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I just got my ass KIIIIIIIICKED!!!

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Gaetano Parisio... KICKED MY ASS!!!

I'll write more later... I just got 2 or 3 hours of drunken redbull sleep, and i'm a mess... I'm tired, shivering cold, hungry, naseuas, sore... etc.. etc... And I have to get to work in like 30 minutes...

oh, and it was COMPLETELY worth it...

god, I can't fucking wait for sven vath at vinyl on saturday...

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hey was that u that called me at like 3 in the morning? haha. .. i just checked my voice mails this morning. . .all i heard was some awesome beats in the background. . .then about 5 min. into it a muffled "hhheeyyyyy. . . . ..itsss meeeeeee" then click!. . .

:laugh: jojo your nuts :love:

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Originally posted by cintron

LOL is he starting to call people at 3am while he's at Vinyl???


LOL ;) copycat... but hey you gotta use those free weekend minutes somehow... ;)

hahaha... yeah, I find alcohol & cell phones & really loud music make for an interesting combo...

ok... so to elaborate on my ASS KICKING...

Heres the lesson we learning... Banging Techno seems to have 1 cardinal rule... IT DOESN'T STOP... ITS NONSTOP IN YOUR FACE, RAW, UNADULTERATED, PURE, ANGRY, "Its Like Sex", Music, that doesn't take a break... There was literally 1 20 second break in the whole mental clusterfuck that was his set... and it was like 20 minutes before closeout... and he took it down a notch, for 20 seconds just to throw it back up harder than before...

The only trainspot I can do is he dropped a techno version of "la la land" somewhere in there... that was kinda neat, never thought i'd hear that at baktun...

yeah, so after a drive home, a shower, some food, and almost an entire bottle of gatorade... I now resemble a human being... but I'm paying for this... no regrest though...

Props to kris, alby, z, sai, & randy...

but I have to say... I had to laugh when LM asked me at 4am "are we the only ones we know still here??"

I literally walked into my house this morning yelling the phrase "ass kicked" and "Retarded"...

ugh... this is going to be one hell of a day...

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Originally posted by joeg

Gaetano Parisio... KICKED MY ASS!!!

I'll write more later... I just got 2 or 3 hours of drunken redbull sleep, and i'm a mess... I'm tired, shivering cold, hungry, naseuas, sore... etc.. etc... And I have to get to work in like 30 minutes...

oh, and it was COMPLETELY worth it...

god, I can't fucking wait for sven vath at vinyl on saturday...

joegggggggggggg...u dont have to put on the redddd light....those days r overrrrrr...u dont have to sell ur body to the nighttttttt...joeeeeeeeeggg..u dont have to wear that dress tonite..walk the streets for $..u dont care if its wrong or rightttt

:laugh: :laugh:

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

ghost, you better drag your ass to vinyl... from what I was told... what I experienced last night isn't even half of the madness that will ensue on saturday...

while we're on the topic of police/sting lyrics...

Theres a little black spot on the sun today

Its the same old thing as yesterday

Theres a black cat caught in the high tree top

Theres a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop

I feel like the 'king of pain' right now... I can't figure out whether I want to vomit, pass out, or just die...

again... completely worth it...

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Originally posted by xpander

I just love the "oh-it-just-so-happens-that-the-party-that-you-wanted-to-go-to-for-weeks-on-end-but-couldn't-was-the-best-party-of-the-year" threads in the morning...

sigh...typical... :rolleyes:

just wait till the menace wakes up... if you think I had enthusiasm... you'll start looking for sharp objects when she hits this piece...

what happened, I was actually wondering where you were...

You're ass better bet at vinyl on saturday, btw...

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Originally posted by wideskies

s'ok. there will be others.



yes...like SATURDAY!!!!!

oh...two consecutively excellent saturdays at Vinyl in a row...could it be...?

And Joe, yeah I'm expecting the shit...amongst other things...to hit the fan once LM gets her butt up...again...typical... :laugh:

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Okay, I am paying for all the fun had last night with the worst set of fuckin luck in the WORLD.


10;00pm Saisha loses her brand new pack of cigarettes.

10;15 Saisha loses her only hair tie. LM replaces it.

11:00 Saisha loses her nosering

1;00 Saisha breaks replacement hair tie.

2;30 Saisha drags her drunk ass to a taxi and goes home.

10;10am Saisha lazily pulls her hung over self out of bed. Looks at cell phone and realizes that it is 10, not 9, she is an hour late for work because she was away during daylight savings time and hasn't been home to change the clocks yet.

10;30 am Saisha reaches her hand into her backpack while waiting on elevator, only to realize that at

2;32 am that morning Saisha donated the contents of her wallet to the Yellow Cab Company!!!

3;30 am Saisha provided an addition $100 to whatever shmuck stoped at the ATM with my card.

11:15 am Saisha with $.20 cents left after metrocard purchase arrives HUNGRY, HUNGOVER and with a crick in the neck from sleeping ffunny to work where EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG WILL!!!!

I may never listen to techno again!

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Originally posted by saigray

Okay, I am paying for all the fun had last night with the worst set of fuckin luck in the WORLD.


10;00pm Saisha loses her brand new pack of cigarettes.

10;15 Saisha loses her only hair tie. LM replaces it.

11:00 Saisha loses her nosering

1;00 Saisha breaks replacement hair tie.

2;30 Saisha drags her drunk ass to a taxi and goes home.

10;10am Saisha lazily pulls her hung over self out of bed. Looks at cell phone and realizes that it is 10, not 9, she is an hour late for work because she was away during daylight savings time and hasn't been home to change the clocks yet.

10;30 am Saisha reaches her hand into her backpack while waiting on elevator, only to realize that at

2;32 am that morning Saisha donated the contents of her wallet to the Yellow Cab Company!!!

3;30 am Saisha provided an addition $100 to whatever shmuck stoped at the ATM with my card.

11:15 am Saisha with $.20 cents left after metrocard purchase arrives HUNGRY, HUNGOVER and with a crick in the neck from sleeping ffunny to work where EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG WILL!!!!

I may never listen to techno again!

hey, on the bright side, I have your cigs/lighter in my car (apparently you dropped them or something)...

see you on saturday :)

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Originally posted by saigray

2:07 Saisha officially changes mailing address to "lowest circle of hell" when she finds out the sublet of her dreams fell through.

Why did I wake up today??

awe... well theres always the lan game guy? :tongue:

btw... check your pms...

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Originally posted by saigray

2:07 Saisha officially changes mailing address to "lowest circle of hell" when she finds out the sublet of her dreams fell through.

Why did I wake up today??

I'm so sorry to hear about all that, Sai... :( Hope your luck gets better starting...*checks watch*...right about NOW. :)

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