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Everything posted by Kamikaze1414779018

  1. Thanks Crazy C, I will be down for WMC for sure
  2. I wanted Kery, and now I realizeI will be 31 years old before I see another person as the President besides Bush. 4 years is a long time
  3. i voted this morning and at my the one polling place there is 6 lines all the lines had like 30 minute waits, but then I got to mine and I waited only 4 minutes. Wierd ??? I think it was just the way they had last names broken up. I-L, line I was in was short.
  4. 54% Slut Your above score was normalized against the average, so don't even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 54% Slutty.
  5. isn't it out already? or this still Beta? im using 1.0 now
  6. I am not trying to steal POD's thunder, but thought some of you would enjoy these. Here is a sampling of pictures, I selected some of my favorites. There are pictures of DJ's, clubs, BBQ's , Some of you people from CP and CJ, and other random stuff. ;D ;D 29 images http://members.buckeye-express.com/erickamikaze/images/gallery2/gallery2.html 32 images here l http://members.buckeye-express.com/erickamikaze/images/gallery/ I hope you enjoy, drop me and email or post your thoughts here.
  7. WOW there you scared me with the Subject line, thank god you are not being immitated or multiplying.
  8. Im glad I am always in your throughts Here is my score YOU ARE 48 % METROSEXUAL ! You may own more than two pair of dress shoes, and maybe a designer suit, but face it. You don’t mind going to the grocery store in sweats. And even go a day or two without a shower
  9. what about a jock strap, pearl necklaces, and 20 jars of jam, ??? wow thats another story. A radio station was having a contest, for a pair of back stage pearl jam tickets back in 98. They wanted the craziest idea. So my roomate and I , Stripped down, just wore ajockstrap, some pearl necklaces, and poured 10 jars of jam on each of oursleves. Needless to say we won the tickets, but the front desk receptionsist was really shocked when we walked in the builing just wearing a jock strap. They meant for us to do this all in studio, but we just showed up like this. They gave a us a towel to walk through the rest of the building. Thread jack rant
  10. When I lived in Florida, I fit in the metrosexual / European -laqtin influence of clothing and other styles, but now that I am back in Ohio, I stick out like sore thumb when I go out at times. I don't wear baggy cargo pants or bagg jeans, I use hair product, and stay in shape. Ide rather be in style and in shape than look like street thug.
  11. it looks like the Customs officer is getting a pretty good feel of the guys package
  12. I really think there is a problem here with not knowing the true laws before they throw a party or open a club. Like Nocturnal stated they may not enforce it now, but im pretty sure thye will enforce it sooner or later, and that will be a major problem for the new club. I know loop holes get broken, but the ball is in the court of the law when you they come in an shut you down at 5 am.
  13. I have a Sony with nightshot, I have to go back and look at my pictures. I wonder if I have anay nightshot pictures if CrazyC. ???
  14. for some reason it is changing to whatever CJ City Homepage your cookies are set up as. I was lookign at the LA sitem and then looked at my profile, so it showed me living in LA . But im really in Ohio >
  15. is the pattern anything like: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start? Remember that one?
  16. Wanda is the Greatest! I think the Miami Heat just signed Wanda to play forward along with Shaq
  17. I will see eveyone March 212t. Whose place can I crash at? ;D
  18. you sure? ??? I hope so, since people will be booking hotels and plane flights Its a Celebrations ;D Bitches
  19. is " Mr Stroms" still playing photographer/ DJ/ Promoter/ whatever?
  20. I see Jon Cowen doing his thing up at Karma now, but where are the others?
  21. I see pumkins everyday around here. The Fall is so colorful . Gotta love it. ;D
  22. Posted October 16 2004, 3:13 PM EDT Email story Print story ORLANDO, Fla. -- Paris Hilton knows something about nightclubs, so it makes sense the hotel heiress is the inspiration for a handful of clubs that will bear her name. Club Paris, named after "The Simple Life" star, plans to open on New Year's Eve in Orlando. Local businessman Fereidoun "Fred" Khalilian hopes to open other Club Paris nightclubs in Las Vegas, New York City, Miami Beach, London and Paris. Hilton will earn a "seven-figure" signing bonus for lending her name to the club. In return, she is contractually obligated to appear at the club at least twice a month. Hilton also helped select the interior design and is scheduled to attend the opening. "Anything she touches is big," he said. "The marketing is unbelievable." The club will have state-of-the-art DJ booths, a separate martini-and-cigar lounge and a VIP section, Khalilian said. "I think the notion of Orlando being a tourist destination makes it a good location," said Peter Lopez, Hilton's entertainment attorney. "Obviously, if there's a club there with her name on it, she's going to have an interest in seeing that it does well." http://www.southflorida.com/news/ats-ap_entertainment10oct16,0,7343703.story?coll=sfe-guide-headlines
  23. Anybody see John Stewart (of the Daily Show) on CNN's Crossfire? He ripped them, especially Tucker Carlson, a new one. They expected him to just be funny, but he really had some harsh criticism. Eventually he calls Tucker a dick. Funniest moment: STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you? CARLSON: Thirty-five. STEWART: And you wear a bow tie. CARLSON: Yes, I do. I do. STEWART: So this is... CARLSON: I know. I know. I know. You're a... STEWART: So this is theater. CARLSON: Now, let me just... CARLSON: Now, come on. STEWART: Now, listen, I'm not suggesting that you're not a smart guy, because those are not easy to tie. Full Video link 13.5 minutes long http://www.ifilm.com/filmdetail?ifilmid=2652831&htv=12 Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0410/15/cf.01.html
  24. Demo909 and TechJunkie, you guys are a perfect match for each other at 66%
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