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Why the Fuck do Ex's...


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...feel the need to call, IM, e-mail you or whatever and tell you they have a girl? :rolleyes: Do I really give a shit? Oh big freakin deal no more booty calls...so what I am the one who ended the whole "benefis w/friends" thing...shit I don't like it anymore.

Sorry just needed to vent. It seems that he IM's me to tell me he has a freakin girl...Big woopity do da...:rolleyes:

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Why the fuck would he be jealous...damn we broke up almost 5 yrs ago...I mean yeah we still had our flings during my relationship intermissions, but shit it has been a couple months since any real thing has happened..shit I even confronted him about still being in love with me, he siad that I was..men love turning shit around...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Why the fuck would he be jealous...damn we broke up almost 5 yrs ago...I mean yeah we still had our flings during my relationship intermissions, but shit it has been a couple months since any real thing has happened..shit I even confronted him about still being in love with me, he siad that I was..men love turning shit around...:rolleyes:

It seems like you were dealing with a lil' boy not a man.. good thing you shut him down.. lol...

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This is why I cut off all contact with my ex's when we break up. I don't believe in the "let's still be friends" speech. I tell them if I want to talk to them, I'll be the one calling them. When I broke up with my last girlfriend, we didn't speak to each other for 1 1/2 years after the break-up.

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LOL. same shit happened to me the other day. I really am happy for the kid. i know he would cringe if he knew i had a new guy so i didnt say anything...

the kid tells me about all the girls he meets and everytime he gets a freakin #.

i guess its so we know how absolutely desirable they are :rolleyes:.

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This is going on right now w/ my bf and his ex girlfriend. They broke up over a year ago and she wanted NOTHING to do with him. She returned anything she had from him and demanded the same with her stuff.

But as soon as the bitch found out he was with me, she calls him up asking to go out for drinks, etc. Even had the nerve to ask for $!!!!! :blown:

People like that are just PATHETIC LOSERS that need to move on with their miserable meaningless lives!

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Originally posted by fierydesire

...feel the need to call, IM, e-mail you or whatever and tell you they have a girl? :rolleyes: Do I really give a shit? Oh big freakin deal no more booty calls...so what I am the one who ended the whole "benefis w/friends" thing...shit I don't like it anymore.

Sorry just needed to vent. It seems that he IM's me to tell me he has a freakin girl...Big woopity do da...:rolleyes:

my God!!! are you EVER happy with anything??? all day long u post nonsense on here and piss and moan about everything. enough already!!

and don't play yourself. u don't care he has another girl, huh? u care so little about it that u had to post it. listen to yourself. no more booty calls??? who the hell cares!! you sound like a complaining bitch who will never be happy unless u have some kind of drama in your sad little life.... and don't forget the others who post on here and are subjected to your bull shit all day long. but i know that's part of what kind of person u are.... when u have drama, EVERYONE must know about it....do u really think the majority cares about your ex? of course they don't....

bring the drama cause i know u need it in your life to feel whole....

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Why the fuck would he be jealous...damn we broke up almost 5 yrs ago...I mean yeah we still had our flings during my relationship intermissions, but shit it has been a couple months since any real thing has happened..shit I even confronted him about still being in love with me, he siad that I was..men love turning shit around...:rolleyes:

maybe since the two of you still have a flings once in while he feels that he needs to tell you that he now has GF so that you will know that there cant be anymore flings...

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anyway...the best thing to do after a break up is to not see or get in contact with your ex- that way any getting back stuff and hook-ups can be avoided, maybe aftre some time of not seeing each other you can become friends but if you do it to soon you might end up again in square 1.

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Originally posted by sumguy

my God!!! are you EVER happy with anything??? all day long u post nonsense on here and piss and moan about everything. enough already!!

and don't play yourself. u don't care he has another girl, huh? u care so little about it that u had to post it. listen to yourself. no more booty calls??? who the hell cares!! you sound like a complaining bitch who will never be happy unless u have some kind of drama in your sad little life.... and don't forget the others who post on here and are subjected to your bull shit all day long. but i know that's part of what kind of person u are.... when u have drama, EVERYONE must know about it....do u really think the majority cares about your ex? of course they don't....

bring the drama cause i know u need it in your life to feel whole....

Why dont you STFU and :blown: yourself away. Obviously other people have had similiar situations. Don't read the fucken thread if you don't like my posts...Its as simple as that.. scroll the fuck down and ignore any of my posts...This is a sex board no, we can discuss issues about relationships and such. Well obviously people put some input on similiar situations. I am not even trying drama to your pathetic life....as I said if ya don't like what I write DON"T FUCKEN READ IT!!!!! :rolleyes:

Damn I don't care that he has a girl or no more booty calls. Shit like I said I ended that way back. I am just sick of him calling or IMing or whatever...

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Originally posted by vicman

maybe since the two of you still have a flings once in while he feels that he needs to tell you that he now has GF so that you will know that there cant be anymore flings...

well the flings have been over for awhile...so I guess he just wanted to let me know:rolleyes: :tongue:

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ugh ~ def had to put the ex on fuckin block... he would IM me everyonce in a blue to chit chat... like i wanna freakin have a convo with him! :mad:

the time when he decided to tell me about his new girlfriend was quite memorable... fucking prick... :bigfinger: :flame:

def. do not believe in the friends with the ex's bullshit... i guess i'm selfish... but i really can't see how you go from being the girlfriend, being the lover and then going to being the friend, hearing about the lover... that shit doesnt work with me... :unhappy:

fiery... damn girlie... it's a shitty situation, but put the bitch on block and fuck em... :chop:

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