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lonely and pretty rich

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

well im not that 'rich' but i make 100K a year and drive a new bmw and buying a condo soon. i work alone at home and thus it's hard for me to meet girls. if you want to take advantage of me let me know. email me to theknot@yahoo.com photo available. 5'9 175lbs.

:rolleyes: Wrong site. Try here: http://www.match.com

P.S. Money ain't everything.

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Originally posted by o-jay®

P.S. Money ain't everything.

so true.. i went to boston this past weekend to visit my best friends brother in the coast guard and one of his shipmates friend from manhattan got on my nerves so bad. All he kept bragging about was that his dad owns a hair salon for famous people and what kind of car he drives and the stores he shops in. Wore this horrendous plad bellbottom green pants out that were $400 (I spilt some sprite and bacardi limon on them.. oops). How hes moving to sweeden to be with his model g/f (who is UGLY) and hes has his own apt in the city.. Ugh! get over yourself.. He was rude. So money is def not everything!! People like that piss me off.. sorry.. had to vent! :D

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Originally posted by jonathanny

its funny .. how people who dont have Money .. always say money isnt everything...:rolleyes:

its true that money get buy u happniess.. but it sure can u a whole lot of other things:D



ok so you are telling me that b/c i say money isnt everything that i dont have mony??? lol wow buddy Well my opinion on people who have money (only the snobby, conceited ones tho, not all of them) are ugly and need their money to buy them stuff. They get a g/f shower her with gifts just to keep her than they cry when they were used. They show off their money like they arefucking hot. get over yourself. ugh.. i dont like this topic! :blown:

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Originally posted by jonathanny

its funny .. how people who dont have Money .. always say money isnt everything...:rolleyes:

its true that money get buy u happniess.. but it sure can u a whole lot of other things:D



I have money, but I STILL say money isn't everything. It doesn't even come close. The Beatles were right. A girl that truly loves you, will love you for you, not for your money, or lack thereof.

When you have no one to spend it on but yourself, it sucks. You can only buy so many records :D.

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looking back at life, i noticed something interesting. i seem to be happiest when i am low on dough, and high on life, on the little things that make life great. when i was single, and making tons of cash, i spent it on stupid shit for myselft, and never felt good about it. now i could spend $300-500 on my gf and not even think about it. i guess it depends on the person. for some people, money has a higher tangible value than someone like me.

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looking back at life, i noticed something interesting. i seem to be happiest when i am low on dough, and high on life, on the little things that make life great. when i was single, and making tons of cash, i spent it on stupid shit for myselft, and never felt good about it. now i could spend $300-500 on my gf and not even think about it. i guess it depends on the person. for some people, money has a higher tangible value than someone like me.

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Originally posted by tribal

looking back at life, i noticed something interesting. i seem to be happiest when i am low on dough, and high on life, on the little things that make life great. when i was single, and making tons of cash, i spent it on stupid shit for myselft, and never felt good about it. now i could spend $300-500 on my gf and not even think about it. i guess it depends on the person. for some people, money has a higher tangible value than someone like me.

dont click the Submit reply twice !!

Money isnt everything ..

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

well im not that 'rich' but i make 100K a year and drive a new bmw and buying a condo soon. i work alone at home and thus it's hard for me to meet girls. if you want to take advantage of me let me know. email me to theknot@yahoo.com photo available. 5'9 175lbs.

sorry bro .. but you will not get a girl like this .. Yes a part time partner in crime will come and will blow ur money and blow u also !!!

But if u make 100K then use the brains also ..

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by entrepreneur

well im not that 'rich' but i make 100K a year and drive a new bmw and buying a condo soon. i work alone at home and thus it's hard for me to meet girls. if you want to take advantage of me let me know. email me to theknot@yahoo.com photo available. 5'9 175lbs.

I have to step in on this one...feeling frisky on a Monday morning...

anyway, DUDE, you are going about this all WRONG. That's great that you make 6 figures and drive a sportin car, but do you really want to date a girl thats going to be a gold digger? Think about the way you are approaching this. YOu didn't even tell us what you are like, etc....all you said is that you have money and work from home. Or is it that you just want to get laid and you are like well this could be a good way to get an insecure chick in the bag?

Take out a personal in New York magazine with this approach and good luck! Oh and get a safe:)

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by tastyt

What we really want to know... how do you look and how big's your cock? Now those are the things that matter. :horns:

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

i think this post wuz supposed to be a joke mocking the post by that nj guy who posts his pcituresi n his sig...he said i hate when i see ugly rich guys w/ hot girls...unless i'm analyzing too much

oh yeah! could be........a little unclear though. nice try i guess.

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