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asshole bouncers at Roxy!!!!

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well i got tossed out of roxy 1/2 hour ago

the security found my eyedrops to be suspicious and asked me to put some in my eyes. so i did, and the bouncer told me that i missed. so then he said "you played me" and kicked me out.




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aww that sucks!! were'nt u sayin you havent even gone there in a whle? or was that someone else. it pisses me off b/c the good guys are always the ones who get busted for doin shit while the other guys can sell or do watver and nto get in trouble! sowwy baby!! come to sf on the 6th for my bday & we'll party :D

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

well i got tossed out of roxy 1/2 hour ago

the security found my eyedrops to be suspicious and asked me to put some in my eyes. so i did, and the bouncer told me that i missed. so then he said "you played me" and kicked me out.




Sorry to hear that bro - that sucks!!!

The irony is funny though!!!

That goes to show you - start doing drugs and you will learn to conceal you eye drops better hahahahahahah!!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

well i got tossed out of roxy 1/2 hour ago

the security found my eyedrops to be suspicious and asked me to put some in my eyes. so i did, and the bouncer told me that i missed. so then he said "you played me" and kicked me out.




that place is pretty much bullshit... and built on more of it... the bouncer there and some of the ppl there, act as if its a highschool dance gone wild. The bouncers act like their some goon off of sopranos and the some of the ppl act like they think they are on sopranos... IMO. whatever though... fuck'em. who cares... their loss. come out with my team, and me...

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

yeah, maybe i should start getting high on saline:rolleyes:

You are becoming a trendsetter - hahaha lol!!

The DEA is going to make bausch and lomb eye drops a class I drug, it will be in the ranks of coke!! hahaha

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I hate the fucking female bouncers. Why do bitches take so damn long, they fucking dont even pay attention to what they are doin cause they are yapping away at someone else. YO FUCKING CHECK ME BITCH LET ME GET ON WITH ME LIFE!! I swear to god this bitch went through my purse like 8 times and kept checkin up and down my leg. Why is it the girls line always moves slower than the guys line, FUCCCCCK THAT the bouncers there have some serious attuide problems and year round PMS

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That sucks big nuts. I guess I'll give my bouncer kicking me out for no reason anecdote here...

Back when Tunnel was actually open, and I first moved to NYC so I actually thought it was cool, I headed out there with some friends to see The Horrorist one night. Getting bored of the tiny little room upstairs he was spinning in, I headed downstairs for a bit, got myself a drink and sat on a couch next to these two chicks who had drinks of their own. We started talking, and after a few minutes a guy walks up to us and asks us for our IDs. I pull mine out, but the two girls say they can't find theirs. All of a sudden, like 10 guys flip their jackets inside out exposing the bold "NYPD"s on their jackets. They take the three of us into one of the back offices and start interregating us and searching us for drugs. All of us came up clean, but the two girls turn out to be underage. They ask me if I bought them their drinks, and I said no I just met them on the couch and the girls corroborated that. After about 5 minutes of harassing me, the cops let me go out back into the club, realizing that I was just stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. I head back upstairs, but my friends are no longer there, so I started walking around the club to look for them. While wandering, a huge ass bouncer steps up to me and says "Hey! Didn't the cops just throw you out of the club?" to which I replied "no, they let me go because I didn't do anything." He then grabbed my arm and said "Well I'm not gonna let you go". He walked me over to the door, put both hands on the back of my shirt, and literally picked me up and threw me out of the club like Uncle Phil used to do to Jazz on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It was pretty humiliating, and I swore off clubs owned by that group...

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Originally posted by cintron

Kat... I'm right there with you on that one ;) Hey that reminds me.

Whatcha doin June 8th? ;)

thats y i love u so much. . .

Well 1st the music was pretty much BAD ::no offense to those who love it but, i wasnt feeling it:: and then my boy wasnt having such a great time ::actually not a good time AT ALL lol:: and then the bouncers acted up and "removed" his drink even before it was handed to him ::wtf?::. . .a big nono. . .:blown:

Ahhhh well. . .

June 8th. . .well the 3rd is this kittens bday. . .ill keep it free for ya! hehehe :D:tongue:

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Ok well first of all, the music was pretty good when jv came on.

Now, I just want to ask a simple question......WHY DO SOME GIRLS HAVE TO BRING THEIR FUCKING BIG BAGS TO A CLUB?!?!?!?

Is it so hard to bring a normal purse????? SERIOIUSY!!

omg I was on line sooooo long to get searched, and this dumb girl a few people in front of me decided to bring her fucking bookbag to roxy!!!!


And of course the lady hadda go thru the whoooooooooooole bag!! I mean yeah bring a purse but I dont think bag of that size is really necessary.

oh and another thing, $6 for your jacket?!?!?!?? ARE THEY CRAZY?!!? THATS INSANE!! When the guy told me I thought it was for 2 jackets cause my bf was there, and then he's like "no $6 for each"

Even SF isnt that much!!! SO we just hid our jackets somewhere and got em later.

So yeah first exit got taken off the list, and now roxy.

Sorry, I mean the music was good and all but there's something that I really didnt like about last nite.

oh yeah and what kinda performance was that??!? hahahahahahaa wtf!?!? I mean,can they even CALL that a performance???

I wound up leaving at like 330ish I think.

Oh and I get home, go to sleep, then at around 7, I here this beeping sound going off. So whatever I go back to sleep and then 10 minutes later my mom wakes me up and she's like "Get up the fire department is on their way"

I was like wtf? SO it turns out that beeping sound I was hearing was the carbon monoxide alarm.

So the fire dept came and did tests in the air in our house. While im outside FREEZINGGGG IN MY PJ'S and a jacket!! It took like an hour but finally everythign was ok and I went back to sleep.

yeah i know that had nothing to do with the topic but just thought i'd put that in with my not so good night.

:blown: :blown: :blown:

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Originally posted by airatomic

ummm... they didnt let me in in the first place, said it was cuz of white sneakers, even tho i saw other kids wearing them

omg they didnt let you in cause of white sneakers??? wtf??

I saw tons of guys wearing sneakers!!!!

The more I think about last nite the more I wish I stayed home and saved my money for SF tonite, which hopefully Im still going.

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Sorry to hear that. I always get harassed for my eye drops. Sometimes they make me put them in my eye but they never kicked me out for it. I've never touched anything either and would be very pissed off if I ever got kicked out. One time i brought a bottle of advil in Vinyl with me, they didn't see that I was holding it in my hand. Better luck next time, if the same thing happened to me i guess i would try to get back in 1/2 hr later. Hoping that I get a different bouncer. peace

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Damn Bigpoppanalis I'm sorry to hear what happened, that was fucked up. Too bad I didn't get to see you. And Romy that's fucked up also about the 6 dollars each for your coat. I paid 3 dollars at Roxy last night, and every other night for that matter.

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Originally posted by clubkat

June 8th. . .well the 3rd is this kittens bday. . .ill keep it free for ya! hehehe :D:tongue:

Good. :) June 8th is StarScape down in Baltimore. It's a rockin' outdoor 2 day party full of AWESOME music, DAMN good vibes and usually the atmosphere for the party is crazy good. Cops don't bug, people don't bitch, no meatheads/idiots/retards.

It's usually good house music/breaks/whatever. Lots of people there. I can get more info but i really want to go partyin' with you!!!! (and whomever else we can throw in there as well hehe)

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Bigpoppa, that is complete bullshit.

They were kicking out one of the soberest of kids that ever goes out for no fucking reason at all. I could see if the kid had a couple pills on him or was so drunk he was pissing on the building......but eyedrops?

And airatomic too.........sometimes these people have no soul.

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