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Everything posted by Kamikaze1414779018

  1. http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/G/gayometer/gayometer.html I scored right in the middle at 43% For those who are Gay, I am curious on what your scores will be? The link is working now
  2. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Concentration in Management Information Systems long enought title for my resume lol ;D I have done 3 different careers in my 4 years, I have liked some and disiked others. Info Systems work with databases with large fortune 500 corp it was cool but didn't pay too good out of college Moved to FL to another company, that then got FDA investigated, so we got shut down Swtiched careers to Finance and tried working at Morgan Stanley as a Financial Advisor, but it was too boring for me, and disliked the atmosphere. Stayed in finance but tried my hand in mortgages, but then moved after a few months Now am a departmental director for non profit where I use all my skills
  3. Bush's comment on Illegal imigration. "The borders are now more secure than when I was the Governor of Texas " Texas is one of the worst borders in the US, if you knew it was weak , why didn't you fix it?
  4. maybe in another 10 of 15 years, there will a big enough scene in the US and then there will be the big changes over time. Right now it is like rap was in late 80's, EDM is 20 years behind.
  5. I was there almost every Friday in the spring of 03 when RF was playing, Robbie Rivera had soem good nights there. Lime Bar was a nice place also with Matt Martinez, Ivano, Bruno, and Oscar F. playing some good nights. It was a good club, but just too big to start with, and too many promoters pulling many different ways. Also the owners had no clue
  6. My birthday os Nov 4th , send me presents I want the duo of that topless female DJ and Crazy C flown in for me
  7. Hey! I resemble that remark! ;D Don't you mean "resent" not resemble.
  8. it is on again right now, a repeat of part two from last night with in depth interviews with Run DMC. It is so funny when DMC talsk about the first time he heard the original " WalkThis Way" and thought it was hill billy music, but he went on to repect and like it. Of course I loved the backfround info on the Beasties influence,
  9. I will be honest. Ohio in general is going through a definite down economy with the closing of many manufacturing plants and such. Many people here are struggling to make ends meet. I live in Toledo currently, born and raised here, moved away for 7 years ans moved back to be near family again. There are cons and pros of each state i have lived in, I have lived in Ohio -19 years, Alabama - 5 years, Florida -2 years, and would rather raise a family in Ohio than the other two. The downside is having a good job to pay for everything.
  10. When you are awake for 48 hours straight and never sleep, you can work more. I would bet also that mosr are Type A obsessive persoanlities. I worked at a large Financial firm and am pretty sure there were more than a few Brokers that used. I currently know 2 mortgage brokers that make at least 80k a year, travel to vegas al the time, and blow money on Snow like there is a endles supply of it
  11. Here is a good break events, I know it is not when uou are in town but look at other events they are a part of. and on their websites DJ Monk, DJFX, Sean Bauzay @Sonar Sept.25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: SONAR FT LAUDERDALE , FL Hallucination Artists Attending: MONK Details: The last show was a blast...great sound system...intimate smaller venue setting.....bangin'!!! Date: Sept 25 Ticket Price: $15 Ages: 21 and up Hours: 10PM – 4AM Price of Admission $15 http://www.djmonk.com From small dark clubs to massive outdoor festivals, always turning it out - it is here where you, the subterranean public may encounter The Monk...... the Mack-Of-All-Trades, dj/producer/artist and overall hustler of culture. Banging out a soundtrack of underground party music that jumps from hard house and breaks to slamming disco-tech, and twisted techno, to drum and bass rinse-outs, the dreadlocked Monk punishes the crossfader as he works one record against another in a style that owes more to hip hop than to conventional club DJ'ing. As one of the Founders of Rabbit in the Moon, Pimp Juice and Hallucination Records, Monk is a corner stone of the Southeastern U.S. Scene and has established himself as a devoted player in the Electronic Music Industry worldwide. Best known for his early work and collaboration with Confucius in the collective "Rabbit In The Moon" and as the opening dj to the RITM live show for over a decade ('92-2002), Monk is breaking new ground with several new innovative audio-visual projects. One of the most versatile djs around, Monk is known for his unique dj sets ranging from his traditional hardbangin' house -vs- funky breaks style with a touch of drum & bass & hip hop, to a deeper "Dark Side Of The Monk" set that leans toward a darker tech-house meets tribal & disco house style. If Monk can't make yo' booty move, yo' booty must be dead. Voted in BPM magazine as receiving the "most fan email nominations" in the country and one of Americas Favorite DJs - March 2003, Monk has forged his place in the underground dance community. A forefather of the Hallucination-Generation, originator, innovator, guaranteed to rock tha party, Monk continues to freak the funk week in & week out headlining shows across the nation.
  12. The Ambiguously Gay Duo Seperated at birth j/k guys ;D
  13. I guess I now come in different flavors for the ladies, especially CrazyC But I aint that cheap, hello no, Move the decimal over a few places to the right . ;D
  14. This was posted a while ago, but has gone through some revisons, additions and it now Version 2.0 If you ever wanted to know the history of EDM, the major players, the roots, and how to clasify songs and beats, look no further. Enjoy ;D http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html
  15. The Big Pink, if you are hungry or La Factoria http://www.southbeach-usa.com/restaurants/reviews/big-pink.htm
  16. There is no spot ont he music list for what we listen to. 6) Please select your very FAVORITE type of music (select only one) Classic Soul R & B only Jazz Hip Hop only R & B and Hip Hop Reggae Rock and Roll Heavy Metal
  17. I wonder if I could fly in? I need a little vacation
  18. Reality show offers potential green card Friday, August 6, 2004 Posted: 12:02 PM EDT (1602 GMT) LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Some TV shows offer an extreme makeover, others a bid for pop stardom. But the hottest reality show in the U.S. Hispanic market is offering the ultimate prize -- a potential green card to immigrants desperate to pursue the American dream. "Gana la Verde" ("Win the Green") has attracted big audiences and hundreds of contestants willing to eat burritos crammed with live worms, jump off high-speed trucks or wash skyscraper windows in exchange for a year's legal help in speeding up their visa or green card cases. The show, run five times a week on small Spanish-language television channels in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston and Dallas, was the brainchild of Lenard Liberman, executive vice president of the independent TV and radio company Liberman Broadcasting. "When you are in the Hispanic market, you realize that immigration and legal status is the number one issue ... They want to be able to earn a living and not have the pressure of wondering if they are able to stay or not," Liberman said on Thursday. "We could do a show and give the winner a cash prize, or a toaster oven. But I thought, what would be the ultimate prize for someone living in the United States as an immigrant? ... To have a prestigious law firm handle their case would be something invaluable," he said. http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/TV/...card.game.reut/
  19. To stay with the Naughty By Nature songs, It will be " Hip Hop Horray" in Miami all weekend, just look at the freakin commercials they are running about it and the artists attending. This isn't MTV Europe. Have a Ghettofabulous weekend, get your bling, your pimp cup, rolling on your 22's, and all weekend along listening to G unit.
  20. Yo Bruno , pleae make that set available for DL for us out of towners that that need to hear seom nasty beats from you. Hey Ardis I know you can pursuade him
  21. Tiësto performing at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, Athens 2004. This evening on Dutch television the Greek artistic director of the openings ceremony (Dimitris Papaioannou) confirmed that they were very proud to have Tiësto as a part of their official opening of the Olympic Games of Athens 2004 on Friday August 13, 2004. He is going to spin his music live during the parade of athletes. During this parade all participating nations introduce their athletes.
  22. POD is at the tops when it comes to taking club photos. I started taking the usual club pictures and found the stright and narrow path sooner or later, and POD helped show me the way. You can try and teach someone how to take a artistic picture and that makes the subject look good in a club, but it is like Salvidor Dali trying to teach a 10 year old how to Paint surealism art. You just have to have the touch for it, and without POD, DJ would be at a big loss. ;D
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