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Diets suck

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If you swap the Oreo's for carrots or apples and add some excercise to your daily routine there is no need for a diet. You should never starve yourself...it weakens your immune system and makes you irritable. Eat what you want, in moderation and then get one of those videos (much cheaper than a gym and FAR less embarrassing) and burn that fat, honey! ;)

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Originally posted by sprincess218

If you swap the Oreo's for carrots or apples and add some excercise to your daily routine there is no need for a diet. You should never starve yourself...it weakens your immune system and makes you irritable. Eat what you want, in moderation and then get one of those videos (much cheaper than a gym and FAR less embarrassing) and burn that fat, honey! ;)

Moderation.....thats where my problem is. Somehow I gained 15lbs since September-Im a freak!!

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Originally posted by princess003

Moderation.....thats where my problem is. Somehow I gained 15lbs since September-Im a freak!!

I don't know how possible this is for you but I try not to keep any snacks in my house. I have tons of fruit and veggies. When I get the urge I'm limited and it's good for you anyway. After a while you don't want any of those snacks anyway. If you do, go with the urge...if you try to surpress it you will end up eating a bag of Doritos rather than a handful of chips...

:idea: Better still, get a buddy that you can lean on and the 2 of you can remind eachother about eating habits and work-out together. That's always a good option!

Good luck, honey! :D

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Originally posted by princess003

Moderation.....thats where my problem is. Somehow I gained 15lbs since September-Im a freak!!

you wont acheive what your goal is if you dont have any sort of will power or self control....

i've seen the most positive results by eating right, not LESS....like someone else said, substitute junk food for carrots/apples/rice cakes...just to fill you up when you get hungry between meals. i also drink two 24 oz. poland spring size bottles of water a day. this combined with cardio & weight training should get you back on your feet.

i totally hear you on loving crappy food --- but the minute i tried on a bathing suit to see how i looked cuz im going to miami next month...gave me sooo much more incentive....good luck to you :D

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the only way to lose weight is to consume less calories and use up more calories (work out.)

just jump on the thread mill for like 30 minutes a day. if you do it often enough you won't feel right everyday without actually working out. stacker 2 and other eca stack pills help reduce appetite as well but you should use them 2 months off and on because the body gets used to it and it just won't work anymore.

good luck with the diet

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you in damngood shape if thats you in your sig!

let me ask you, since you seem to know your stuff, which protein you drink? i've been trying to avoid Creatine, and wont take anabolics, so i guess Protein and Glutamine is my only ticket to getting bigger. any words of advice?

by the words, whats Elite Fitness? a health website??

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elite fitness is a site about health and fitness but its main forum is about anabolics.

the training and supplement forum are very informative though. i recommend the arnold encyclopedia of body building. the training in it is way too much for a normal person but its good to know the exercises and gives you a good idea on how to really work out. i think after i bought this book is when i really started to learn about working out.

all protein is the same. just depends on how thick you like your shake, the flavor and how much you are willing to spend. don't pay attention to the protein content on the back of the labels because that is just a marketing hoax. if you add a couple more scoops you can get the same amount of protein in any shake. i liked an EAS shake i forgot the exact name but it tasted great. came in a huge tube. also the generic gnc brand chocolate is good too. i mixed them with milk but you should reconsider that if you are trying to lose weight. also if you are trying to lose weight consider lowering carbs in your shakes. 1.5 grams of protein per lbs is the general rule.

you should reconsider creatine. it really is a great way to pack on lean muscule and is really harmless. don't believe all the hype on 20/20 and the news. anything good is always given shit. if you do research on it you'll find its perfectly fine.

my favorite shake is hyperdrive 360 by metaform. its off the market now but my friend works at gnc and has TONS of the shit now. it used to be $40 but i can get it for $5:D If you reconsider creatine it has that in there, a good amount, not that much protein but i love the taste. Also has a lot of carbs for energy and the hard to find glutamine peptides which is better then just the regular L-glutamine found in stores now.


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Originally posted by magilicuti

the only way to lose weight is to consume less calories and use up more calories (work out.)

just jump on the thread mill for like 30 minutes a day. if you do it often enough you won't feel right everyday without actually working out. stacker 2 and other eca stack pills help reduce appetite as well but you should use them 2 months off and on because the body gets used to it and it just won't work anymore.

good luck with the diet

Before I begin... I am 6' almost 1"

About 5-6 years ago I was in my best shape. Playing both baseball and football. But then about 2 or 3 years later I got extremely lazy mainly due to work... I know should not use excuses... but anyway I went from 215 Lbs and ballooned up to 305 Lbs... Well I finally decided this past October that is was time to wisen up. I got my act together and got to work. I started just lowering my fat intake and stopped eating any carbs after 6pm. In the first month and a half I lost about 30 Lbs. Then I read a bit about Hydroxy cut by Muscle Tech. Basically the same as stacker 2 but I think it is better. Well I lost another 45 Lbs between then and now. Currently I am 230 Lbs. And really starting to regain my strength with my weight training. But like you stated. The weight loss had slowed down. So I decided to get off the hydroxy cut for a little while before I shock my system again. I also believe in Protein shakes and Creatine 100%. I do not stack the creatine. I only use the minimal amount per day in a bottle of water while I work out. I have set a goal weight for each month since october and each month I have made my goal weight. I also quit smoking 3 weeks ago... I cheated only 1 day when I went out. If you are a smoker and want to get into shape... Let me tell you... Quit smoking it makes a world of a difference. Well I just figured I would add a little of my input. Hope it helps some how... Just to end... My over all goal weight I set at around 200 Lbs. But I am not so much going by weight anymore... I use the mirror and my belt as my scale. Because with the weight training. As I am losing body fat I am gaining muscle mass. And muscle adds more weight than the fat. So a scale is not always the best way to judge...

If I get the chance maybe I will post a before and after... But I am kinda shy... LoL and it is a little embaresing...

I went from a size 42 Jeans to a 36. My waste will fit a 34. But my legs wont... :confused: Oh well I will live it...

Peace... And good luck to all...

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i was gettin hungry reading this thread....that was until i reached magilicuti's post....now i am psyched for my power toning class in the morning........but yea...starving/dieting...it's all crap that just fucks u up.....just don't be a pig...and exercise...

on a similar note...did anyone see commercials for this glutton bowl or whatever......fuckin gross...it's like a competition where people try to out eat eachother?!?! wtf! i wonder how u train for that!!!!???

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