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Police Suck Moose Balls

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The Police suck ass, yesterday while walking my very calm and sweet Pit-Bull, she was attacked and bit by some kind of Husky or Malamute. There were several witnesses to this little scuffle. Now my Pit is nothing but a sweetheart, she rarely even barks, but this Husky came out of no where and bit her, my dog being the puss she is got scared at first but then snarled twice and went after the husky, before I could allow that to happen I kicked the husky in the neck. After the police came to see what was going on they got the story from about 4 or 5 people saying this Husky was NOT on a leash. But being that my dog, the supposed killer she is(typical stereotype) i recieved a hefty ticket, while the owner of this nasty Husky gets off with nothing. Where is the justice here?? So MY FU goes to that shitty ass cop, FUCK OFF

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Guest saleen351

Pit Bull are dangerous animals, don't say their not! My buddy raises them and makes serious cash, but they are dangerous. You take on the responsibilty of owning one and your right its not fair, but its also not fair to the people that get seriously hurt by them every year! You should know better not to own one in the northeast! You think its fair driving a loud mustang? I get pulled more then anyone. But I accept it.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Pit Bull are dangerous animals, don't say their not! My buddy raises them and makes serious cash, but they are dangerous. You take on the responsibilty of owning one and your right its not fair, but its also not fair to the people that get seriously hurt by them every year! You should know better not to own one in the northeast! You think its fair driving a loud mustang? I get pulled more then anyone. But I accept it.

they are only dangerous when raised by the wrong people or in the wrong way, they are the most loving dogs when trained properly and not abused

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

they are only dangerous when raised by the wrong people or in the wrong way, they are the most loving dogs when trained properly and not abused

Exactly. You can make a chihuahua a killer by raising them a certain way.

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Guest saleen351

You guys need to get your heads out of your ass. Pit bulls are dangerous, even if they are properly trained. They are wild animals. And the people that forget that get hurt. They can snap at any time. It happens every day. My buddies pitbulls are from a Champion Blood line with full papers, even with his expertise he still can't make sure that they wont harm. I've seen his highly trained Pedigree Pitbulls attack for no reason. You can't take the animal out of a dog. It is that simple. Only time will tell. Only takes one little kid pulling on his tail and BAM! You'd better call a lawyer!..............

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Originally posted by saleen351

You guys need to get your heads out of your ass. Pit bulls are dangerous, even if they are properly trained. They are wild animals. And the people that forget that get hurt. They can snap at any time. It happens every day. My buddies pitbulls are from a Champion Blood line with full papers, even with his expertise he still can't make sure that they wont harm. I've seen his highly trained Pedigree Pitbulls attack for no reason. You can't take the animal out of a dog. It is that simple. Only time will tell. Only takes one little kid pulling on his tail and BAM! You'd better call a lawyer!..............

bro sometimes, you make some very valid and intelligent comments, but then you go and make this idiotic post, read and credible literature on pit bulls, (ie, anything from the AKC, UKC, any VET,) and they will all say any pit trained properly and raised right is a great family pet, and a great companion, my pit for instance which was from a shelter with papers, after being overbread, (used as a whore), is 80 lbs of solid muscle, with a huge head and rather large teeth, is harmless, she is the most loving creature ever.....will play with other animals, and is very moverly towards babies......my friend down my block has 2 pits, one is not so good, after being abused but he keeps it well, he took it form some asshole, but keeps it muzzled in public, and his second, is a beautiful, red nose, harmless, plays and is very bashful, bro it is not the dog, its the owners, the dog is an animal and needs to be trained, a fucking poodle can be just as nasty as a pit, but pits are strong so raised wrong the are dangerous, more than a poodle, being the size and srength of that breed, any dog can snap, any animal can snap for that matter, but dont make stupid comments, only the ignorant people would do that and i know your not ignorant

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OK well... I have 6 Pit Bulls and a Carin Terrier. Some are trained to guard and others sleep at the foot of my bed. I know exactly where you are coming from. One of my Pitts got out one day when no one was home. But he never left the property. And someone called the cops. They came to the house. And the dog was still just sitting in the backyard. As soon as the cop started coming down the driveway my dog attacked him and he shot it 4 times. The dog now has 3 legs. Every day I see my dog I wanna kill that fuckin cop. I also have a beautiful blue pit bull that does nothing but lick you when she sees you. (even strangers). People scream and cry when she comes at them and she just wants them to pet her. I understand because she is very playful and active but she would never harm anyone. Even if she plays too rough and sumone gets hurt she gets scared and runs away. It all depends on how they are trained. They are just like every other dog except they are a 1 person dog. They will only be loyal to 1 owner or else they get confused. They are by far the smartest dogs I have ever seen. I have one that opens doors. But if cared for incorrectly the can be deadly because they are very powerful and they dont give up ever. I can tell my dogs to attack at tree and they won't stop until its gone. Even if their mouths are bleeding and they are panting like crazy..But in the spirit of this thread...FUCK THE COPS

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Originally posted by promojunkie

OK well... I have 6 Pit Bulls and a Carin Terrier. Some are trained to guard and others sleep at the foot of my bed. I know exactly where you are coming from. One of my Pitts got out one day when no one was home. But he never left the property. And someone called the cops. They came to the house. And the dog was still just sitting in the backyard. As soon as the cop started coming down the driveway my dog attacked him and he shot it 4 times. The dog now has 3 legs. Every day I see my dog I wanna kill that fuckin cop. I also have a beautiful blue pit bull that does nothing but lick you when she sees you. (even strangers). People scream and cry when she comes at them and she just wants them to pet her. I understand because she is very playful and active but she would never harm anyone. Even if she plays too rough and sumone gets hurt she gets scared and runs away. It all depends on how they are trained. They are just like every other dog except they are a 1 person dog. They will only be loyal to 1 owner or else they get confused. They are by far the smartest dogs I have ever seen. I have one that opens doors. But if cared for incorrectly the can be deadly because they are very powerful and they dont give up ever. I can tell my dogs to attack at tree and they won't stop until its gone. Even if their mouths are bleeding and they are panting like crazy..But in the spirit of this thread...FUCK THE COPS

That is so sad...... Peopele are very easy to jump to conclusions when it comes to Pits Rotties, Dobes, etc....Any dog that is big is considered a danger, like guilty before proving innocent....

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