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DJ's and Drugs.

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Does it bother any of you that most of the DJ's we praise and go to hear either 1ce a year or 1ce a week, take something to enhance their ability to perform?

I personally don't give a hoot, but it bothers alot of people I know.

What's your take?

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Originally posted by joeg

drugs have had a possitive (and negative) impact on music over the years... all the way from the 60s until present...

yeah definetely.....i could name quite a few DJs who must be smoking crack :laugh:

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no it doesnt' bother me that they use drugs... why should it?

they're just doing what the majority of people are doing at clubs.. enjoying the music and using chemicals to enhance it.. if its ok for the clubgoers, why shouldnt' it be for the dj's?

and ya can't equate it to steriods.. roids have a direct positive affect on performance, while coke or ecstasy do not improve a dj's ability to spin..

though i do think its the BS that people praise JP for extended sets while he's getting help from Tina.. *that* is a direct connection..

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I'm well aware that there are DJ's who do it. There's a line though, between creativity and blatant abuse. Some can use drugs to enhance their performance a little or to give them that creative edge they want...

then there are some who can't live or spin without them.

to each their own, I say. I'm a sober partykid, but I'd be somewhat curious to know what DJ's do what and how often.

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if i`m gonna take drugs to watch a dj, why shouldnt he take drugs to perform for me, if he`s just gonna do things thta are cool on drugs, i`m happy. I find someitmes fucked up you can be more creative and shit. Almost all of wall street did coke at one point, prolly still do.

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Originally posted by cintron

I'm well aware that there are DJ's who do it. There's a line though, between creativity and blatant abuse. Some can use drugs to enhance their performance a little or to give them that creative edge they want...

then there are some who can't live or spin without them.

to each their own, I say. I'm a sober partykid, but I'd be somewhat curious to know what DJ's do what and how often.

Bro, you drink......thats a drug too.

To tell you the truth, if some djs do what they want to do and feel they perform better, so be it. Mick Jagger is known as one of the best stage performers in history and he was completely fucked up every time out there.

Personally, all I need is a 40 and I'm game.

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

*see PFloyd's Avatar*


haha funny but i never even noticed it before

sasha used to look messed up pretty often at Twilo. some people argue that thats actually why his stuff fell off as of late. hopefully his shit'll be clean at Miami Arena ont he 23rd (if the event even happens)

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Originally posted by magilicuti

djs take recreational drugs, athletes take steriods and everyone else is on anti depressants and other shit. look at all the people in the world that couldn't move without having a pack of cigarettes in their pocket.

I was an athlete (waaay back when), and I never took drugs (roids, andro, etc), and I have some friends that are "elite" athletes that don't take any performance enchancing drugs...

I hate it when athletes are put in that category...:mad:

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Originally posted by spragga25

I was an athlete (waaay back when), and I never took drugs (roids, andro, etc), and I have some friends that are "elite" athletes that don't take any performance enchancing drugs...

I hate it when athletes are put in that category...:mad:


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Originally posted by spragga25

nuff said...clown :rolleyes:

if you believe athletes don't use performance enhancing drugs you are ignorant. perhaps you were an "athlete" in high school or some shit but that is nothing. if you were an athlete so was 80% of america then. every little kid played sports, big fucking deal

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Originally posted by magilicuti

if you believe athletes don't use performance enhancing drugs you are ignorant. perhaps you were an "athlete" in high school or some shit but that is nothing. if you were an athlete so was 80% of america then. every little kid played sports, big fucking deal

No need for me to discuss my athletic accomplishments with someone not in my league - and of course some athletes take drugs to get ahead - it's a fact of life - but it seems that ALL athletes get bunched into that category for some reason. It sucks because it gives athletes who busted their ass and did it the right way, the clean way, a bad name.

Made it sweeter for me when I used to stomp their asses when I knew those fucks were juicing :blown:

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Originally posted by spragga25

No need for me to discuss my athletic accomplishments with someone not in my league - and of course some athletes take drugs to get ahead - it's a fact of life - but it seems that ALL athletes get bunched into that category for some reason. It sucks because it gives athletes who busted their ass and did it the right way, the clean way, a bad name.

Made it sweeter for me when I used to stomp their asses when I knew those fucks were juicing :blown:

I am SOOO with you on this one bro,

I have never taken roids, andro, creatine, anything.......but people always accuse me of it just cause I got some muscle. Not to mention, cause of the sport I was playing at a division 1 school. It was amazing how many kids were juicing and wrestling all amped up.........and when I won it just added to the flavor.

Its a bunch of bs.....just cause someone is an athlete doesn't mean he is enhancing his performance unnaturally......it can be done.

Do you think Pedro Martinez juices?

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its been studied that athletic ability is 75% genetics. if some guy with no cordination takes steriods it won't do shit for him, and the steriods might not even play any role on his body. people that think steriods are magic know nothing about steriods.

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