im quoting hahah:tongue:

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