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list of words you HATE

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-hate the fucking word.


- stop screaming, nobody cares


- what a name for a color

"I'm bouncing"

- even though i say it, i hate it. WTF? am a ball? NO... i'm leaving


OT- I dont feel like starting a new thread--

Best and worst pickup lines you've heard, and used on a chick (or guys if that's your thing).

good night

~ G ~

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my LEAST FAVOURITE phrase is used in restaurants (well not at the ritz, but...):

"are you still working on it?"

i take pleasure in eating food, i don't 'work on it'

bloody protestant work ethic!!!!!!!! may we just have some plain fun sometimes??????


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I hate the word or phrase.....

"No I will not go home with you"


"Leave Me Alone"

"Do I look like I care?"


"I have a boyfriend"

"I have a girlfriend"

"I'm with my friends and I need to leave with them"


"Whats your name again?".....after already saying it 5 times

"Excuse me".....then walks away


"I don't give my phone number out to strangers"


:laugh: :laugh:

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I hate the words "sorry" and also "promise"... they mean nothing to me.. hate hearing them dont "promise" me anything and then dont be "sorry" when you say you "promise" and you dont coem through.... I'll never understand those words :blown:

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When people type "oic"... way too inconclusive. :mad:

When people say "peace" when leaving as though they're hoping for some sort of resolution in the Middle East. :mad:

When people say "what's up?" instead of "hello." and then don't understand that by you saying "what's up?" you don't mean "hello" but literally "what's up?", "what has come up?", "what do you need?", et cetera. Instead they say "oh, not much. But listen, guess what happened." Have they ever replied with anything except "nothing", "not much" to that?? :mad:

The words "gator" and "skater" especially after "later." :puke:

When people call me "bro" as retribution to what they're about to say. Similarly, when people say "no offense, but..." What follows afterwards HAS to be offensive.

Aight, I'm done.

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Originally posted by snarfgirl22

when people say "that's soo gay" oh its really homosexual now isn't it? what is that all about??

and no i am not gay

YES! I too, detest that phrase!

The funny part of all this is that my gay friend Joe uses it CONSTANTLY (well, moreso when he's drunk).

Very odd.

- meli -

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Originally posted by joeg

What about "no problem" as a response to "thank you"??

doesn't bother me. sounds better than just "okay." "no problem" can be said with sincerity and sound very nice. for instance "no problem, anytime" or "no problem, it was my pleasure" work well but not "okay, anytime" or "okay, it was my pleasure".......

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Originally posted by bebby6919

I hate the words "sorry" and also "promise"... they mean nothing to me.. hate hearing them dont "promise" me anything and then dont be "sorry" when you say you "promise" and you dont coem through.... I'll never understand those words :blown:

I hate the words bebby and teh numbers 691 and 9



I hate the word Cunt....so nasty soundin

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Anyway the two words I really can't stand are

Bang, as in a synonym for fuck

Piece, as in She's definitely a piece. Somehow saying "piece of ass" wouldn't even bother me as much, at least the person's owning up to how piggish they are, by saying "piece" it's like they're trying to sound like less of a dog or something... sorry, doesn't work.

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Originally posted by bebby6919

I hate the words "sorry" and also "promise"... they mean nothing to me.. hate hearing them dont "promise" me anything and then dont be "sorry" when you say you "promise" and you dont coem through.... I'll never understand those words :blown:

that is so true
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