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what an adventerous night....i went to roxy.. I listened to my boy nero rip shit up!!! Nero you fucking rocked once again... then went over to exit to meet up with a few people.. let me tell you.. you all make fun of draper... but exit it NOTHING without draper!! That place went down the fucking tubes!!! Crowd, people, music.. all SUCK! anyways we stayed a whole 1/2 hour and went back to roxy and of course paid that time... and it was off the hook! I heard david marvisi say that SF did 7000 people and when we were on our way back to roxy the line was still around the block (around 3 am).. Over all once all the driving going club to club and $110 (just in admission and parking alone) later I had a blast!! Ok Im done babbling now.. Great fucking night!!!!!! :tongue::D

great seeing the CP who actually showed up and helped hold down the stage:

nero, sexxyh, godfatherbam, djjonstephen, djmikebuggout, chrisdez, tunnelbandit

night, morning.. whatever.. mwaaaaaz

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hehe...another fawkin siiiick night from nero and jv ;) gets better and better every week. lotta fawkin slammin women...oh wait a min maybe not women...hahaha dj jon ;) but anyways, the girlies were slammin as usual, and the music was sick. thanks every1 who showed up for comin down ;) mikey bugout, good looks on the cd, and nice touch with the big synth...fuckin awesome. every1 else, thanks for the card and for showin up. now im goin to bed so i can party again tonight...lol

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Fuck, sounds like I missed a good night.

At ten i was like fuck it I am going. So I go to leave, Rob calls me to tell me that the line at Factory is ridiculous already. We bullshit for a little bit. I hop on Rt 17 and traffic is fuckin backed up cause of some accident. Being that I had to leave at 2 and this put me behind ( it was 1045 and I still had an hour to drive) I said fuck it and went home :(

Hopefully I can make it next week, in the mean time, see you guys at Vinyl. :)

leavin for Nassau now :cool:

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Last night was sick. I though Roxy was gonna be dead empty cause of PVD at SF. But there was a good amount of people there. I wanted to go to PVD. But with it being packed that you can't move it makes the whole night suck. I learned that on many occasions in the past. I bought a couple of my Exit friends. Finally convinced them to go to Roxy and they loved it. Nero was great. And Johnny Vicious once again was insane. But more insane tonight then usual. He was working almost every track he put down. Also he threw down a lot of tracks I haven't heard before. Also played some of that Vicious trance. Then a little later on, he played the usual tracks he plays. But he was working a lot of the tracks, which made it better. He played this one song last night that I heard it like one time before though and I just realized how sick it was last night. But I can't really remember exactly how it went now. It was around like 4am. And last but not least a lot of the girls were bangin last night. There usually is a lot of bangin girls there, but last night I felt as if there were a lot a lot of bangin girls.

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Originally posted by karch

Last night was sick. I though Roxy was gonna be dead empty cause of PVD at SF. But there was a good amount of people there. I wanted to go to PVD. But with it being packed that you can't move it makes the whole night suck. I learned that on many occasions in the past. I bought a couple of my Exit friends. Finally convinced them to go to Roxy and they loved it. Nero was great. And Johnny Vicious once again was insane. But more insane tonight then usual. He was working almost every track he put down. Also he threw down a lot of tracks I haven't heard before. Also played some of that Vicious trance. Then a little later on, he played the usual tracks he plays. But he was working a lot of the tracks, which made it better. He played this one song last night that I heard it like one time before though and I just realized how sick it was last night. But I can't really remember exactly how it went now. It was around like 4am. And last but not least a lot of the girls were bangin last night. There usually is a lot of bangin girls there, but last night I felt as if there were a lot a lot of bangin girls.

Thats true about eye candy....they are everywhere

Too bad I give up on the girls there.........everyone I talk to is jailbait....godfatherbam and sexxyh know the story(s).

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wow...Im Realllllly hurtin today--

Nero was dope...played dark and then was getting it hyped up when Johnny took over @ 130

Rolled down there with GodbirthdayBam and almost was involved in an incident at the pizzaria..that was interesting--

Nice seeing everyone that came out

SexyH--I thought U didnt like tall people?? :laugh:

Dj Jon

Bebby--"hey, we're coming back" "ummm..okay" :laugh:


Tunnel Bandit

met some new heads

-nychunk, crazy yelling requests at johnny...

-clubhead from citysoundz

i really need more sleep than this so im out...

Matrix invasion is coming closer..April 27th...

Mike BuGouT

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~~~i had a pretty good night! apothesis(sp?) gave me his wristband so all of a sudden ppl started buying me drinks:tongue: good seeing everyone......i will miss u all...............mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:love:

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Nero was great last night..... another awsome set by Ant..... I stayed only an hour into Johnny's set cause then it was off to Factory but once we seen the line we were all like fawk that.... the girls at roxy were once agian amazing like always..cant wait till next week for the cancun reuion party!!!!

debbie thanks for introducing me to alot of the cp headz GOD DAMN you know everyone!!!!

You guys should check out Nero at Topaz starting Tuesday April 9th.... he spinning open to close.....

Allright then catch you all next week.......

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Rolled down there with GodbirthdayBam and almost was involved in an incident at the pizzaria..that was interesting--

Mike BuGouT

:laugh: that poor pizza guy man, i was gonna slap the shit outta that kid if he was standing outside when we left...i fuckin hate scumbags like that:mad:

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Originally posted by chrisdez25

debbie thanks for introducing me to alot of the cp headz GOD DAMN you know everyone!!!!

You guys should check out Nero at Topaz starting Tuesday April 9th.... he spinning open to close.....

Allright then catch you all next week.......

lol no doubt chris.. wait till next week.. i'll introduce you to a lot more :D

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ROxy was really fun last night!

Was my first time going there. Me and my friends wanted to hit SF, but since we left the house at around 12, we saw no point in waiting in line for 2 hours.

Im a fan of Nero and JV, and i actually was looking forward on hearing Nero spin, since the last timethat i saw him was at the Tunnel.

Anways, got in after Nero's set. Howerver JV was spinning a lot of great new songs till like 4 AM, after that, he started spinning older tracks.

I was there dancing on the dance stage half the night, didnt know CP ppl were there too.

Overall: very friendly ppl (a lot nicer than exit and SF), good atmosphere, great music, good lookin girls. Defenitely will go back again!


There was this one song, dunno the name and i asked a few ppl and noone knew it either... I think its new:

very upbeat, heavenly sort of track,no hard beats...played by JV at 2:30. Any hints would be helpful!


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holy shit i was with bebby6919 last nite and it totally sucked at exit. i walked in and my mouth dropped to the floor. roxy was off the hook nero u kick ass!!!!;) it was well worth goin back there the music and the crowd was awesome. and i i have to say that i was impressed with the number of people that showed up there. see u all next week

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Once again another banging night at roxy last night...specially since it was my birthday! Man there were girls all over the place, i turned one way and i saw a hot chic, i turned the other way and i saw an even hotter chic. i was like damn!!!! the music...there is just one word for the music, WOW! nero and vicious together what a team...i danced till i came accross a charlie horse! OMG the JD n COKES were strong as hell but very tasty! anyway i enjoyed my birthday to the fullest.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Bebby--"hey, we're coming back" "ummm..okay" :laugh:

:laugh: you were like "um, ok we'll be on stage".. yeah.. i will never go to exit on a fri again (unless..... hehe). Anywayz, it was def fun chillin.. We never really had a conversationg before besides, hi, talk to you later.. haha.. see you next week...

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Originally posted by xxdonxlavitoxx

Once again another banging night at roxy last night...specially since it was my birthday! Man there were girls all over the place, i turned one way and i saw a hot chic, i turned the other way and i saw an even hotter chic. i was like damn!!!! the music...there is just one word for the music, WOW! nero and vicious together what a team...i danced till i came accross a charlie horse! OMG the JD n COKES were strong as hell but very tasty! anyway i enjoyed my birthday to the fullest.


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thats why I thought it was funny~~ I saw the number on my phone and was like "huh?" but i scrolled back with macguyver like skills and saw ur number from when jay called u so i knew it was u--

definitely nice actually having a convo--

see u next week:laugh:

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by xxdonxlavitoxx

Once again another banging night at roxy last night...specially since it was my birthday! Man there were girls all over the place, i turned one way and i saw a hot chic, i turned the other way and i saw an even hotter chic. i was like damn!!!! the music...there is just one word for the music, WOW! nero and vicious together what a team...i danced till i came accross a charlie horse! OMG the JD n COKES were strong as hell but very tasty! anyway i enjoyed my birthday to the fullest.

it was my bday too, and who are u i dont think we ever met yet??? introduce urself to the godfather next time eh....wtf lol

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