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What race, religion, etc do you hate the most and why?


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Originally posted by djustinh

Hating is one thing, stereo stypes are another.

People get offended by most stereo types, because stereo types are in most occasions true if you really think about it.

no offense, but this is a dumb post.

no offense, but you are fucking idiot.

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wow whats with the holier than thou attitude? i know all of you have hated on someone so dont pretend like you don't. I'm sure everyone here has made at least one joke about a race or religion. oh hey guys did you hear the one about the vampire that walked into the bar with the eskimo...

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Originally posted by momadance

are you trying to spread hate or just negitive vibes?????

i always had respect for you, but this is not appropriate.

By posing this question, I am in no way spreading hate or negative vibes...I am doing nothing more than posing a question... Aren't you interested to know the views of the people in your community?

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Originally posted by gravity


ok this is not serious + it is supposed to be Drama....here are my least favourite races, religions etc

race: latino - because they think they are so hot and that they know everything about sex; their music is way too cheesy and their emotions are so fake (ugh i forgot how i hate rap, but there's only one race i can choose)

religion: muslim - because they force you to take your shoes/slippers off when entering the mosque; because they are agressive and militant and they want to rule the world and assimialte the christians

kind of people: fat - because they are impolite to us, who work out and take care of our bodies, by virtue of exposing their ugliness and poluting our visual neighbourhood

kind of clubs: any club that plays hip-hop, rap, country, rock'n'roll (in fact, any club which doesn't play decent disco-house music and/or electro retro)

kind of message boards: those that take their topic too seriously and don't know anything about the meaning of the word Irony


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i dont hate any race or religon, even though ive made a joke or two in my day..

but the type of people i hate are:

cheezy underdressed girls @ clubs: just because you have on next to nothing, doesnt mean you have a pretty face. even not-so-pretty girls can at least try to be classy.

bitches: if i bump into a girl @ a club, i apologize. even if a girl bumps into me, i apologize. girls are so quick to start a fight these days...jeez

guidos: its just over

these are minor hatreds, but its annoying in clubland on a regular basis...ya know.

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Originally posted by zlatang

religion: muslim - because they force you to take your shoes/slippers off when entering the mosque; because they are agressive and militant and they want to rule the world and assimialte the christians

Um that is a bunch of bullshit my friend. All you see is those islamic fundamentalists on TV. Yeah the slipper thing is true, but big fucken deal its part of the religion. The type of muslims your describing are those fanatic ones. I personally don't like them myself. Its not the whole islam religion as a whole though. I mean making the women cover up and shit is a just ridiculous.

Ok, I am not a hating type person nor closeminded however I don have my dislikes. I don't like people who take religion to another level and get all serious about it. any religion, nothing specific, but the ones who become fanatic about it...muslims, christians, jews especially orthodox ones etc.

BTW, gravity what about your dislikes? You ask so do tell..

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Um that is a bunch of bullshit my friend. All you see is those islamic fundamentalists on TV. Yeah the slipper thing is true, but big fucken deal its part of the religion. The type of muslims your describing are those fanatic ones. I personally don't like them myself. Its not the whole islam religion as a whole though. I mean making the women cover up and shit is a just ridiculous.

Ok, I am not a hating type person nor closeminded however I don have my dislikes. I don't like people who take religion to another level and get all serious about it. any religion, nothing specific, but the ones who become fanatic about it...muslims, christians, jews especially orthodox ones etc.

BTW, gravity what about your dislikes? You ask so do tell..

fiery, please don't get upset. rememeber what i wrote:

i hate message boards that take their topic too seriously and don't know anything about the meaning of the word Irony

so that was my only point - to stir up the drama.

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Originally posted by zlatang

fiery, please don't get upset. rememeber what i wrote:

i hate message boards that take their topic too seriously and don't know anything about the meaning of the word Irony

so that was my only point - to stir up the drama.

um I was continuing with the drama hun. I know I don't get upset over a messageboard:rolleyes: :tongue:

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Originally posted by zlatang

ok this is not serious + it is supposed to be Drama....here are my least favourite races, religions etc

race: latino - because they think they are so hot and that they know everything about sex; their music is way too cheesy and their emotions are so fake (ugh i forgot how i hate rap, but there's only one race i can choose)

religion: muslim - because they force you to take your shoes/slippers off when entering the mosque; because they are agressive and militant and they want to rule the world and assimialte the christians

kind of people: fat - because they are impolite to us, who work out and take care of our bodies, by virtue of exposing their ugliness and poluting our visual neighbourhood

kind of clubs: any club that plays hip-hop, rap, country, rock'n'roll (in fact, any club which doesn't play decent disco-house music and/or electro retro)

kind of message boards: those that take their topic too seriously and don't know anything about the meaning of the word Irony


I hate these type of people who try to play off who they really hate by saying "ok this is not serious + it is supposed to be Drama" Fuck it, say how you feel!

I'm not racist, I hate everyone equal!

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Originally posted by rubik²

I hate these type of people who try to play off who they really hate by saying "ok this is not serious + it is supposed to be Drama" Fuck it, say how you feel!

I'm not racist, I hate everyone equal!

but honey, this messageboard IS CALLED "DRAMA!"

if you feel the urge to express your honest and serious opinion, than this is not a place for you.

you should try the online political forum of the democratic party....and do tell us how exciting that was once you post again here!

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Um that is a bunch of bullshit my friend. All you see is those islamic fundamentalists on TV. Yeah the slipper thing is true, but big fucken deal its part of the religion. The type of muslims your describing are those fanatic ones. I personally don't like them myself. Its not the whole islam religion as a whole though. I mean making the women cover up and shit is a just ridiculous.

Ok, I am not a hating type person nor closeminded however I don have my dislikes. I don't like people who take religion to another level and get all serious about it. any religion, nothing specific, but the ones who become fanatic about it...muslims, christians, jews especially orthodox ones etc.

duh! i thought you were serious...well then let us continue....

i think all muslims are fanatics. and how can you, dear fiery, in such a serious moment for your country, when all of us are threatened by the viruses that this particualr religion spreads, defend the towel-heads?


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