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how smart is the average CP user?

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without referencing google or other such 'assistance', try to answer these on the spot, see what you can get right. lets see how smart you are. all questions are my own, so direct any vagueness problems to me.

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not.

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

ok none of these are trick questions. do your best. theyre not difficult, so none of you should have any problems.

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1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

neither, both will hit the ground at the same time.

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?

Australia and I think Africa

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?

Protein signatures, I think...not sure though

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?

I think it's Israel (Dead Sea)

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not.

I don't think so. The coloration in wine's natural, so while you may be able to add color, it isn't how it's usually done. This is just a wild guess btw...

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

I don't know about Scott Baio, but I loved and hated Buddy Lembeck

Yeah...I'm a dumbass... :tongue:

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See, the problem with this little quizito here is that, once one person posts the answers, there's no point in the rest of us doing so. I agree on the wine thing for the most part, although I do wonder if you can make white wine out of red grapes. Not looking on google, here's my line of thinking. Interesting question btw. If a red grape is red both in skin color and in pulp, then it will make red wine (think oranges - the juice is orange). But if the skin is red and the pulp is "white" (like an apple... notice the juice comes out similar to a dark champagne) then the juice should come out light or clear colored.

As for Charles in Charge - you should be ashamed for wasting your mind on that cal ;)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by spragga25

You think??

I have a box of hot-pockets and a couple of shoes that are smarter than yo ass...clown! :tongue:

I don't get it:confused:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by spragga25

You think??

I have a box of hot-pockets and a couple of shoes that are smarter than yo ass...clown! :tongue:

hmmm not sure if that was an insult or not... but I ll say thank you just in case it wasn't btw whats a hot pocket?... or a shoe?

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Damn im so fucking drunk and bored im actually gonna answer your fucking dumbass questions.

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

In a vacuum theoretically they would both fall at the same time since F = mg where g ~ 9.81 m/s^2, hence F = (1 kg)(9.81 m/s^2) = 9.81 N of force. However due to the nature of air resistance and related aerodynamics issues, I cannot give you a full answer without a detailed specification of the objects in question - a very thin large sheet of steel weighing 1kg will take much longer to fall to the ground than a very small compressed solid block of wood weighing the same, when not in a vacuum

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?

You are likely referring to australia and africa, since luanda is the capital of angola and canberra the capital of australia. However some may also say oceania and africa since australia is considered to part of the larger continent of oceania which encompasses new zealand and many many surrounding islands.

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?

Well in many cases it doesn't, then you die but that's besides the point. Actually some bacteria can be good for you, such as lactobacillus (sp?) found in some milk products.

Regardless, these bacterias contain chemical signatures that are recognized by your body as antigens (they're foreign and don't belong there). Typically the first time one is infected with a bacteria for which your body has not developed antibodies for, cells named leukocytes and neutrophils are riding around your body looking for wierd shit (unknown signatures). Once they find it they try to coat it with some proteins to get rid of it. If that doesn't work more cells try to come in and "break the lock" by finding a protein sequence that properly coats the cell to get rid of it. Once that happens you've just built up antibodies so next time around they know the signature to use. Normal cells have very very well recognized signatures and the "body police" (leukocytes) don't recognize them as bad boys so they're left alone. Is that good enough? :D

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?

You're probably hanging out at the dead sea @ 1300 feet below sea level at the syrian-african rift. However if you're like bin laden and like to hang out in caves I could think of many caves that are even below that.

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not.

Most definitely. The inside of a red grape is pretty much white just like white grapes. What makes red wine red is the fact that you leave the red skins in during fermentation. If the skins are kept out, you're left with white wine. This type of wine is known as "blanc de noirs" and is quite good. Inquire at your local cellar.

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

I couldn't give two shits about scott baio from charles in charge. How about fucking nicole eggert? Now theres a hottie right there. I hope she's still hot and not some fucking crackhead.

But a bigger question I have for you is:


Cmon last train to trancentral is the best track ever made.

piece out y0.


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oh yeah, and just for those wondering, that shit came straight from my head and no I didn't look any of that shit up on the internet....i mean i could've found tons of shit on scott baio but why would i? fuck that guy.

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Originally posted by perfecto25

without referencing google or other such 'assistance', try to answer these on the spot, see what you can get right. lets see how smart you are. all questions are my own, so direct any vagueness problems to me.

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel? threyre both a kilo

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?luanda has got to be in africa..canberra im guessin S.A.

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?antibodies im guessing?? ur body detects a foreign organism and proceeds to destroy it

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?soundfactory??

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not. ...damn..my serbian ass should know this

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth...DUDE hE boned Pam Anderson..thats all that counts

ok none of these are trick questions. do your best. theyre not difficult, so none of you should have any problems.

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Originally posted by perfecto25

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

last time i watched the E true Hollywood story he was a permanent fixture at Hefner's Playboy mansion


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Originally posted by misk

i love scott baio...damnit! .......chachie....charles.....he's a classic....and i am not ashamed ....i also watched his e! true hollywood story! lol....and yea....he's game as hell!.....

actually i totally forgot to include him on the "famous ppl" thread..

his aunt lives in my old neighborhood. and way back in the day, he came to visit - rolled up in a limo and it was like a big to do considering this is suburbia massachusetts! :laugh:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

actually i totally forgot to include him on the "famous ppl" thread..

his aunt lives in my old neighborhood. and way back in the day, he came to visit - rolled up in a limo and it was like a big to do considering this is suburbia massachusetts! :laugh:

::sigh:: u r the luckiest girl alive....:D

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Originally posted by perfecto25

without referencing google or other such 'assistance', try to answer these on the spot, see what you can get right. lets see how smart you are. all questions are my own, so direct any vagueness problems to me.

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not.

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

ok none of these are trick questions. do your best. theyre not difficult, so none of you should have any problems.

1. Same speed, they're both shaped the same, and they both have the same weight . . .

2. Asia and Africa

3. Technically they don't. . . T cells respond to whatever is determined as a "threat" to the human body . . if this includes something indigenous to the body itself, then the T cells will attack it as well . . .

4. North America or Asia, I'm not sure which . . .

5. Yes . . it's filtered . . :confused: . . .

6. There is a shelf life on 80's stars . . what the fuck ever happened to the majority of the Brat Pack . . .

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yo drone, perfect score man. actually the first question would depend on high each ball is from the surface, but i said its not a trick question, so the assumption is theyre both on equal altitude.

oh and the lowest place would be the Dead Sea in Israel.

ok heres some more questions

1. what is the largest biome on earth? (in terms of coverage area)

2. you are a hooker in jail, you have to send a message to your pimp without the cops finding out what you wrote. you can ask them for a. bread slices b. blank white paper c. a glass of milk d. a paper clip. How would you write the message to your pimp without the cops finding out what you wrote?

3. What are the Tear of India's two other names?

4. which mediterranean island did Napoleon invade on his way to the Egyptian campaign?

5. if you fly from NYC to Katamandu, would the plane fly east or west from NYC?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by dr0ne

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

In a vacuum theoretically they would both fall at the same time since F = mg where g ~ 9.81 m/s^2, hence F = (1 kg)(9.81 m/s^2) = 9.81 N of force.

Why are you calculating F here? In this question it's completely unnecessary. The time t it takes for the ball to fall is dependent on the acceleration a (t = sqrt(2*height/a)). And you already have it. The g in that formula IS your a. There's no need to know what F is, you can go directly to time without it. ;)

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Originally posted by perfecto25

without referencing google or other such 'assistance', try to answer these on the spot, see what you can get right. lets see how smart you are. all questions are my own, so direct any vagueness problems to me.

1. which ball will fall faster to the ground, one made of 1kg of wood or one made of 1kg of steel?

- They fall at the same speed, and hit the ground at the same time... but this will only be in a vaccuum tube without air resistance.

2. If you are buying potatoes in a cornershop in Luanda and in 3 days time, find yourself buying potatoes in Canberra, which 2 continents did you just visit?

- Africa and Asia?

3. why does bacteria get destroyed in your body, yet your normal cells dont? how does the body know who is who?

Bacteria is destroyed while other cells are not because each individual cell in your body has DNA that your antibodies (the white blood cells that destroy the bad stuff) recognize as being your body part. That is why sometimes people have problems with organ transplants, because the body rejects the organ, and the same antibodies that destroy the foreign bacteria also will destroy the foreign organ.

4. If you are located in the geologically lowest place on Earth (altitude wise), which country are you in?

- Technically, you wouldn't be in a country at all, but at the bottom of the ocean... and correct me if I am wrong but I think it is somewhere in the Pacific ocean. And geologically does include the ocean floor.

5. is it possible to manufacture white wine out of red grapes? vice versa? why or why not.

Yes, white wine can be created from red grapes, and I am pretty sure vice versa. Why? It depends upon the type of wood the barrels are made of, the fermentation process, and the other added fruit juices.

6. and finally the final question: whatever happned to Scott Baio from Charles in Charge??? wtf its like he disappeared from the face of the earth

- I don't know, and I don't care

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