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<<<Deep Dish Review>>>

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closing out DD this morning was a real pain in the ass but it was worth it. I esp loved that last hour - Sharam was BANGING that shit out. God DAMN i love it when bass hits don't just thump, but go CRACK!!!!

Hard-Fucking-Core. midnight to 9am and worth every ache, cramp, pain, penny, and i'm sure i bled a little too. Must have by the way they were making me sweat.

Ahhhh deepdish. next time i'll remember the facepaint and my spear.

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I am no longer a vinyl virgin :eek: . I had a great time. It took me a while to get used to tho. I was a little upset about leaving exit early tho :( It was fun hanging out with everyone and meeting new CP headz... Dolik, joeg, doubtness and of course HIGHMAY.. a pleasure (I have those passes if you want to stop down) lol. I think there was a few more but I dont remember names.. sorry... bye bye

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Originally posted by cintron


closing out DD this morning was a real pain in the ass but it was worth it. I esp loved that last hour - Sharam was BANGING that shit out. God DAMN i love it when bass hits don't just thump, but go CRACK!!!!

Hard-Fucking-Core. midnight to 9am and worth every ache, cramp, pain, penny, and i'm sure i bled a little too. Must have by the way they were making me sweat.

Ahhhh deepdish. next time i'll remember the facepaint and my spear.

OMG.....thanx for reminding me about that...........

I almost forgot about that towards the end when you, me, and highmay were all doing some weird tribal dance on the stage at one point.......like some Sioux Indians dancing around a bonfire with tiiki torches and the sacrificial buffalo.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

OMG.....thanx for reminding me about that...........

I almost forgot about that towards the end when you, me, and highmay were all doing some weird tribal dance on the stage at one point.......like some Sioux Indians dancing around a bonfire with tiiki torches and the sacrificial buffalo.

I missed that??!?!?!:laugh: dammit.. I'll stay past 8:30 next week.. i wanna see!!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

OMG.....thanx for reminding me about that...........

I almost forgot about that towards the end when you, me, and highmay were all doing some weird tribal dance on the stage at one point.......like some Sioux Indians dancing around a bonfire with tiiki torches and the sacrificial buffalo.

hahahaha and i felt like i was slashing the buffalo like Mel Gibson did to that guy in The Patriot with the tomahawk.

Seriously man. Fucking GRRRRRRRRRR angry ass beats.


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

OMG.....thanx for reminding me about that...........

I almost forgot about that towards the end when you, me, and highmay were all doing some weird tribal dance on the stage at one point.......like some Sioux Indians dancing around a bonfire with tiiki torches and the sacrificial buffalo.

oh hell yeah!!

that was insane!!! well what else are we gonna do with the hard tribal beats sharam threw down but go back...WAY BACK..BACK IN TIME...we had no other choice but to bring it back to the caveman, neanderthal, Thomas Locke, instinctful unhumanistic animals in our most vicious and brutal mental state, dancing like those vietnamese dudes who thought marlon brando was their king in Apocalypse Now...


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I only woke up like 3 hours ago in some stange bed in queens... I think Crobra & Mist tryed to violate me while I was asleep... but thats another story... uhhh... what was I saying?? oh yeah... Deep Dish was rediculous...


Scotty - ;) Come the fuck out more... always a chill party when your there.

Twiloguy - ;) Nice chilllin with you 2 nights in a row...

Clubkat - Meow!

Tastyt - Nice to finally converse.

Gabo - You have the potential to be a true postwhore... (again) :D

Cintron - Point Man... nuff said. oh, and get your ass down to the island... 3 hours is absurd...

Carl - always cool.

DjJonGyro - One of the highlights of the night, was the patented sprinkler dance!!! and yeah, I really need to learn more about greek culture so I can better trash your ethnicity... (damn, i'm hungry for some lasagna... ;) )


Sai - They're going to put a star with your name on it in the dance floor, because you didn't leave it once all night!!!

Crackcorn - You looked too old & too dead from last night... :tongue: Nice to finally meet.

xxlea: nice meeting you, again.

bebby6916 - Cool to finally put a face to the name...

Sexyh - Nice meeting you, sorry you lost your voice...

Lina & Randall - represent'in the jersey contingent :P

Nils - yo!

Trancern, gary, robin, doubtness, rdancer - Nice seeing you guys again.

Godfathebam - nice meeting, sorry the bouncers got on your nerves.

dolik - name + face = cool. (yeah i'm tired)

idratherbclubbing - damn... drinking from 10:30am and partied into the next morning... impressive.

ummmm...... brainfreeze.... I don't know, if I forgot you, kick my ass or something...

Oh, and apparently at 8:30am when you're out of your skull, puffablunt from EZ looks like gothzane... go figure... lol...

"Hey man, where ya been all night??" *confused look* "oh... fuck... are you on the message boards??" yeah... ezdreamer... "oh yeah? whats your name..." puffablunt "ohhh shit... i thought you were someone from cp, but nice to finally meet you" lmao.... felt like such a tool...

alright, i'm way too tired to write a coherent review... i'm sure everyone has said everything anyway...

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My first time at Vinyl, I had a really good time, nice meeting new Cp heads, good peoples. I thaught the music was really good, the last hour was insane stayed till about 10 to 9, then had to leave. Overall it was my first time and I had a really good time. :)

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What a night.

It was great meeting up everybody last nite.

I had to say last nite was the most intense and exciting nite i had in awhile!

Nyce meeting Highmay & Bebby, and to all old faces that was around.

Now it's time to :zzz:

Until till next time......

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Originally posted by jerseyguidette

Well where were you all night sweety?? lol! Well if it counts for anything I was the blondie with the really low jeans and the little white /silver top! :D Maybe next time!

haha, I bounced around from one cp sect to the next, then some naughties... hehe.. who were you there with? any cp'ers?

we'll catch up with each other one of these days...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Alright, I got there at 3:30 or so my review can only satisfy the period that I was there. Had to make a stop at Exit first to hear Nero (thats right, I went to Exit).

The minute I walked into vinyl I was at home. Dark hard beats banging away on those speakers blowing my mind apart. Alright fine, I've heard DD play before, I know they are great, blah blah blah.

They took me to a different state last night.

There was no point in the set from what I heard that was like the down time, every track had energy. Also, in addition to breaking out some twisted tribal tracks and hard, in your face house, the night just kept picking up. They got harder and harder and better.

I thought they were peaking around 6:30 or so, how wrong. They started breaking out some tech house and deeper tech pitched down to let everyone groove, the result was they kept people jumping around like maniacs.....including myself. They kept me guessing and had me confused with some of their remixes. The highlight was of course the Safe From Harm remix they threw down at 8:30 or so. OMG.......words won't do it justice, you just had to be there.

From the time I got there till close, I was blown away. It was one of the best sets I have ever heard. I will say this again, it was one of THE BEST sets that I have ever heard. The best dose of Deep Dish I have been a part of. I'm not a DD fanatic, and I never really put them on that pedestal.

I don't say this very often...........but in this case its a must

They blew me away last night.


Exit and Roxy Head

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havent been there since end of july everything was so different like the back room and the crowd........i had a great time tho despite my being sick and losing my voice! DD were great i couldnt stop moving till like 6:30 then my sickness kicked in along with no sleep......

time for shout outs:

airatomic- so u finally went to vinyl!!!

dolik- "why did u take of ur sunglasses?" "well i really thought they were gonna beat up factory kids! u mean u were joking about that?":tongue:

big art17-sorry u didnt like it thanx for driving me home mwa

rdancer-leave it up to u to get randomly picked and searched by a bouncer

trancerxn112-booty bumping

doubtness- u came alive at vinyl

bebby6919-always a pleasure seeing u and jess

djjonstephen-next time at roxy u ask me if im gonig to vinyl maybe ill go :tongue:

godfatherbam-itll be ok!

linabina-seriously where were u for like 2 hours?

randall and nils-nice seeing ya:)

xtcgspot-WATER IS VITAL AT CLUBS!!:tongue:

roninmess-great seeing ya hun

tastyt-nic seeing u again

siceone-big hugs!!!!!!!


highmay-good to finally meet ya after all the drama i saw u get into

crobra- imet u once b4 but we havent really talked that last time

clubkat-good to finally meet the sex educator

joeg-sorry i lost my voice

crackhorn-nice meeting u

cintron- i think i met u before :confused:



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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Coming from the kid who's home is Webster Hall

Exit I've been to twice in my life.....once to check it out and last night to support Nero.

Dude i have never been to webster hall in my life .. and never been to EXIT !

Infact I dont even know where websterhall is located !!

Plus the only time I went to roxy was in 1998 when oakenfold played there for GU newyork .. at that time u were listening to z100

:laugh: :laugh:

support the party @ exit

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