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WMC 2002.............Who's going????

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Well, I have had quite a hiatus from the board, but the time to return seems to be right, well, let's be serious, I just don't feel like starting my homework....

Anyhow, where we meeting up Spygirl???? ...I can't wait, for some reason, the phenomenal music that I heard this weekend really got my blood and anticipation pummping for SOBE, plus I got a couple of phat outfits, hehe...what's dates u going to be there? I am going from the 22-26....NY will fully be in the house!!!!!!


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Originally posted by cesarleo

TUDOR is where I'm crashin...23-28. Ronalds......I'll see ya @ Space for DT......leave me some extra magic cigs!;)

Cesarleo, what's up bro, my fellow DT FAN....

Who know's maybe we can finally get a meetup, it hasn't happened in the hamptons or NYC, so maybe miami!!!!!! kit, kid

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going for the third straight year, and for those who have never been to the conference, i highly, strongly recommend you going. if not this year, at some point down the road. its filled with electronic music's elite talent. you don't really see too much of the nyc attitude down there which is good i guess. and in sunny south beach.wow! there always seems to be perfect weather, and there is always something going on. whether its a day party, a hotel party, a private party, party at a club, afterhours in downtown miami, or then after - after hours back at your own hotel room; always something to do. cabs are reasonable, and if you stay anywhere between 5th to 15th on either ocean,collins or washington your in walking distance of pretty much where everything is going on. also, bring vitamins, and i do mean as in multi viatmins and antioxidants, b/c after days of constant partying and the beaming sun, you can start feeling run down. have fun people. :cool:

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FINALLY! i am going after years of being a poor college student, i can afford to be living in the laps of luxury.. ;)

for those that haven't booked a flight, i recommend doing it ASAP! i just booked it this morning(1/30) and got a flight for $210.

i am an internet junkie and checked over 60 websites for cheapest airflights (not incl. priceline or hotwire).

i found that itn.net and delta.com offered the cheapest from JFK and LGA (even cheaper for Newark for you NJ heads). the cheapest i found was around $190-200.. but the times didn't fit my schedule.

good luck and see you all there! we should have a CP, VIP, EZ, and NB meet-up.. if we all don't fight! haha. ;)

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Originally posted by cesarleo

Hellz yeah...and Neptunes when we come back is only a short time away;)

:eek: OMG, is it that close to summer ALREADY!!!!!!!!! sounds good kid, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: OH my, i will finally be adult, last semster of school!!!!!!!!!!!

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