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Originally posted by spragga25

Do they ALWAYS finish last?

Seems to me like that is the case.

You know, I always believed that but I am dating someone now and he is honestly a nice guy and I really like him. I think that saying goes for when we are younger cause it is all about games. I dont know, just my 2 cents!

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Originally posted by lollib

You know, I always believed that but I am dating someone now and he is honestly a nice guy and I really like him. I think that saying goes for when we are younger cause it is all about games. I dont know, just my 2 cents!

I agree babe, I think he has to do alot of with maturing and shit...

BTW, Marcid..haha I hope so too;)

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I agree babe, I think he has to do alot of with maturing and shit...

BTW, Marcid..haha I hope so too;)

Us women are so evil....I hope you meant the maturing thing has to be done on our end Fiery...cause that's totally it! :o

I'm not gonna turn this into a man-bashing thread, but honestly..I think I've been so used to the typical guy bullshit that when an amazing person comes along, it's like a totally foreign thing...and more importantly, A MAJOR ADJUSTMENT. :worry2:

It's funny how much shit us girls talk when we say we wanna get serious, and then when your faced with it, it scares you so much you run for the hills! :letsgo: But, because this guy is such a nice person, he'll kind of guide you through things and let you know he's with you because your you....and that he won't scare off all that easily.

Don't fret Spragga, and others of your kind....we know you're out there, and we LOVE that your here! <3

(boy, what a mushball I am)

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Originally posted by marcid21

Us women are so evil....I hope you meant the maturing thing has to be done on our end Fiery...cause that's totally it! :o

I'm not gonna turn this into a man-bashing thread, but honestly..I think I've been so used to the typical guy bullshit that when an amazing person comes along, it's like a totally foreign thing...and more importantly, A MAJOR ADJUSTMENT. :worry2:

It's funny how much shit us girls talk when we say we wanna get serious, and then when your faced with it, it scares you so much you run for the hills! :letsgo: But, because this guy is such a nice person, he'll kind of guide you through things and let you know he's with you because your you....and that he won't scare off all that easily.

Don't fret Spragga, and others of your kind....we know you're out there, and we LOVE that your here! <3

(boy, what a mushball I am)

yeah I did mean on our part, damn nails I cant type with em.

I don't think girls get scared of the commitment as much as men do, I mean yeah that whole getting attached bit on a guy's part is irritating but then you end it. It definitely helps more when it is a nice guy...

It is an adjustment, its hard to meet someone who actually cares and is willing to give you their undivided attention. I guess its also a matter of not being used to it. I have told you spragga that babe we know your there and like marci siad we love that you are there. I guess we just have to grow up

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I know I can handle commitment (dated someone for 4+ years), but at the same time I'm picky as hell because I don't want to be burned again (she cheated on me) - I've been single now for 6 years and it doesn't bother me at all. In going to clubs in NYC before my retirement, all I see are assholes and dipshits with beautiful, intelligent women and I can't figure out why.

Might be just me - I guess! :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by msoprano13


What the hell do you know?:rolleyes::tongue:

Maybe your problem along with spragga's is that you go after the wrong ones. There are plenty of nice girls out there. I know both of you and well your both great people and sweethearts, so in all due time you will meet a girl who respects, cherishes, and values all that you are about...<3

I mean spragga, you see these beautiful girls and such out with guys at clubs, but for all you could know they could be dumb as a door knob...Plus you don't want a relationship I thought:confused:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

What the hell do you know?:rolleyes::tongue:

Maybe your problem along with spragga's is that you go after the wrong ones. There are plenty of nice girls out there. I know both of you and well your both great people and sweethearts, so in all due time you will meet a girl who respects, cherishes, and values all that you are about...<3

I mean spragga, you see these beautiful girls and such out with guys at clubs, but for all you could know they could be dumb as a door knob...Plus you don't want a relationship I thought:confused:

You're right - I don't want a relationship right now - way too much stuff going in my life to commit! It's more of an observation than a "chase" from where I'm standing. And from where I see it - it looks like there are more snobs (both sexes) than anything else in NYC, and I'm NOT saying that it's the case on CP FYI!! :cool:

I just think it's weird - all the games and such. Peeps just need to be more outgoing and be themselves - no fronts or anything like that! :D

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Originally posted by spragga25

You're right - I don't want a relationship right now - way too much stuff going in my life to commit! It's more of an observation than a "chase" from where I'm standing. And from where I see it - it looks like there are more snobs (both sexes) than anything else in NYC, and I'm NOT saying that it's the case on CP FYI!! :cool:

I just think it's weird - all the games and such. Peeps just need to be more outgoing and be themselves - no fronts or anything like that! :D

babe I hear ya, there definitely needs to be more REAL people and some to earth mofo's...Yeah well what about nice girls. I mean I dont' mean to turn shit around but there are many of us out there. who are straighup, don't play games yet are sweethearts. Guys don't get that either, they think that we are only after heartless assholes...NOT TRUE!!! It's just that nice guys seem to be more timid and shy away from things...That is my observation, yeah you can be a nice guy but you have to work it too...I have told you this repeatedly as I have to others... Its all about the game, approach, mainly who you go after and shit.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

babe I hear ya, there definitely needs to be more REAL people and some to earth mofo's...Yeah well what about nice girls. I mean I dont' mean to turn shit around but there are many of us out there. who are straighup, don't play games yet are sweethearts. Guys don't get that either, they think that we are only after heartless assholes...NOT TRUE!!! It's just that nice guys seem to be more timid and shy away from things...That is my observation, yeah you can be a nice guy but you have to work it too...I have told you this repeatedly as I have to others... Its all about the game, approach, mainly who you go after and shit.

Have you ever seen me "timid" or shy away from things sweetie? It should have nothing to do with "who kicks the better game" but that's exactly the case in NYC. It's fucked up if you ask me!

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Originally posted by spragga25

Have you ever seen me "timid" or shy away from things sweetie? It should have nothing to do with "who kicks the better game" but that's exactly the case in NYC. It's fucked up if you ask me!

Yeah it is fucked up. But I haven't seen you work it. I mean what do you think a girl will come up to you at a club, bar or where ver and be like hey how you doin..(there are exceptions) Also yeah who kicks better game, but that isn't what I was saying more like, your approach and such. I mean for some reason girls are more attracted to assholes. I'll admit when I was younger I liked that type, but as I have gotten older shit changes. It is all about maturity. What are you trying to pick up young chicks? girls who just go out to get fucked up and go for those guys in the "spotlight" the typical modelesque guys (the ones who are like pretty girls) haha...Do you think this only in NYC?

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Yeah it is fucked up. But I haven't seen you work it. I mean what do you think a girl will come up to you at a club, bar or where ver and be like hey how you doin..(there are exceptions) Also yeah who kicks better game, but that isn't what I was saying more like, your approach and such. I mean for some reason girls are more attracted to assholes. I'll admit when I was younger I liked that type, but as I have gotten older shit changes. It is all about maturity. What are you trying to pick up young chicks? girls who just go out to get fucked up and go for those guys in the "spotlight" the typical modelesque guys (the ones who are like pretty girls) haha...Do you think this only in NYC?

Seriously though...I go to clubs to dance (before retirement) and bars to drink heavily - then dance!:) Whatever happens besides that is just gravy for me - I don't look for it, like some kats do - on da prowl! Too many games in NYC - peeps just need to cool out and stop being figgin snobs!

Glow - very few nice guys go out with bitches - they know better for the most part to avoid them...at least I do anyway. I've seen the other way around too much...oh well! :blank:

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Hey Spragga I hear ya, throughout my whole life I've gone through the nice guys syndrome, but it's better not to change for anyone. I've been thinking about the same thing lately. It's funny cause half of my best friends are girls I tried to get with in the beggining or did get with and then I got into the dreaded "friend zone", but at least I now get the girls perspective on issues.

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