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MY Mission Statement about The Scene


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Those who have met up with me know I am a passionate person about Electronic Music (From Trance to House to Breaks so on an so on) Clubbing, and THE SCENCE.


Saturday Night @ Space I saw and have been seeing but not realizing how disgusting, clueless, lame, horrid and pathetic people and the scence have become. I Take music serious, why dont other people. Do people have to eat 6 pills, bump an ounce , drink a bottle and dress like shit to have a good time. What the FUCK has happened, where did all the people who feel like I feel go.

Sooooooooooooooo I have decided not to ditch the scence because I love it and I know it may be on its way out, but I dont want to see that happen. But in a semi Protest type of way I am going to show people starting Friday that Its the Music that Matters NOT the drugs and Stop Drinking and Dropping and start Listen and Dancing.

Pete (DJDekan)

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Originally posted by djdekan

Those who have met up with me know I am a passionate person about Electronic Music (From Trance to House to Breaks so on an so on) Clubbing, and THE SCENCE.


Saturday Night @ Space I saw and have been seeing but not realizing how disgusting, clueless, lame, horrid and pathetic people and the scence have become. I Take music serious, why dont other people. Do people have to eat 6 pills, bump an ounce , drink a bottle and dress like shit to have a good time. What the FUCK has happened, where did all the people who feel like I feel go.

Sooooooooooooooo I have decided not to ditch the scence because I love it and I know it may be on its way out, but I dont want to see that happen. But in a semi Protest type of way I am going to show people starting Friday that Its the Music that Matters NOT the drugs and Stop Drinking and Dropping and start Listen and Dancing.

Pete (DJDekan)


I could not agree with you more.....beleive me there are plenty of people who feel the same way you do....I spin on Saturdays at Space for 10+ hours and have yet to have a drink or touch any drugs.....All I require is adrenalin and the music that I love and have dedicated most of my life to....There is a core group of people who are regulars on Saturdays that are there for the music from beginning to end(and it's growing weekly)....I play for

them....remember Space is a huge club (3000 people every Sat) you are going to get all kinds of folks in there....

my theory is:

Don't sit home and bitch about a scene you are not a part of......go out and make it better...

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Originally posted by phrankadelic

pete, look what place you're talking about. if you are in search of real music, real people and NO stress...there are plenty of other options. rain on friday being one of them. they know how to throw a party. space is definitely not the place.

you know what they say about opinions.......

I guess real music is a matter of personal taste.......

how often do you go to Space?

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Originally posted by djoscarg


I could not agree with you more.....beleive me there are plenty of people who feel the same way you do....I spin on Saturdays at Space for 10+ hours and have yet to have a drink or touch any drugs.....All I require is adrenalin and the music that I love and have dedicated most of my life to....There is a core group of people who are regulars on Saturdays that are there for the music from beginning to end(and it's growing weekly)....I play for

them....remember Space is a huge club (3000 people every Sat) you are going to get all kinds of folks in there....

my theory is:

Don't sit home and bitch about a scene you are not a part of......go out and make it better...

Words of Wisdom! :D

Pete what did I tell you last time I was there about that crowd, I even talked to Oscar about it, and caught some heavy beef on the board about it. Cant wait to WMC till my NY heads invade Miami and show everyone how to party all night long non-stop, crowd energy, pure insanity! :D

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How Can anyone Say that about Space? Trance Fridays (EdgarV , And all the DJ's Luis Brings in is what made me move from NY) Now I party nonstop on Sat Nights with Sobeton to Oscar Deep House and I'm not even a house head. Oscar you sound is great it sort of reminds me of home, dropping Robbie's Remixes make me go crazy. And its good to hear Da Man whose throwing it all down, voice his opinion. Everyone does do to much bitching, and as far as Rain, Opium, Crobar, etc. go you'll find the same situation there, everyone jumping on the Rain band wagon because it's the NEW IN Place to be. Mikey Friday we are going off, so I say everyone put down ther toys,drugs,and drinks; and Climb up on anything you can friday, bounce your heads, throw your hands in the air, smile but most of rember why we are all there for the MUSIC....................

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drugs (legal, and illegal), have always been a part of the scene. I won’t be a hypocrite and say I have never been under the influence at a club. when I go to a club; I try not to spend my time analyzing, what other people are doing. I focus on the music, enjoy the companionship of my friends, and hopefully meet some new friends. because someone may choose to use a substance, does not mean they are, less passionate about the scene or the music. a club and the scene in general, are filled with many people; and everyone has a different objective. I would not expect everyone, to be as passionate about the music; as I am. you were in the blue room on Saturday OG was tearing sh*t up, and that room was full of energy. was everybody sober ? highly unlikely.

it is the energy of the crowd, which produces the vibe. that’s that energy that I feed off.

imo. it’s ultimately your attitude; which affects your clubbing experience.

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Yes Sobeton but you have to realize That Just like all good Rolls there is going to be a come down. And if this Scene is based on that then it will come down with it and that Flat out Sucks. And as it slowly falls apart it may just be you, me ,and mikey going nuts to Oscar.


Welcome to My world Friday

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Originally posted by djdekan

Yes Sobeton but you have to realize That Just like all good Rolls there is going to be a come down. And if this Scene is based on that then it will come down with it and that Flat out Sucks. And as it slowly falls apart it may just be you, me ,and mikey going nuts to Oscar.


Welcome to My world Friday

my world is based in reality, and in my world nothing is perfect. now stop debating with me damn it ! :) talk to you soon bro..
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when I go to a club; I try not to spend my time analyzing, what other people are doing. I focus on the music, enjoy the companionship of my friends, and hopefully meet some new friends. because someone may choose to use a substance, does not mean they are, less passionate about the scene or the music. a club and the scene in general, are filled with many people; and everyone has a different objective.

Sobeton: good point, let people be people...

pete, look what place you're talking about. if you are in search of real music, real people and NO stress...there are plenty of other options. rain on friday being one of them. they know how to throw a party. space is definitely not the place.

Phrank: that's good that u stand up for what u believe-- before you say Space isn't the place, try convincing the 4,000+ peepz that walk thru the doors @ Space every weekend. I'm sure somewhere out in the darkness, lies another answer aside from Rain. Prank, pass da cornbread on tha' ban' wagin'??

How Can anyone Say that about Space? Trance Fridays (EdgarV , And all the DJ's Luis Brings in is what made me move from NY) Now I party nonstop on Sat Nights with Sobeton to Oscar Deep House and I'm not even a house head.

Dekan: Wow, I guess Space isn't doin' such a bad job after all... right phrank??


Club Space

Club Spin www.clubspin.com

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well i think that people are going to rain cause its such a relaxed atmosphere, dress code is not extremely enforced, and everyone excuse for going is non other than DHM, i heard them spin, and u know what they do create a great vibe, and it wasn't only the people its also the music. So i'm sure if DHM would spin in the parking lot of a Sedanos supermarket, a crowd would gather regardless, because of their music not cause Rain is the new club, and for example isn't Spin also a new club, we don't see people

posting about spin all the time now do we.

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Originally posted by djdekan

everyone jumping on the Rain band wagon because it's the NEW IN Place to be.

well, you've got it all figured out... that's exactly why we go to rain.

Originally posted by djoscarg

you know what they say about opinions.......

I guess real music is a matter of personal taste.......

how often do you go to Space?

most of the times i have been to space i have had to deal with a ridiculous wait, outrageous prices, rude doormen/doorwomen, and a really pathetic crowd. now you tell me, oscar g, you being a dj, is this what clubbing is all about?? now you know why we gave up on space and why some of us are loyal to rain... we FINALLY found a place where it's all about the music.

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I'll be honest, there's been times where I go out, and I don't have my gear, so I get a little 'out of sorts'...but I started on the scene sober, so I got 'into it' for all the right reasons as it were. Photography at a club was a combination of my two loves...what keeps me going is getting the best possible photos I can, and the people...for every 10 crackheads passed out on a couch, there's one or two people that I encounter every time I'm out that make the night 'worth it'...not counting the CP crew of course, who I always count on having a decent 'unassisted' energy level :)

The nice part, for me anyway, when I go out is the opportunity I have to talk to the performers and artists present at Liquid, Space, or any other place...I value these conversations, I come away from talking to Oscar knowing a little bit more about the music, i.e. how a track was made, or I come from a conversation with Drew knowing how to start up the laser at Liquid, for example, or I'll chat with Carmel for a bit and get some cool stories!

If drugs and alcohol were to go away from the scene, I wouldn't miss them one bit. My rolls are Fuji and Kodak, after all..though those Agfas have a certain charm.

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well i think that people are going to rain cause its such a relaxed atmosphere, dress code is not extremely enforced, and everyone excuse for going is non other than DHM, i heard them spin, and u know what they do create a great vibe, and it wasn't only the people its also the music. So i'm sure if DHM would spin in the parking lot of a Sedanos supermarket, a crowd would gather regardless, because of their music not cause Rain is the new club, and for example isn't Spin also a new club, we don't see people posting about spin all the time now do we.

That's great that Rain makes you feel the way you do, and I'm glad you enjoy it...

I never took anything away from them, nor do I don't sit here & bad mouth any club. So if you would have paid attention to my post before, you would see what I'm talking about. I'm stickin' up for what I belong & believe in...

Seems like some of us here need to educate oursleves on how to spread the word without rippin' others (clubs)...

So if you were offended by the remark about the band wagon, tell mr. acasta to recall the pic. I happened to find it funny, so I commented...

About Spin--Nothing comes easy, but we're workin' on it...


Club Space www.clubspace.com

Club:spin:Spin www.clubspin.com

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Originally posted by phrankadelic

if you are in search of real music, real people and NO stress...there are plenty of other options. space is definitely not the place.

Phrank is my boy, but unfortunately he started the beef on this thread. That's why the RAIN bandwagon has to retreat out of this thread before this turns into the OK Corral.

Biznation - Your opinion is biased......you promote at space of course your going to blow it up like it's the only party in town.

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Killer vibe? Are you guys smoking crack or what? I'll be the first to admit that I hit up Rain quite frequently. DHM- have some serious talent, and always manage to impress me w/ their skills on the decks. I also go b/c a good number of my friends show up every Friday, it's nice to see everybody and I enjoy the company.

However, in my opinion the club sucks. The sound system sucks. The ceiling rattles, plus whenever I leave my ears are ringing and I have the worst box head imaginable. The crowd is a lil' too old for my taste. It's like partying at the geriatric ward. The dance floor is about 2 square feet. Not to mention that everyone seems to hang out in the outside hallway. Furthermore, I haven't been impressed w/ any of the guest DJ's on Friday. Usually w/in an hour everyone is beggin' for DHM to come back on.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy myself and will probably return on any given Friday night...........but people you are making it sound like it's the greatest thing since Twilo closed.

Will someone please book DHM at a real venue?

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Originally posted by aeroplano

most of the times i have been to space i have had to deal with a ridiculous wait, outrageous prices, rude doormen/doorwomen, and a really pathetic crowd. .

these would seem to be elements; one could apply to most clubs; in south flordia. if these elements effect someone’s evening; so dramatically. then perhaps Space is not the club for them. the only thing that should matter is the music, and the people you are with. imo that’s what clubbing is about.. the imperfections are just a fact of life. you can choose to deal with or not deal with it. again, "it’s ultimately your attitude; which affects your clubbing experience."
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Biznation - Your opinion is biased......you promote at space of course your going to blow it up like it's the only party in town.

See that's where you are wrong... I've given credit where it's due to many other parties: Crobar, Livingroom, etc...

I've even supported certain Space guys who have ventured off to new places...

So the answer is no, my party isn't the best in town & I don't blow it up like it is. I post when I think the time is right or when I feel props are appropriate...

You don't catch me sayin' a certain FM station rocks the house-- if you know what i mean-- just for the sake of sayin' something positive.

The bottom line is I enjoy the places I work for & it shows thru my enthusiasm & dedication...


Club Space

Club Spin:spin:

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Originally posted by aeroplano

most of the times i have been to space i have had to deal with a ridiculous wait,

well....unfortunately, when you have 3000 people going to a club, there is going to be lines.....as a matter of fact, I think Space does a pretty good job of getting everyone in in an orderly fashion....it's not like some clubs where there is a big mob outside the club and the doorman picks people out of a crowd....at Space if you stand in line you're in...

Originally posted by aeroplano

outrageous prices,

what outrageous prices?? are the prices any more than any comparable venue in town? what are you talking about? cover? drinks? parking? think about a night on the beach......I'd say you spend alot more if you are across the causeway from Space....

Originally posted by aeroplano

rude doormen/doorwomen,

I've never met a doorman I liked

Originally posted by aeroplano

and a really pathetic crowd.

we can't all hang with the elite A-crowd like yourself...

Originally posted by aeroplano

now you tell me, oscar g, you being a dj, is this what clubbing is all about?? now you know why we gave up on space and why some of us are loyal to rain... we FINALLY found a place where it's all about the music.

who is "WE"?? from the looks of this thread, not everyone is ready to cast Space aside....I like Rain myself (I've played there and they have offered me a residency) but there is no way you can compare Rain to Space......Rain is a lounge....Space is a mega-club........and what is this "all about the music" crap.....no club is all about the music...a club is what you make of it....

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Biznation - Your opinion is biased......you promote at space of course your going to blow it up like it's the only party in town.

seems like he spends, more time defending Space. something he really shouldn’t, have to do. but, hey it’s the miami cp board; were subjectivity is always in question.
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Biznation - Your opinion is biased......you promote at space of course your going to blow it up like it's the only party in town.

Your not biased when you believe in what you do. Your just standing up for your beliefs.

I'm stickin' up for what I belong & believe in...

I think we all jumped off the true subject and instead of understanding what djdekan said this turned into a lets rip Space thread.

I can sympathize by what djdekan and OscarG are saying. I will begin by saying I am no saint nor claim to be one. I go to Space every weekend (I hope this doesn't make my opinion on Space bias) for the music and to have a good time. I go to listen to OscarG beacuse he is a great DJ/producer and what he brings to Space is great music and vibes. I myself love the music very much and get a great adrenaline rush myself just listening to OscarG, Roly and all the other great DJ's that walk through the door at Space.

when I go to a club; I try not to spend my time analyzing

Lets just enjoy the music.......We can't control others but we can control ourselves.

I am going to show people starting Friday that Its the Music that Matters NOT the drugs and Stop Drinking and Dropping and start Listen and Dancing.

I hope your efforts spread to all those around you and then some.

So regardless of what others do I will be at Space....because its all about the music.

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People talk about there not using drugs on this board, I think more need to and calm down, and let other people enjoy what they enjoy without getting so aggravated and mad about it.

Calm ya-selves, everyone has there likes-dislikes.

I havent been to really any clubs down here besides Space, I got negative comments about the place, but mostly about the crowd, the music there is banging, and for a DJ to come on the board and post what he is posting shows that he is a class-act (Oscar)

Just my $0.03 :D

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