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What makes a good time a t a club?

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It is very strange i mean sometimes i go out and it sucks and some times its the best. You never really know how your night is going to go. I could be with my best friends and have a shitty time or i could go out at the last minuet by myself and have the best time of my life!

What things have to happen to you for it to be a good night at a club? I mean is there a way to set things up so you always have the best time? Each time topping the last?

I wanna know!

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the following to me makes it a good night out at a club

1. lots of smiles:) :) :) ..... gotta see people enjoying themselves and the music.

2. Enough room to breath and move.....this is harder to come by lately at some places, but i had no problem at IHAD last saturday:cool: ]

3. Good music.... no skipping, good flow, and a talented DJ make the night a special one

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Music is whats the most important to me, if the music is shitty than I wont have fun no matter who am with...I go to a rave/club for one reason and that is for the music to make me dance. I dont care about the crowd, when the music starts am in my own world ( sober ppl :D )

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it starts when you enter the venue....cool security...nice clipboard chic.....walk in, a couple smiles, great tunes....it has to be all there....and who you go with........that makes a huge diffrence....babysitting is the worst!!!!

example: amazura.(I know its a hole, just using it as an example)....guy at the door is a dick.....

they take your gum, chapstick, ect...all of it...grab your nuts and tell you to move along.....

centro fly....no search...suzanne at the door...she s a doll, bartenders are cool, seb rippin it up....good crowd, lots of smiles....great night!

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Yeah I here what your saying. Being raped when your searched blows. People smiling at you when you walk in is a great way to start the night

Originally posted by bubs215

it starts when you enter the venue....cool security...nice clipboard chic.....walk in, a couple smiles, great tunes....it has to be all there....and who you go with........that makes a huge diffrence....babysitting is the worst!!!!

example: amazura.(I know its a hole, just using it as an example)....guy at the door is a dick.....

they take your gum, chapstick, ect...all of it...grab your nuts and tell you to move along.....

centro fly....no search...suzanne at the door...she s a doll, bartenders are cool, seb rippin it up....good crowd, lots of smiles....great night!

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Defenetly music. I think most people behave themselves in the club according to the music. if its happy, upbeat, progressive sorta mix, you will defenetly see lots of smiles, however if its derb on the turntables and you are forced to listen to same track over and over again, there won't be much to smile about.

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Originally posted by az-tec

Music is the answer....

oh yea a good vibe also helps :D

definately..... people will say good looking crowd is awesome but when it comes down to it, its not how the people look its how they act and react to things. I mean don't get me wrong i love hot chicks as much as the next guy but i hate stuck up bitches!!!

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I do. I make it a good time at any club!

Ain't no party like a CDeep party,

cause a CDeep party don't stop!:grin:

OK, that was a bad one. It wasn't up to my usual standards of gut busting wit and humor. My apologies.


As for the matter at hand, the MUSIC makes a good time, along with the vibe of the crowd. Getting raped at the door is a bonus. :laugh:

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Im really getting into it...but here goes:

The music has to make me forget how i am getting home, who i am with, what time it is, and that there are people around me. Twilo for instance. I could alway walk in there, good mood, bad mood, messed up, or sober, and always count on the music to take me away. I find it that i never have fun my first hour or so in a club no matter where i am or what music is playing. I have a routine. Stand at a railing, bar, column, whatever i can see the crowd by, and i just let me head bob to the music. I pay attention to the music. I let it slowely build me up. And then at a certain point i just go an explode and from there on my night has been predicted.

Sorry for writing so much...but that is how i can tell if im going to have a good night or not. That breaking point where you just cannot stand to not be dancing anymore.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

1. crowd

2. music

that's it i think

I agree. Anyone who says that music is *the* most important thing- well, if that were the case, we'd all just stay at home listening to slammin' mixes and save ourselves a whole lot of money.

I've been to parties with my favorite djs spinning, but when the vibe was seriously lacking, the night was ruined. I for one have a hard time enjoying a night out when there's asshole security, sleazy guys hitting on me all night long, and the other clubbers there are generally clueless and not dancing or having a good time.

And I've been to parties where you could feel the positive energy flowing as soon as you walked in the door- even if the music was not top-notch, I've at least had the chance to talk to a lot of interesting people that way.

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