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Off topic: WHich magazines do you subscribe to???

Guest tilly

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MHO: Magazines are for the new upper middle class that want to stay up to the last 2 months on trends that do not have the time to research elsewhere. I do respect them as sheer entertainment though.

sometimes I read Dj times, luomo', and mabye a wine related mag, womens wear D, cosmo for fun.:hat::peeleft:

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by orlandobreaks

MHO: Magazines are for the new upper middle class that want to stay up to the last 2 months on trends that do not have the time to research elsewhere. I do respect them as sheer entertainment though.

sometimes I read Dj times, luomo', and mabye a wine related mag, womens wear D, cosmo for fun.:hat::peeleft:

do us both a favor and stay out of my threads..nuff said:blown:
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Originally posted by tilly

you can always get on the Victoria Secret mailing list...I hear that their magazines are good "reading" material for men;)

I used to work for VS at willowbrook mall in NJ actually. And if that were the case I'd just subscribe to penthouse. I actually like reading those fucked up articles in the girl magazines, its weird to know what girls are thinking/reading.

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LOL agreed!! When my girl is home from school, she pratically lives at my house, so it can actually be alot of fun to look over her shoulder and read some of the articles in those magazines!

as for me, the only one I really subscribe to is Maxim...used to get a lot more, then i realized that i would get them on the 1st of the month and toss them on the 30th, still in their shrink wrap!


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Not currently subscribing to anything but I've been reading...

URB, Muzik and Mixmag all just for laughs pretty much.....couple of my friends subscribe to those.

Used to subscribe to electronic musician and keyboard but the internet has made them pretty obsolete....still ok rags as far as the U.S. is concerned.

Computer Music and Future Music (www.computermusic.co.uk, www.futuremusic.co.uk)....now there's some seriously dope publications....too bad they cost WAAAAY too much to subscribe in the U.S. so I pick 'em up on occasion....but too fucking expensive. Ever realize how the brit rags are light years ahead of the U.S. shit? why's that....

And back in the day I used to subscribe to 2600 magazine (1'm s0000 l33t) and flipside and maximumrockandroll but they all suck now also.

I can't remember what else...I used to subscribe to more shit, like BBS mag when I ran my BBS (way before this whole internet thing) and probably other shit also i forget....oh yeah some seriously nerdy shit like electronics now and popular electronics, digital communications....ahhh the old days :)

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Oh yeah b4 I forget....if e-zines count:

40HEX magazine

Activist Times, Inc.

Communications Security Bulletin

Underground Digest

Chaos Digest

Cult of the Dead Cow

LoD Technical Journal

Phantasy Magazine

PHRACK Magazine

State of Unbeing

Worthless Piece of Shit

SWAT Magazine

....and MANY MANY more.

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