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I have to go to a wake in about 20 mins....One of my friends from high schools brother hung himself this weekend b/c of his ex g/f!!! How crazy is that. This shit makes me so mad. Why the hell woul you kill yourself over another person??? My cousins best friend shot himselfin his mouth through the back of his head b/c of a fight with his g/f a year and a half ago and some other from Deer park (a town near me) hung himself by his garge door last year b/c of a girl. It oggles my mind.. The one i m going to tonight is or should i say was 18 years old, the other kidswere 21 and 22, i think? Sorry I had to vent!!! :flame: :horns: :mad:

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Girls can say some pretty horrible things!!! The girls that cause these suicides what must be goin through their heads... holy shit i shouldnt have told him xxxx!!!

I dont know.. This kid was such a happy person, outgoing... I just dont get it.. I know its the quiet ones that do this kind of stuff... I just feel bad for his family and the people he left behind... His brother (my friend) is a mess and its just so hard (well i wouldnt know personally and i never want to find out). its hard enough for me when it happens to someone who is related i someway to someone know

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Wow i dont wanna get all mushy but if this happened to my brother i dont know what i would do... thats absolutely horrible... suicide is never the alternative especially when theres those that love you left in the world... everyone need a spirtual guide and someone to rest on i guess im lucky cause i have a lot of friends and a great family...

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Originally posted by bebby6919


I have to go to a wake in about 20 mins....One of my friends from high schools brother hung himself this weekend b/c of his ex g/f!!! How crazy is that. This shit makes me so mad. Why the hell woul you kill yourself over another person??? My cousins best friend shot himselfin his mouth through the back of his head b/c of a fight with his g/f a year and a half ago and some other from Deer park (a town near me) hung himself by his garge door last year b/c of a girl. It oggles my mind.. The one i m going to tonight is or should i say was 18 years old, the other kidswere 21 and 22, i think? Sorry I had to vent!!! :flame: :horns: :mad:

This is fucked up to ask but...

Did he hang himself at Rutgers? Cause some kid hung himself this weekend at Rutgers. Damn WTF!!!!!!!! is up with these kids hanging themselves???

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hey deb im really sorry to hear about ur friends brother....but girls get be very manipulative and get in your head at times.....my cousin did the same when she was 18.....i never understood why until now ....... but she had many different more serious reasons......im really sorry and ill see u this weekend babe.....bobby......:(

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Suicidal people can be understood though..they're too weak and cowardly to face up to life and the shit it throws our way,so they think they are taking the easy way out...maybe it's better sometimes if people kill themselves, this world is already overpopulated as it is..what a fucking shame. Well, every person is accountable for their actions...one way or another.:blown:

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Originally posted by quoth

This is fucked up to ask but...

Did he hang himself at Rutgers? Cause some kid hung himself this weekend at Rutgers. Damn WTF!!!!!!!! is up with these kids hanging themselves???

yeah thats was him... thats where his ex-g/f goes to college

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Originally posted by bebby6919

yeah thats was him... thats where his ex-g/f goes to college

thanx bobby, yeah i dont get it either.. it was horrible last night my whole town was there. There was a line out the door. Then all the pictures :( . They had open casket and it didnt even look like little heartley!!!!! I was a mess last night. I think his brother and sister were on tranquilizers b/c they took it very well and looked fucked up. But his sister at one point busted out crying which made me cry even more.

Clubhoppintg- Im sorry about your friend as well. Its horrible. We are born to die and thats so sad if you think about it. Thank you.

Thanx guys for letting me vent :cool:

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Originally posted by bebby6919


I have to go to a wake in about 20 mins....One of my friends from high schools brother hung himself this weekend b/c of his ex g/f!!! How crazy is that. This shit makes me so mad. Why the hell woul you kill yourself over another person??? My cousins best friend shot himselfin his mouth through the back of his head b/c of a fight with his g/f a year and a half ago and some other from Deer park (a town near me) hung himself by his garge door last year b/c of a girl. It oggles my mind.. The one i m going to tonight is or should i say was 18 years old, the other kidswere 21 and 22, i think? Sorry I had to vent!!! :flame: :horns: :mad:

oh my god! it happened at my school....i'm really sorry...it's sad to see people kill themselves over a little bad relationship

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Originally posted by sassa

Suicidal people can be understood though..they're too weak and cowardly to face up to life and the shit it throws our way,so they think they are taking the easy way out...maybe it's better sometimes if people kill themselves, this world is already overpopulated as it is..what a fucking shame. Well, every person is accountable for their actions...one way or another.:blown:

sassa, you seem upset..maybe you've been thru this before, i mean someone close to you commiting suicide

i went thru it 3 years ago and to this day i'm i get mad at myself because i feel like i could've been a better friend..i should have seen it coming..i should have been there for him

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Sorry... I posted my above questions before I read the rest of the post, but that sucks. I am sorry for your loss. I know the people who found him, and it was not fun for them either. I don't know what pushes someone to the point that they feel the only thing left to do is to take thier own life, but it is an aweful decision to make.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Girls can say some pretty horrible things!!! The girls that cause these suicides what must be goin through their heads... holy shit i shouldnt have told him xxxx!!!


When someone takes their life, it is very tragic. Very tragic that they felt they had no alternative, no one to turn to, and nothing to live for. But to blame it on a girlfriend and the things she has said is misguided. If the suicide victim had stronger family ties, better self esteem, and a healthy relationship with a higher power, a bad relationship with a girl would NOT lead him to suicide. He probably would have never gotten into an unhealthy relationship in the first place if he were emotionally stable. Girls who say horrible things usually don't say it without provocation either...........this guy probably did some things to hurt her and she overreacted, and it was just a vicious circle. But it's not up to us to judge, or to even begin to understand why a young person would do such a thing. Bottom line is that each individual is responsible for their own emotional well being, their happiness and success in life. But someone who commits suicide has been having problems for a very very long time, probably since childhood, and it's not just the immediate situation that leads to a decision as tragic as suicide.

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Originally posted by shugabooga


When someone takes their life, it is very tragic. Very tragic that they felt they had no alternative, no one to turn to, and nothing to live for. But to blame it on a girlfriend and the things she has said is misguided. If the suicide victim had stronger family ties, better self esteem, and a healthy relationship with a higher power, a bad relationship with a girl would NOT lead him to suicide. He probably would have never gotten into an unhealthy relationship in the first place if he were emotionally stable. Girls who say horrible things usually don't say it without provocation either...........this guy probably did some things to hurt her and she overreacted, and it was just a vicious circle. But it's not up to us to judge, or to even begin to understand why a young person would do such a thing. Bottom line is that each individual is responsible for their own emotional well being, their happiness and success in life. But someone who commits suicide has been having problems for a very very long time, probably since childhood, and it's not just the immediate situation that leads to a decision as tragic as suicide.

ok you do have a good point but this was the girls fault. He walked in on her cheating on him and went outside and hung himself. Granted, no one should take their life b/c of another person, unfortunitly Ryan did and he will be missed terribly :(

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Originally posted by bebby6919

ok you do have a good point but this was the girls fault. He walked in on her cheating on him and went outside and hung himself. Granted, no one should take their life b/c of another person, unfortunitly Ryan did and he will be missed terribly :(

hey btw..i am sorry for your loss. This girl i know lives in the dorms over their and was all freaking out cause had to walk by there to get to class but there was a kid there hanging from a tree outside her dorm. Man this is just terrible and fuckin use CP as an outlet if need be like most of us do. If you really need to just talk and vent throw me a PM. Sorry to keep bringing the subject up by responding to your thread cause maybe at this time you want some closure or then again you may want to keep it open to vent and let it out. Trust me...and SOOOOOOOO TRUST ME when i tell you this... I KNOW EXACTLY THAT MISSING LOSS YOU FEEL CAUSE I, MYSELF, HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE THAT FACT THAT A GIRL VERY CLOSE TO ME WAS MURDERED. And yes i have found closure, but i have to think of all the what if's of that girl for the rest of my life. I was seeing her at the time and she was to be my prom date. The story on how she was murdered and the circumstances around it are really very hard for me to talk about even 4 years later. But i want you to know seriously. I do feel for you. Losing a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend due to suicide or homicide is by far, among one of the greatest losses one can go through in life.

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Originally posted by quoth

hey btw..i am sorry for your loss. This girl i know lives in the dorms over their and was all freaking out cause had to walk by there to get to class but there was a kid there hanging from a tree outside her dorm. Man this is just terrible and fuckin use CP as an outlet if need be like most of us do. If you really need to just talk and vent throw me a PM. Sorry to keep bringing the subject up by responding to your thread cause maybe at this time you want some closure or then again you may want to keep it open to vent and let it out. Trust me...and SOOOOOOOO TRUST ME when i tell you this... I KNOW EXACTLY THAT MISSING LOSS YOU FEEL CAUSE I, MYSELF, HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE THAT FACT THAT A GIRL VERY CLOSE TO ME WAS MURDERED. And yes i have found closure, but i have to think of all the what if's of that girl for the rest of my life. I was seeing her at the time and she was to be my prom date. The story on how she was murdered and the circumstances around it are really very hard for me to talk about even 4 years later. But i want you to know seriously. I do feel for you. Losing a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend due to suicide or homicide is by far, among one of the greatest losses one can go through in life.

No its ok. I like to talk about these kind of things. I am a very open person. I like to bitch and vent.. lol. Its of my nature to do so. That is horrible about your friend too. I am soo sorry for your loss as well hun. :(. I have been to the same funeral home in the same room 3 times in the past year. So by going to this wake it also reminded me of Ryan (of coursa), a guy i used to work with and my friends mother. It was hard. I was fine when i woke up this morning (tired b/c i was up all night upset) but on my way to school i had to drive past the duneral home (its off the same road as my block) and as i was driving the hurst and all the cars were pulling out to go to the cemetery. It will take a while but I am slowly dealing with it. Just like you... Smile hun :tongue:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

ok you do have a good point but this was the girls fault. He walked in on her cheating on him and went outside and hung himself. Granted, no one should take their life b/c of another person, unfortunitly Ryan did and he will be missed terribly :(

so what you're saying is that everything else in his life was picture perfect until that moment that he walked in on them? he was an all-star athlete, good student, never abused drugs or alcohol, his parents were happily married and provided him with a nurturing, loving environment all his life? he had a close bond with his siblings and a circle of supportive, mature, stable friends? was pursuing a degree in a field that he loved? knew what he wanted out of life? worked out regularly? was active in campus organizations? had a part-time job that he liked? he was emotionally stable, mature and responsible?

learn a little bit more about the psychology of suicide before you place blame and remember - it's not up to us to judge or place blame on the girlfriend.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

so what you're saying is that everything else in his life was picture perfect until that moment that he walked in on them? he was an all-star athlete, good student, never abused drugs or alcohol, his parents were happily married and provided him with a nurturing, loving environment all his life? he had a close bond with his siblings and a circle of supportive, mature, stable friends? was pursuing a degree in a field that he loved? knew what he wanted out of life? worked out regularly? was active in campus organizations? had a part-time job that he liked? he was emotionally stable, mature and responsible?

learn a little bit more about the psychology of suicide before you place blame and remember - it's not up to us to judge or place blame on the girlfriend.

Ok first of all I made this thread just so I could vent and just to talk about this.. Not to be abused by some asshole that i dont even know. Thanx for making me feel better about my friend dieing!!!!!!! I appreciate it!!!! I dont have to prove shit to you. If it will make you feel better he did have a great life. No one saw this coming. Not his parents, sister, brother, friends, not even his g/f. all I was saying is that his...nah fuck that.... yoru a waste of my time!

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