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When Are You Most Creative?

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I've discussed this topic ad nauseum with friends and people I've worked on projects with and the differences in rituals and techniques is amazing, at best. From having to smoke weed to meditating to shrooms to riding a Harley. I find that I'm at my most creative state when I've been up all night, I'm absolutely exhausted and hungry ( possibly to the point of delirium) and I start throwing ideas around. I think of things that I would never even dream of during a regular day. So i decided to write an article on the topic and I need some of your insight!

J. Cracker von Corn

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It's the same for me- well not the hunger part, because I don't function when I have to eat, lol. But when I'm seriously sleep-deprived I enter kind of a manic state, fueled by adrenaline. My thoughts are flying in a million directions at once, I sit down and try to get them all down, making connections that somehow don't exist when I'm well-rested and slightly more sane.

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my best ideas come up when I stay up all night writing a paper, unfortunately the ideas usually strain far away from the paper. It is those long periods between writing, when I seem to be stuck. But in fact my mind is somewhere else, creating new worlds and concepts. Countless "what ifs" and all the strings of thought that follow. Its the coffee buz. Too bad I usually forget everything.

The other time is when I'm rolling, but those ideas are more emotional and fluffy and peaceful, rather than intellectual.

For me, ideas on e come with an acceptance and embrae of reality. coming up with ideas of being a better person, as opposed to creating a better world.

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I need motivation (necessity is the mother of invention)... And I work REALLY well when I'm with certain people, I don't know how to explain it, but theres certain types of people that theres just a synergistic effect with. Theres like a mode I go into, where everything just flows, and it really works with certain people.

Also, I need music usually when i'm alone... Music clears my head of all the noise, and there are times where I won't even hear the music, just a clear thought process... I sit around sometimes with music REDICULOUSLY loud, not moving, completely engulfed in thought... not hearing the music, not concious of whats around me...

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Originally posted by joeg

Also, I need music usually when i'm alone... Music clears my head of all the noise, and there are times where I won't even hear the music, just a clear thought process... I sit around sometimes with music REDICULOUSLY loud, not moving, completely engulfed in thought... not hearing the music, not concious of whats around me...

I feel that way in a club. hear the but not really hear it, not aware of anything but the inner self. thoughts flow in unison with the rythm of the music, and my mind flies so far away that I forget where I am and who I am and become one with the reality of the lights of the smoke of the rythm. percieve all that's around me, yet am not aware of anything.

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I'm most creative in class. You should the extent of these doodles and fabulous ideas for clubs and parties and fashion that I come up with when I just can't stare at the clock anymore. I have come up with some excellent architecture as well... I'll draw whole towns, colleges, whatever, and it makes the professor go away :tongue:

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I am Most Creative at around 3 - 4am. I noticed that is when i can actually concentrate on making songs and not drift away into another thought. Put on the headphones, think of what you want the track to sound like, and just go. (Example) Worked on a song last night, started at 3am went to bed at 7am. I come up with really messed up tracks after a night of clubbin and drugs.

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Originally posted by mist

I feel that way in a club. hear the but not really hear it, not aware of anything but the inner self. thoughts flow in unison with the rythm of the music, and my mind flies so far away that I forget where I am and who I am and become one with the reality of the lights of the smoke of the rythm. percieve all that's around me, yet am not aware of anything.

well said.

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