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asian men 4 white girls

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i don't know why but i'm asian and i can't get along with asian girls. i'm not saying all but they tend to whine a lot and walk funny... and they try to act cute too much. not all asian girls are like this mind you. i'm just saying the ones i've seen around. i like girls who can stand on their own two (or four :D ) and say "bitch, you looking at me?" i don't like dating asian girls who will ask me "please give me a piggy back ride" because it gets really annoying.

i'm into any girls except the *typical asian girls*. I tend to "fancy" Greek girls, Italian girls and Hispanic girls. I've even dated a black girl.

*my definition (there may be exceptions):

1) all black (dkny, j. crew, eddie bauer, etc.) - it's ok if you like to sport these designers but please vary. if you have a favorite designer that's cool too, but if you're buying these just because "azn" #1 and "azn" #2 does too, you're lame.

2) aim screename that has xxx, luv, qt, cutie, poo, poop or whatever the fuck. ok trying to be cute ONLINE too is just too much effort.

3) no ass.

4) no, sir, no tits either.

5) no, sir, hell no. not even shower.

6) smokes.

7) squats in front of a chinese restaurant and say "yo my nigga, i'm chillin' here. come and chill wit me yo."

8) on their cellphone calling their home to hear their answering machine recording.

9) talk really loud in foreign language (i only speak english).

10) you get the point.

i see so many white males dating asian females. for that, i'm thankful. please take our garbage, kind sir. :D i don't mean to sound harsh but i'm venting the shit i've been through. just because i'm asian, most asian girls assume i hang out with asian "crews" only and date asian girls only. bitch please. i'm not prejudice like you. i guess caucasian males like asian girls because they're not spoiled or materialistic for the most part. that's another thing. i like jewelry and i like to lace my girls with the illest bling. hehe. please give me feedback and tell me how i can prevent myself from ever saying this infront of these "typical azn people". i'm not troublesome. i avoid these nonesense.

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Originally posted by mutiny

i don't know why but i'm asian and i can't get along with asian girls. i'm not saying all but they tend to whine a lot and walk funny... and they try to act cute too much. not all asian girls are like this mind you. i'm just saying the ones i've seen around. i like girls who can stand on their own two (or four :D ) and say "bitch, you looking at me?" i don't like dating asian girls who will ask me "please give me a piggy back ride" because it gets really annoying.

i'm into any girls except the *typical asian girls*. I tend to "fancy" Greek girls, Italian girls and Hispanic girls. I've even dated a black girl.

*my definition (there may be exceptions):

1) all black (dkny, j. crew, eddie bauer, etc.) - it's ok if you like to sport these designers but please vary. if you have a favorite designer that's cool too, but if you're buying these just because "azn" #1 and "azn" #2 does too, you're lame.

2) aim screename that has xxx, luv, qt, cutie, poo, poop or whatever the fuck. ok trying to be cute ONLINE too is just too much effort.

3) no ass.

4) no, sir, no tits either.

5) no, sir, hell no. not even shower.

6) smokes.

7) squats in front of a chinese restaurant and say "yo my nigga, i'm chillin' here. come and chill wit me yo."

8) on their cellphone calling their home to hear their answering machine recording.

9) talk really loud in foreign language (i only speak english).

10) you get the point.

i see so many white males dating asian females. for that, i'm thankful. please take our garbage, kind sir. :D i don't mean to sound harsh but i'm venting the shit i've been through. just because i'm asian, most asian girls assume i hang out with asian "crews" only and date asian girls only. bitch please. i'm not prejudice like you. i guess caucasian males like asian girls because they're not spoiled or materialistic for the most part. that's another thing. i like jewelry and i like to lace my girls with the illest bling. hehe. please give me feedback and tell me how i can prevent myself from ever saying this infront of these "typical azn people". i'm not troublesome. i avoid these nonesense.

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oh yeah mag, im filipino too but i'm mixed (chinese and spanish - si, yo hablo espanol. un poco, or soemthing). but like you, i grew up here and only speak english. often i get really offended when they come up to me and spit gibbrish like no tomorrow. i also hate how they don't understand first come first serve. i don't always drive up to the campus and when i take the bus, they cut me on the line like a blood cutting a crip. holy shit. they're shoving and pushing like calm the fuck down. we're all getting in. ok... i'm calm... i'm down... ::breathe, breathe:: by the way my sibblings are not all like this nor are my parents. i've already told my parents no way in hell i'm marrying an asian woman. :D kthx.

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all my friends think i'm crazy for rejecting asian girls too. to show how much i just don't find asian women attractive: there was this asian chick i think she was chinese in cancun during august 2001. she called my room, came to it a couple times and met me at clubs since i met her there. i know cancun is just about hooking up but i just not attracted to asian girls

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i think i might be better off marrying a woman of my nationality and ethnicity in the long run. but i can't help my attractions toward anglo white girls,irish,english,german,swedish etc. they are just so good looking and sweet. i don't know if i need a counseling but having sex with nonwhite women kinda disgusts me...unless they are really cute.

i can't understand these good looking white guys who are into ugly asian girls though..

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[bold]i'm filipino and pretty much only prefer white girls. i am not attracted to asian girls for the most part. i was born and raised here all my life and only speak english and really do or know anything about my own race. i'm an odd case but you asked[/bold]

magilicuti ~ Did you know that other Asians "only speak English?" You're not as special as you think you are. It sounds like you're completely denying your race... sorry, but you're not white. To be closed off like that is pretty sucky... not that you're wrong, but you're definitely missing out by not keeping yourself open to new experiences... with anyone, not just Asian girls.

[bold]i don't know why but i'm asian and i can't get along with asian girls. i'm not saying all but they tend to whine a lot and walk funny... and they try to act cute too much. [/bold]

mutiny ~ You can't stand them because they tend to whine a lot, eh? Whine... hmm... you'd never do that, now would you?

i see so many white males dating asian females. for that, i'm thankful.

With that attitude, you wouldn't be able to get one if you tried...

please take our garbage, kind sir. i don't mean to sound harsh but i'm venting the shit i've been through.

The fact that you can't get an Asian girl?

just because i'm asian, most asian girls assume i hang out with asian "crews" only and date asian girls only. bitch please. i'm not prejudice like you.

Funny, your entire post was about hate... gotta love the hypocrites.

We all have our preferences... to each his own. But to shit on your own race (or any, for that matter) is pretty cheap... irregardless of whether or not you're familiar with the culture, language, etc.

Why do I even bother...

Excited about partying with a hot Filipino/Columbian breaker this weekend,

~kitten >^.^<

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Originally posted by happykittn

magilicuti ~ Did you know that other Asians "only speak English?" You're not as special as you think you are. It sounds like you're completely denying your race... sorry, but you're not white. To be closed off like that is pretty sucky... not that you're wrong, but you're definitely missing out by not keeping yourself open to new experiences... with anyone, not just Asian girls.

well i stated that because everyone i know is bilingual. they think i'm weird for only speaking english. as for denying my race its not that at all. i live in a mostly polish community and i guess i am around white people all the time. i only have one asian friend and he's in south jersey. other then that all my friends are white. i have talked to asian girls and so far i just haven't connected with any of them so far. i wouldn't go out with a girl just because she's asian but so far i prefer white girls. my girl cousins even admit that asians are to themselves. like in exit how they have their own little area. i don't wanna be like that. that is a whole other topic but...

i am not attracted to asian girls for the most part and going out with a girl i'm not attracted to would be cheating both of us i think

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give me chineese, korean, japaneese, indian, etc etc etc

i wish i knew more of them

i love different nationalities and i love that people don't forget their roots..i find it sooo interesting to talk to people about their cultures, their country, the different foods they eat, etc etc etc

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Originally posted by vision


give me chineese, korean, japaneese, indian, etc etc etc

i wish i knew more of them

i love different nationalities and i love that people don't forget their roots..i find it sooo interesting to talk to people about their cultures, their country, the different foods they eat, etc etc etc

your white aren't you? just fucking with you, but all my friends like asian girls except for me so go figure.

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actually you jumping to conclusion about me not being able to get asian girls is wrong. i often get asked out by asian girls because they assume i only date or hang out with other asian people. i never said all of them were the same. i think i said something like the ones i've come across with. all my life i've gone out with only 2 asian girls and i pursued both of them. something about those two made them different from all the others. i was pretty close to falling in love with one of them actually. i don't hate all asians, because my relatives are too. what i said you're taking out of context and assuming other things i never even stated. i tried to be careful not to offend anyone with that post but i knew somewhere along the line someone would flame me for it, but that's ok. i'm not the type to start some kind of tension. never have i denied my nationality or ashamed to even tell people who i am. in fact, i'm currently talking to a filipino girl and trying to get with her. if you know where flushing, queens is, you'd probably understand better what i was trying to say. by no means did i try to offend you (happykittn) or any other asian people out there. i pretty much date any girls as long as they're personality owns me (looks matter too of course). again, sorry if i offended anyone. i always represent my nationality. i never wish to have been born any other way. kthx. :)

p.s. happykittn, pm me if anything. i'm really not a hipocrit or a jerk as i may have sounded in this thread. i often say things generally and then i would say something specific that may seem like it contradicts everything i've said.

hehe, no i don't whine. i was just ranting. :idea:

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lol happykittn u crack me up:D

anyways, as for the whole not liking asians bit, yes it's true there is that typical group of asian girls who like wear all black designer clothes and act a certain way, i admit i was one of those girls. and if there are guys out there who like that, both asian and nonasian, then to each his own.

as for me, even though i really *despise* people like that, it doesn't make me act any different to them if they're a good friend to me. i don't limit myself to only dating or being friends with a certain group. i happen to find asian women very attractive but i also happen to know that we don't get along very well.

and i think it's really important for people to know about their culture and heritage. it's something that i regret not starting on earlier in life. i only speak english too, but i actually wish that i knew more mandarin too. it's something that isn't a big deal if you've never even thought about it, but is something that's really important in the long run.

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i wish i spoke filipino dialects too and at least some chinese. i can understand spanish and most filipino dialects but i'm very self conscious how i sound speaking them.

i guess liteflyr is right about getting along with some of them. so i guess i shouldn't have said things generally. the girl im trying to hook up with is teaching me how to speak tagalog. i tend to mumble when i do. she thinks it's cute. wohoo! i think i'll do it on purpose even when i get it down. :P

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Girls will always be girls and guys will be guys. Interracial dating is cool, nothing wrong with that. If people are against that idea, than funk that. He or she is still living the traditional life and they should move on. As some would say, "Can't teach an old dog new tricks." I for one am asian and have dated a Puerto Rican and I fully understand and respect all cultures. I still prefer asians just because they understand what I have been through. Enough said, lets go to Exit for Tiesto Night!!! See ya there! Peace --

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Originally posted by magilicuti

i'm filipino and pretty much only prefer white girls. i am not attracted to asian girls for the most part. i was born and raised here all my life and only speak english and really do or know anything about my own race. i'm an odd case but you asked

What he said...

I totally agree - i dunno what it is - i think its that since ive lived with asians all my life and been around them - i know how annoying and stubborn we can be (im pinoy as well) - Why would I wanna date that?


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pussy is pussy. once you close the light. their all black. unless you wear night vision goggles. then their green. that'll be kewl to do right. what you doin hunni. i'm wearing my night vision goggles. cover me, i'm going in.

GO GO GO! Fire in the hole!

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Originally posted by lunatik

pussy is pussy. once you close the light. their all black. unless you wear night vision goggles. then their green. that'll be kewl to do right. what you doin hunni. i'm wearing my night vision goggles. cover me, i'm going in.

GO GO GO! Fire in the hole!

this thread is at risk at being moved to the drama forum now

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

To me, it doesnt matter what race/nationality the person is...if you could connect with him/her then what does it matter???


*but* watch out for religion and family beliefs...i once almost fell for a girl whose religion + family wouldn't allow her to date me...and these are values to compete with that are more trouble than they're worth (race isn't tho!) :/

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