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9/11 documentary

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yeah.. i thought those 2 guys that filmed it were amazing.. on the other hand... i was :confused: it seemed like the firedepartment did nothing... they were standing around.. doing nothing.... that really hit me.. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by ekstacy

yeah.. i thought those 2 guys that filmed it were amazing.. on the other hand... i was :confused: it seemed like the firedepartment did nothing... they were standing around.. doing nothing.... that really hit me.. :mad: :mad:

They were doing everything they could. Thats a really fucked up thing to say. I feel like spitting in your face right now. How you could say they were just standing around.

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Originally posted by ekstacy

yeah.. i thought those 2 guys that filmed it were amazing.. on the other hand... i was :confused: it seemed like the firedepartment did nothing... they were standing around.. doing nothing.... that really hit me.. :mad: :mad:

wow that was a terrible thing to say.....they were in a total state of confusion and in my mind were reacitng rather calmly which i thought was amazing...they were trying to take it all in and decide what to do....they didnt even know the building collapsed......i couldnt even begin to describe how i would have been reacting if i was in that area,,,,,
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Originally posted by ekstacy

yeah.. i thought those 2 guys that filmed it were amazing.. on the other hand... i was :confused: it seemed like the firedepartment did nothing... they were standing around.. doing nothing.... that really hit me.. :mad: :mad:

how can you say that???? they did everythign humanly possible. do you think you could have handled what they did. you my son are a moron.

it was amazingly sad but good to watch. made me cry alot during it. i think it was very powerful

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Originally posted by tony2000

It bought tears to my eyes,thinking about my 6 of my friends who died in both towers.wow can't believe tomorrow will mark the 6th anniversary.I will never forget 9/11 as long as I live.:(

i don't think anyone will ever forget it.

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Originally posted by ekstacy

yeah.. i thought those 2 guys that filmed it were amazing.. on the other hand... i was :confused: it seemed like the firedepartment did nothing... they were standing around.. doing nothing.... that really hit me.. :mad: :mad:

Were you watching the same thing we all were? :confused:

Very touching, and very well done.

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anybody watching the channel news 2 follow up too?

sigh, i was a lil apprehensive to watch it, but i think it was very well done. Its still freaky to see the street scenes bc that was my old neighborhood; places and stores that i used to walk past everyday and now covered in debris and dust. My old apt was 5 streets away from the WTC and i moved out only 3 weeks prior.

and i too lost a childhood friend that was on flight 175 :(

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Watched the whole thing, and now i'm watching the special on local (ch2 nyc). I wasn't too sure how it was going to be, but I must hand it to my coworkers at CBS for putting together a GREAT show, by far the best documentary I've ever watched.

I dont know if I'm biased cause I work in media or not, but I also think an interesting show could be made out of the 'behind the scenes' footage from all these cameramen who were around the site when the towers came down...there are HOURS of it that have never been shown on tv before...

anyway not to rant, but for me personally the thing in the show that hit closest to home for me was the clips from 1010WINS and NewsRadio 880 from that morning, many of the excerpts they used I can remember listening to while sitting in traffic on the Staten Island expressway trying to make my way back home from school that morning...


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Originally posted by ekstacy

i apologise, maybe i said it wrong... or maybe i shouldnt have said anything.. /me :blown:

Exstacy I'm very sorry for jumping down your throat.. Maybe you didn't mean to say what you did or just said it to quickly . Or if you really feel that way then you do I just don't understand how someone could say they were just standing around. There was this big disaster going on around them bigger than any of us can imagine. They still went it there to save lives. That was there agenda as the show showed us. They did everything possible and alot of them lost their lives doing that.

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right after the special , i walked outside to have a cigarette and seen one of the phantom WTC lights bein tested , since i live near the brooklyn bridge , we took a ride down there but they shut it off before we got there

the lights are insanly high i cant wait to see them both together tomarrow

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

c'mon cant someone tell me if its being aired again? or offer to let me borrow a taped version?

i feel like i missed something i really should have seen

Believe me, you saw everything. There were these 2 guys doing a documentary on a rookie firefighter and they ended up getting caught in all of it.. I mean you see everything... You should def try to get a hold of a copy.

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I was on the 55th Floor of Tower 1 going through a regular day of work when the first plane hit. I thought the show was great but there was nothing about the 3000 people that went to work that day and never came back. I know that these 2 film makers were creating a documentary on firemen but they could have touched on that part a little more. Maybe I just take it a little personal but 9/11 was not just about firemen.

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