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Vinyl last night

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Ahhhh Howells was sick & twisted for most of the night...I had soooooo much fun...

My pleasure having all you kittens (and cats) over to pregame...thanks for all the stuff you brought over...what a fun way to get waaasted :D

Z--split what?! ;) Always dancing till the very end...I love how Howells lets us dance with the lights on. Larry all pictures must be screened by me FIRST. Thanks for helping me clean after all these adorable messes :tongue: Robin...for that comment I'ma kill you...:laugh2: Nice to meet you again Marty...Jon thanks for the lift onto the speaker & the lift home...Dyanna you're incorrigible...Marci, Doris, Alex, Jess always a good time w you cuties. I can still hear the music in my head...I'm exhausted but ohhhhh was it worth it. :D :D

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Fuckin SIIIIIIIIIICK.....Damn it was great chilling with eVeryone last night....Damn I could not stop dancin. Danny Howells is the FUCKIN MAN!!!!!!!!!:D:bounce:

Z you were a fucking machine last night, I've never seen you bouce so much!!

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ghost ::because i dont feel like spelling it out lol:: that might have been me. . .althought it was just a white shirt. . .not a button down. ;)

robin. . .classic smilie. . .::i wonder y we didnt play the nipple game after that haha::

lea!!!! omg i feeeellll looooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . .my hightlight haha. . .but damn those bald freaks! :mad:

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Originally posted by clubkat

ghost ::because i dont feel like spelling it out lol:: that might have been me. . .althought it was just a white shirt. . .not a button down. ;)

robin. . .classic smilie. . .::i wonder y we didnt play the nipple game after that haha::

lea!!!! omg i feeeellll looooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . .my hightlight haha. . .but damn those bald freaks! :mad:

sorry kat..but u were far away...bald freaks? r u reffering to that big bald dude???

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anyone happen to have seen the pair of "oompa loompa" dudes. These two guys, sortof short, wearing the same thing, a white t shirt, black pants, and a backpack each , were going insane, jumping and frolicking. They looked strait up like oopma loompas form willy wonka and the chocolate factory. I laughed at those two for about an hour i have to say. anyone else see em..

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Holy sh!t am I beat. Last night was great. As usual, I danced my @ss off. :bounce: Unfortunately, I was only introduced to a couple of board members. Everyone else was chillin on the side, and there were too many of you to make out. So if you guys remember a spunky little diva bustin moves like crazy all by herself in the Chill Out Room, that was me. :D

Otherwise, the music was awesome. I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but my girlfriend was being chased around by her obsessive date. I tried to keep an eye on her, but eventually lost her in the crowd. She was real drunk and so was he...I was real p!ssed at both of them. This is why I love Vinyl! Alcohol can make people so stupid/nasty! I just hope she got home ok. Say a little prayer people (please).

Had to leave a little before 7 to make it to work on time in Jersey. It was still good around then too. :( I just woke up a little while ago...I feel so out of it. Hard to believe I'm only coming down from ephedra. That sh!t's powerful stuff! I never take more than one and a half, but between that and 5 hours of dancing...my body goes caput!

Hope everyone had fun. Next time, I'll probably go solo so I don't have to worry about being a sitter, if you know what I mean. That way, I can take the time out to meet more of you in person. Peace.

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whew... where do i begin???

pre-gaming at regina's was excellent. got to see all my babies *balcony covention of the sex board kittens was very nice and soo very interesting... hehe * and a few of our favorite boys~ i was so fuckin tore up after reginas... for a little while i couldn't see straight~ :blown:

anyway ~ get to vinyl and officially got my cherry popped by some hot ass beats... if i wasn't so effin tired i would have def. danced more... i had my moments though... *i feel loved was fucking amazing... i saw kitty's face while she was dancing... :D pure happiness*

sitting around in the chill room was actually quite nice... got to have some good convo's with my cp'ers that i hadn' yet had a chance to really talk to...

all in all, im fucking exhasted, beat, weary, pooped, dead. butttt, it was soo worth it... my easter sunday was a cracked out one, but it's allll good....

ok soooo here goes...

joeg, romy, sonicinfusion ~ nice to have finally met you guys!

gabo ~ i knew you were gonna show up you fucK! =)

regina, fiery, kitty, marci, dyanna and alex ~ ahhh... it was a pleasure to get beligerant with you girlies... it's always so nice to get a chance to spend some QUALITY time with you chicks... :grin:

robin & larry ~ nice to chill with you boys at reginas... robin ~ awesome hanging out with you last night in the chill room... :)

jon ~ there's no other salad i would toss other then yours... it was myyy pleasure ;):D

ok.. im dying here... i need sleep.

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Originally posted by joshwa75

anyone happen to have seen the pair of "oompa loompa" dudes. These two guys, sortof short, wearing the same thing, a white t shirt, black pants, and a backpack each , were going insane, jumping and frolicking. They looked strait up like oopma loompas form willy wonka and the chocolate factory. I laughed at those two for about an hour i have to say. anyone else see em..

AHAH I saw those dudes

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yeah great seeing everyone wow it had been a while or so it felt............... Legend--it was you who idn't recognize me at first without the hat right ahaha funny well, I didn't dance as much as I would have liked Miami got the best of this ass of course having a few drinks at a crowded dive bar on the upper east side where they were playing beer pong on the back table didn't really help the headache much.... well, all my tom cats and kitties were fucked up or chill...can't get fucked up for quite a while, so I decided to chill damn, but Howells was on as usual okay time to go back to having anxiety because I start work again tomorrow :)

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Originally posted by snoozi8

yeah great seeing everyone wow it had been a while or so it felt............... Legend--it was you who idn't recognize me at first without the hat right ahaha

AHAH yeah, I remember seein you real quick and i was like "damn, i have seen this chick before" then like 4 seconds later it hit me :tongue:

I've seen you a couple times but only with the hat :hat:

Anyhow your one kick ass chick, along with the rest of the people there :cool:

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Originally posted by snoozi8

thanks babe I felt so lazy last night I did not dance enough oh well...maybe I should go join Adam (Spragga) and his old bones hehe

LOL you did look beat.

I danced like it was goin out of style, what a blast. Its kinda catchin up to me today though :zzz:

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

whew... where do i begin???

pre-gaming at regina's was excellent. got to see all my babies *balcony covention of the sex board kittens was very nice and soo very interesting... hehe * and a few of our favorite boys~ i was so fuckin tore up after reginas... for a little while i couldn't see straight~ :blown:

anyway ~ get to vinyl and officially got my cherry popped by some hot ass beats... if i wasn't so effin tired i would have def. danced more... i had my moments though... *i feel loved was fucking amazing... i saw kitty's face while she was dancing... :D pure happiness*

sitting around in the chill room was actually quite nice... got to have some good convo's with my cp'ers that i hadn' yet had a chance to really talk to...

all in all, im fucking exhasted, beat, weary, pooped, dead. butttt, it was soo worth it... my easter sunday was a cracked out one, but it's allll good....

ok soooo here goes...

joeg, romy, sonicinfusion ~ nice to have finally met you guys!

gabo ~ i knew you were gonna show up you fucK! =)

regina, fiery, kitty, marci, dyanna and alex ~ ahhh... it was a pleasure to get beligerant with you girlies... it's always so nice to get a chance to spend some QUALITY time with you chicks... :grin:

robin & larry ~ nice to chill with you boys at reginas... robin ~ awesome hanging out with you last night in the chill room... :)

jon ~ there's no other salad i would toss other then yours... it was myyy pleasure

ok.. im dying here... i need sleep.

well.... TECHNICALLY... we met at shagfast... but whos keeping track.. :tongue:

nice to see you again... :D

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first off i gotta say had a little trouble findin the place wound up all the way by battery park walkin but when i got there maaaan.... was it worth it danny howell was sic i couldn t stop dancin (tho i was tired from givin all those lite show my arms still hurt) the crowd was insane good turn out/vibe it was cool meetin ppl from cp joeg,ghhhost, clubkat, laverdarmenace, roninmess snoozi8 an to everyelse i met who i didn t mention (brain is fried)glad to have met u tho i really didn t get the chance to talk to u all cause i was too busy dancin:tongue: thanx jon now i understand y u go there i didn t wanna leave :'( y was i the only one with glowsticks?:confused: oh well it doesn t matter now does it well im going now (seems dj pillow decided to play the blanket remix 1 more time) so next time i get to vinyl hopefully this sat i ll see yall there :drunk: :drunk:

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Originally posted by hitokiri24

first off i gotta say had a little trouble findin the place wound up all the way by battery park walkin but when i got there maaaan.... was it worth it danny howell was sic i couldn t stop dancin (tho i was tired from givin all those lite show my arms still hurt) the crowd was insane good turn out/vibe it was cool meetin ppl from cp joeg,ghhhost, clubkat, laverdarmenace, roninmess snoozi8 an to everyelse i met who i didn t mention (brain is fried)glad to have met u tho i really didn t get the chance to talk to u all cause i was too busy dancin:tongue: thanx jon now i understand y u go there i didn t wanna leave :'( y was i the only one with glowsticks?:confused: oh well it doesn t matter now does it well im going now (seems dj pillow decided to play the blanket remix 1 more time) so next time i get to vinyl hopefully this sat i ll see yall there :drunk: :drunk:

haha nice meeting... btw, you're the only one with glowsticks because vinyl doesn't like/allow them...

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Originally posted by joeg

haha nice meeting... btw, you're the only one with glowsticks because vinyl doesn't like/allow them...

ahhh..so thats y i guess im considered lucky the bouncer did feel them in my pocket but didn t say anything bout them i ll keep doin it till they say something thats all :D

too bad i missed the pre-game oh well im sure there ll be another 1:hat:

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hey guys... i didnt go to the meetup but heres a funny story..

my friend and i got there around 4am and got searched and were about to pay to get in when i realized that i only had $24 in my pocket. damn! so we went back out to my friend's car and started ransacking the thing for extra change or money. we ended up with about $24.85, at which point i just decided that this was too ghetto of a situation and i'd prolly be better off with extra money to buy a drink with so we drove around the block to citibank to withdraw some money... we ended up getting onto the dancefloor by around 4:20 which wasnt too bad... and my friend and i were bangin it out on the floor till the end, a lil after 8.. i havent gotten down that hard in a while, hehe.. it was muchos fun....

i went last month to howells as well, but got there before guestlist cutoff at 1am and left around 5... and as i suspected, his set progression moves along smoothly and towards the end of the night he started -really- cuttin it loose.. awesome mixing.

and ah... im not usually that good with track ids but the encore track that he played was mj cole - sincere (miguel migs petalpusher remix) if anyone was curious... a great, uplifting choon to end the night on a chill note if you ask me

hope you guys had as much fun as i did

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