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Has anyone considered going to the Economic Forum protest Tomorrow?/?

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Just curious if anyone here has considered going, participating, thrashing, etc....

I'd go, but i don't want it to be a total "anarchists takeover" where everyone's throwing rocks and turning cop cars over. I'd just like to visit and peacefully walk amongst the others who share in similar points of view as I do (such as sweatshop labor, 3rd world conditions, etc...)

Anyone :confused:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Just curious if anyone here has considered going, participating, thrashing, etc....

I'd go, but i don't want it to be a total "anarchists takeover" where everyone's throwing rocks and turning cop cars over. I'd just like to visit and peacefully walk amongst the others who share in similar points of view as I do (such as sweatshop labor, 3rd world conditions, etc...)

Anyone :confused:

what the hell would you be protesting??? them iddiots in washington square park should be beaten with night sticks and blinded with tear-gas. idiots got my shool closed this evening. not that i had classes, but i had something to do in the area, and now i'm getting e-mails from NYU saying "do not come into the area"

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all those new age peace loving hippies should be put in jail. if you care so much about third world countries then you should go live in one. oh yeah, you should also walk around naked and not own any material posesions because they were all made by exploiting the third world labor. Screw all of you and dont try no shit in nyc.

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Originally posted by aak911

all those new age peace loving hippies should be put in jail. if you care so much about third world countries then you should go live in one. oh yeah, you should also walk around naked and not own any material posesions because they were all made by exploiting the third world labor. Screw all of you and dont try no shit in nyc.

you don't get it

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Originally posted by vision

you don't get it

. . . Vision, he's not supposed to . . . . think about his answer for a sec, then examine the world view of what he's saying . . .

. . . and then ask yourself . . . If this the type of person that under-the-radar marketing would work on . . . .

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

what the hell would you be protesting??? them iddiots in washington square park should be beaten with night sticks and blinded with tear-gas. idiots got my shool closed this evening. not that i had classes, but i had something to do in the area, and now i'm getting e-mails from NYU saying "do not come into the area"

"Oh, boo-hoo, my shitty little NYU education got interupted for a minute because- GASP!- there's something going on in the outside world!"

Fuckin' pussy. Educate yourself on what you should be protesting, instead of moronically crying about how protesters are disrupting your education.

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nobody replied to my simple question: to protest what?

in the 60's the people had a clear reason for forming demonstrations. they knew what they were protesting. people knowadays do it as a fad. they want to relive the glory of the vietnam protests.

so how bout it. you want to show me tht there is a reason to going to wash. sq. prk, fine WHAT IS IT? i'm all ears

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Originally posted by roadrunner

"Oh, boo-hoo, my shitty little NYU education got interupted for a minute because- GASP!- there's something going on in the outside world!"

Fuckin' pussy. Educate yourself on what you should be protesting, instead of moronically crying about how protesters are disrupting your education.

forget it

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

nobody replied to my simple question: to protest what?

in the 60's the people had a clear reason for forming demonstrations. they knew what they were protesting. people knowadays do it as a fad. they want to relive the glory of the vietnam protests.

so how bout it. you want to show me tht there is a reason to going to wash. sq. prk, fine WHAT IS IT? i'm all ears

You are right in one way- in the 60s the reason for protesting was very clear, it was very close to home, and it was very easy for dumb suburban americans to understand - their friends were dying by the thousands or coming home with first person nightmare accounts of how US policy was being brought to the world.

Now the reasons for protesting are less, clear, more complicated and much easier to ignore....but that doesn't mean they are not just as serious and real for those outside our small corner of the world. I am not an anarchist, and I am not hopelessly idealistic and believe that we can stop everything bad by standing on a street corner. Globilization is a fact, but the policies that govern it, and the institutions that form those policies do not need to be taken as fact. They should be held responsible, critiqued and ideally reformed so that globilization becomes a positive trend for all people rather than a way to consolidate wealth and power while draining the environment, destroying indigenous cultures and "freeing trade" from pesky things like safe working conditions, child labor laws, and environmental restrictions.

Okay, so now are you really ALL EARS? or did you just assume we were all as ignorant as you? I gave you an argument- can you take it? Maybe you and all the other naysayers should come to some of the events of the weekend, not necessarily to protest, but to educate yourself...if all these people are so mad, maybe they know something you don't. I'll be there peacefully exercising my rights for those who can't. Are you seriously against that?!?!?!

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i see your points. one thing i disagree with, however, is the mass protests that people hold during events such as these. in my eyes, they are pointless, and often only HURT the credibility of the protesters. look at the aura surrounding the protesters in wash. square. they are looked at as a violent mob, and people are being told to lock their doors and avoid them. one e-mail i got said that it was dangeroud because protesters will have access to bricks because there is a constrction site nearby.

if this wasnt the case, i would definitely enjoy a little education on the environment and on work ethics, as long as it is not coming out of teh mouth of some extremist communist screaming for the downfall of corporate america

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Cool, so pick your venue. Check the village voice, they have a good run down. There are seminars and town meetings around the UN, there is a student summit at Columbia, and there will be peaceful rallies, speeches and performances in the green zones on Saturday. But don't go in assuming that all who preach the downfall of corporate america are crazy....Rome fell too, and there are limits to the amount of greed, violence and oppresion that one can inflict before the cycle changes...Not saying you should advocate it, but don't be afraid to look at it critically.

And as far as being afraid of the protestors, be careful of the police as well. In Quebec, the police used teargas indiscriminately on EVERYBODY who was anywhere nearby...causing way more damage and injuries than the few violent protestors.

(Yo Papa, check your PMs.- if your curious about going, give me a shout tonight.)

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Saigray, thanks for saying calmly what I wanted to but couldn't.

breakbeatz2, as far as "my shitty NYU education will be makin me more money in a year than you will probably earn in your probably pretty pathetic life. " Well, that may be true (actually, it's not.), but you'll still be an ignorant prick if you keep up the way you are.

And I read some of your other posts. Fucking waste of ten minutes of my life.

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Wow....I'm really surprised at the hostility this thread inspired. Why are protesters a threat to you?? What about them should make you so angry? Just because they're connected enough with the world to understand why globalization might be an issue? That they're compassionate enough to realize that maybe a cute Gap sweatshirt isn't worth the blood and sweat of children in central america? What about their passion inspires fear in you?

I will agree that when protests get out of hand, as they did in Seattle, they are incredibly counter-productive. Countering economic violence with street violence solves nothing. However. To stand by and let people suffer in ignorance, to let them toil in merciless conditions with no idea of what else is possible, all for the sake of a cheaper pair of shoes and a more efficient system for the powerful....if that's what the world has come to, then god help us all.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

what the hell would you be protesting??? them iddiots in washington square park should be beaten with night sticks and blinded with tear-gas. idiots got my shool closed this evening. not that i had classes, but i had something to do in the area, and now i'm getting e-mails from NYU saying "do not come into the area"

yup.. got them too

even had an Investment Analysis Group meeting canceled tonight b/c of it..

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Originally posted by silente

Wow....I'm really surprised at the hostility this thread inspired. Why are protesters a threat to you?? What about them should make you so angry? Just because they're connected enough with the world to understand why globalization might be an issue? That they're compassionate enough to realize that maybe a cute Gap sweatshirt isn't worth the blood and sweat of children in central america? What about their passion inspires fear in you?

I will agree that when protests get out of hand, as they did in Seattle, they are incredibly counter-productive. Countering economic violence with street violence solves nothing. However. To stand by and let people suffer in ignorance, to let them toil in merciless conditions with no idea of what else is possible, all for the sake of a cheaper pair of shoes and a more efficient system for the powerful....if that's what the world has come to, then god help us all.

ummm.. i think you have this wrong..

if some more people understood economics better w/o just making ignorant assumptions and jumping on the wanna be hippe anti-globalization train they'd realize that there are positive effects to be realized for all people's across the globe...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

ummm.. i think you have this wrong..

if some more people understood economics better w/o just making ignorant assumptions and jumping on the wanna be hippe anti-globalization train they'd realize that there are positive effects to be realized for all people's across the globe...

:D yes. thank god someone here can see it this way.

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

ummm.. i think you have this wrong..

if some more people understood economics better w/o just making ignorant assumptions and jumping on the wanna be hippe anti-globalization train they'd realize that there are positive effects to be realized for all people's across the globe...

*laughs* First of all, I'm anything but a wannabe hippie - when I first opened up this thread, I thought for sure I'd be one of the ones *not* supporting the protests. I think in general they have a tendency to get out of control, and thus the protesters lose all semblance of credibility. Furthermore, I think that economic expansion *is* the key to improving our own way of life, as well as improving the lives of those in countries considered third-world.

But, I think that expansion should be done responsibly. I think businesses should be held liable for the conditions in the factories in which their products are made. I think everyone is entitled to a living wage. I think children are entitled to an education and a hopeful adulthood that does NOT begin in a sweatshop at the age of 13. I don't think that anyone - no matter WHERE they went to school or WHAT their major is - would disagree with me.

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Originally posted by silente

*laughs* First of all, I'm anything but a wannabe hippie - when I first opened up this thread, I thought for sure I'd be one of the ones *not* supporting the protests. I think in general they have a tendency to get out of control, and thus the protesters lose all semblance of credibility. Furthermore, I think that economic expansion *is* the key to improving our own way of life, as well as improving the lives of those in countries considered third-world.

But, I think that expansion should be done responsibly. I think businesses should be held liable for the conditions in the factories in which their products are made. I think everyone is entitled to a living wage. I think children are entitled to an education and a hopeful adulthood that does NOT begin in a sweatshop at the age of 13. I don't think that anyone - no matter WHERE they went to school or WHAT their major is - would disagree with me.

i'm sorry hun.. that wasn't really supposed to be directed at you persay.. just quoted ya b/c you were addressing the protestors ;)

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i'm sorry hun.. that wasn't really supposed to be directed at you persay.. just quoted ya b/c you were addressing the protestors ;)

thats also not to say i am against people expressing their opinions and observing their constitutional rights.. but events like these seem to snowball out of control by ignorant fanatics who desire nothing more than a simple cause to pursue...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

thats also not to say i am against people expressing their opinions and observing their constitutional rights.. but events like these seem to snowball out of control by ignorant fanatics who desire nothing more than a simple cause to pursue...

*nods* No, I totally agree. I think it's a complete shame that people can't sit down like human beings and discuss this shit. I think the protesters would be taken a lot more seriously if they'd quit yelling all the time and just talk.

But the weakness of their method doesn't eliminate the value of their message.

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