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Has anyone ever been depressed.....

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....and gotten help for it?

If you dont want to write about it here I understand.

I need advice cause I have been depressed for such a long time, and it just keeps gettin worse and I dont know what to do.

I was reading about depression and they had this test to take and I checked off 6 or the 8 symptoms:(

I think im finally starting to realize that I do have a problem cause Ive started to read up about it. Before I always thought that maybe I was just lazy, but its not laziness.

I wanna go for help but I know if I tell my parents they're just gonna say that of course Im lazy. Well not my mom but definitly my dad.

The only times I am happy now is when I am with my bf or I am out with friends because thats when I can forget about my problems.

Sorry for the not so happy post :(

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heres your guide to no more depression:

1) Don't date guys named "BIG DAWG"

2) Do less drugs

3) Have sex more (although, I don't think this applies for you... lol j/k)

4) Find a new hobby

5) Get a new job

6) Meet new people

7) study astronomy

Its not exactly a 12 step program, but its a start...

(:D Just tryin to cheer ya up)

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you will be surprised who will be there for you

talk to your friends and family. your Dad might just surprise you

but if you don't you can call a depression hotline and just talk to someone

there are people out there to help you, and believe me it works

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Originally posted by chris817

you will be surprised who will be there for you

talk to your friends and family. your Dad might just surprise you

but if you don't you can call a depression hotline and just talk to someone

there are people out there to help you, and believe me it works

Exactly :cool:

Talking helps alot. Grab your closest friends and blab away... If it gets really bad, see a doc, but don't resort to pills just yet...

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other than what people have already posted

exercising also helps

and u mentioned u have problems well trying to forget them is not going to help

life is never going to be perfect the only thing that is going to help u is learning how to deal with ur problems

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well, i know I'm depressed. 9/11 really turned a mild nudging into a real gloom. I just recently realized I should talk to 'someone' about it, But in the mean time, talking a sharing in general are some of the best things you can do.

Exercise, i have heard, will help alot. Stay away from drugs and alcohol... I know, not easy, esp. in this mood. And try to keep it in perspective. 'You' are not the depressed you.

Remember that. Dont disparage, And talk, talk talk... I have tried to spend more time with friends. Did good at first, but I need to get back into the community. So... here I am.


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Originally posted by petrol

well, i know I'm depressed. 9/11 really turned a mild nudging into a real gloom. I just recently realized I should talk to 'someone' about it, But in the mean time, talking a sharing in general are some of the best things you can do.

Exercise, i have heard, will help alot. Stay away from drugs and alcohol... I know, not easy, esp. in this mood. And try to keep it in perspective. 'You' are not the depressed you.

Remember that. Dont disparage, And talk, talk talk... I have tried to spend more time with friends. Did good at first, but I need to get back into the community. So... here I am.


Hello luv!! :)

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Raid your nearest Barnes and Noble if you have to and get this book:

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn

If you follow its loving guidelines, your life will change--I guarantee.

It will teach you about the Law of Attraction, changing your energy through feelings, buzzing in high happy vibrations, and magnetizing only good stuff into your life.

You have to be open minded, 'cause this is a work of love.

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dont feel bad

i always tell people

"after the rain comes the sun"

one suggestion is: join a gym

that always does it for me :)

whenever i feel depressed, ill run 5 miles while listenin to a hot cd and it does the trick for me


be happy with what you have!

if you cant be happy with what you have, youll never be happy with what you dont have :)

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If I was you I would join a gym and start excercising. You will instantly feel better about yourself and have more energy in your life. Take a kickboxing class, learn how to ward of would be attackers. :D:idea:

Buy a Mountain bike, go biking on the weekends, go rollerblading, go out to clubs more, taking a cooking class, read a good book, go shopping, dance, take a walk through the park alone.

:idea: :idea: :idea:

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I was depressed for a good 4 years and it got pretty bad at one point, everything everyone says is true, exersize, talk to friends and fam, really the imortant thing is to not withdraw, you may feel like it, and you wont want to do anything, but you have to keep pluggin or you'll never get better, if it gets so bad that you cant even do day to day activities, (BEEN THERE) then seek professional help, sometimes talking to friends just doesn't get to the root of the problem...if the depression is purely a chemical imbalance, and not the result of some nueroses or seasonal thing, then pills will do a great job helping you feel better. Just remember, no matter how bad it gets, life goes on, and you have a whole lot more living to do..if you ever have consistent thoughts about ending it all, call the suicide hotline(the # is ONLINE)its anonymous and can be used as a great release for pent up emotions...I could recommend a lot more things that i found helpful, but i really dont know your specific condition within the realm of depression, hope i was able to help you out..if you ever wanna talk and cant find anyone to talk to just PM me.. whatever you're feeling, no judgment calls, im just here to listen, because a lot of the time thats what everyone really needs...

PS - HEY ERIC< LONG TIME NO SEE! you goin out this weekend?

:hat: :hat:

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