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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

If ya mothafuckas dont like me than yall kiss my ass

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Im not bitches like half of you on this board who suck dick to get into clubs. If you dont like me im not gunna sweat it i dont need no one on my side i stand up for what i believe in you people let these others ocme onto this board talk all this shit and than gang up on each other well stop being pussies and whining over little shit. Most of people on this bitch worse than ya hoes do. The people who do respect me coming on this board and actually saying shit than keep the respect going. If you hoes and kiss ass wannabes wanna suck each other off than go ahead but dont come on this board playin your all hard and shit.

This email was met for these following people:


cosmic gate



and all you other haters

if you got issues with that come see me tonight at abyss


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Originally posted by clubkidnj

you want that whopper and fries you better ask somebody else because ill be busy with ya ho in the backset of my car and will have no time to be out running around to get you anything as i slip my chicken tender in her sauce

What in the back seat of you low rider 93 Honda Civic. Give me a break. Come on even someone of your sub-par intellegence can come up something better than that. I'm going to start calling you Darwin and when you figure out why I promise to stop busting on you.

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Originally posted by clubkidnj

ill tell you who has a phalic dependency, its you you cocksucking retard. Your mother may have one too after having a child like you

Jesus son every other word out of your mouth is cock this and cock that. You have cock on the brain boy. Don't be ragging on my mom just because the crack whore you call one left your ass with that child molester you call a step father when you where but a wee young ghetto rat.

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Originally posted by clubkidnj

Im not bitches like half of you on this board who suck dick to get into clubs. If you dont like me im not gunna sweat it i dont need no one on my side i stand up for what i believe in you people let these others ocme onto this board talk all this shit and than gang up on each other well stop being pussies and whining over little shit. Most of people on this bitch worse than ya hoes do. The people who do respect me coming on this board and actually saying shit than keep the respect going. If you hoes and kiss ass wannabes wanna suck each other off than go ahead but dont come on this board playin your all hard and shit.

This email was met for these following people:


cosmic gate



and all you other haters

if you got issues with that come see me tonight at abyss


A) Your post is absolutely PAINFUL to read. May I suggest using proper punctuation, proper use of CAPITAL letters, and of course, the ever popular SPELL CHECK process!! Upon completion of these tasks, your posts MAY be able to get through. Until then, the only thing the post above shows is that our education system in this country HAS FAILED YET AGAIN.

B) You are the one WHINING my friend - quit your barking and take your lumps like a man! You got read, and then re-read. Now run along with your tale tucked FIRMLY between your chicken legs and go tell it to someone who CARES because honestly - NO ONE AROUND HERE DOES!

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Im not bitches like half of you on this board who suck dick to get into clubs. .

This email was met for these following people:

all you other haters

if you got issues with that come see me tonight at abyss


I'm sorry you son of a bitch, I didn't know she dropped you when you were a kid, I guess that explains everything :blank: I won't pick on you again!

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Originally posted by clubkidnj

....if you got issues with that come see me tonight at abyss


Are you fuckin serious??:laugh:...I hope they drag your ass out back and kick the shit out of you...I might just go to get a piece of the action :D......I doubt you're half as tough as you are, especially when you post crybaby threads...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by clubkidnj

you want that whopper and fries you better ask somebody else because ill be busy with ya ho in the backset of my car and will have no time to be out running around to get you anything as i slip my chicken tender in her sauce

Ya know, come to think of it, your boyfriend was telling everyone that yours was the size of a chicken tender... And I sure as hell hope you realize guys have to be 21 for Abyss...Or maybe for your juvenile sake I am wrong and it is 18 for girls and guys..
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Tyco,that has to be one of the funniest things i have ever seen!!! I dont check in for one day and this retard is starting all this drama. It was kinda funny last night when i went to the hip hop room and asked for his sorry ass and everyone just kinda looked even more foolish then they already did. Clubdickhead,if you are going to issue a challange make sure you are there to back it up.You are a fucking pussy!!

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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Tyco,that has to be one of the funniest things i have ever seen!!! I dont check in for one day and this retard is starting all this drama. It was kinda funny last night when i went to the hip hop room and asked for his sorry ass and everyone just kinda looked even more foolish then they already did. Clubdickhead,if you are going to issue a challange make sure you are there to back it up.You are a fucking pussy!!

I was there u fuckin fag. You were getting raped in the ass by naubuc. Stop lying to yourself cause u didnt ask shit.

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