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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. Luis, isnt it so good? When I listen to I dream that it is me singing like that---holy shit....his voice is tremendous
  2. addendum: the CJ NY site lists some of the best parties in Manhattan. These parties are quality, and anyone who visits this site and takes the advice for parties like this, or Andy's, or the events at Avalon and Crobar, is being steered in the best direction. I feel for the people taking the terrible advice of clubplanet, VIPguestlist, and all that other garbage...including the cheese emails people get from shitty promoters. I love how this is developing...
  3. Angola is awesome! Patrick Duffy is the greatest! This party will be off the hook I'm going to go, most likely who wants to accompany the boy about town to what's sure to be...a debauchery!?! Aryn, come with. Patrick luvs you. he loves me more tho 8)
  4. Who invited the creep? hehehehe ;D ;D ;D Carisa can understand hormonal outbursts.
  5. it will be a clubbing adventure, i can assure that.
  6. i wish I could go out and party tonight. find the hottest Latin known to man, to come home with and serenade. Wake up late, and caress olive skin. that is what I want to dooooooo, not this!!! help meee....im overworked and in dire straights :-[
  7. got ya. the only thing I would be apprehensive about with the site going directly to the city is a situation like this...which is bound to happen, i just dont know how much. The fact that it happened to me, a person who is on CJ religiously, is kind of bizarre. someone goes to the CJ miami site once just to peek, and from there on in, the site automatically bring them to miami---until that one month period is up I guess...seems constricting and a stitch in time that doesnt really save nine. I feel like the metro-line of cities is not an annoyance, but bait for people to visit the various sites....at least it is more dramatic bait than the individual sites having links within. I think that if people really are gung-ho about having it get directly to their home city, they would do it themselves within IE... i guess im thinking that with fledgling sites like NY and San Juan, it may behoove them to leave that extra step in--- i dunno.
  8. 1. It only goes to Miami if that's the last site you visited, but we'll check if that includes the forums... 2. In the main nav bar, forums is second from bottom, and we'll also be including a new sidebar linking to hot topics which should push people through. 3. No limit on PM's as far as I know. If there is it's a big number. 4. There will be a dedicated sidebar across the site alerting you when you have PM's. Keep em coming dude - all good points 8) I see, I must have visited Miami and then it proactively led me there thereafter. Now that I visited NYC, cooljunkie.com leads me to the ny page. I liked the original page with the subway-like (resembles the "circular line" on the Madrid Metro, has anyone told you that? very cool...) the only thing that could be concerning about leading directly to the user's home city is that it locks them into that page, and for those users not thrifty enough or knowledgable of CJ might not fish around the various sites....even though there are links on the homepage to the other cities....hmmmm. I'll think about that- I liked seeing the homepage with the subway-line of cities to choose from...regardless of whether or not it was an extra click, it still showed the scope of CJ. Have you thought of having a button that said "Would you like to make Cooljunkie your homepage?" I have CJ as my homepage, which I love. other people would love that, but dont know how to do it technically through IE, or whatever web browser they use. Having it pop up automatically for those who choose this option could naturally generate more readership. ;D I'll throw out ideas as they come to me.
  9. LESjunkie

    Space this Saturday?

    you're all rockstars. every one of you. I'll be there in spirit. 8)
  10. Id rather just sprinkle Gold Bond Powder down there and call it a day. ;D you'll need a lot more than Gold Bond to cure the funk in your trunks.......... don't you just wish you had experience to base that statement on... 8)
  11. it is the talk of my office right now.
  12. Hi Andrew! Nice to see you've found Cooljunkie. How did you come across this messageboard? was it word of mouth or an internet search? For those who dont know, Andrew is a well known DJ here in NYC, has had many sets broadcast on KTU and has had residencies @ Roxy, sound factory, Saci (ive seen him perform here) Vue, ,Discotheque, and some more i think.. NOW, before some of you music snobs go off and are critical of KTU and "the beat of New York..." let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that Andrew is the ONLY GOOD MUSIC BROADCAST on that station from 3-5am. ever gotten into a taxi at that time and KTU was on and you've said, "shit, this is good...what is this?" Tribal skills, mixes with 3 turntables and loops...it's good to have you here, please tell us about any other residencies you may have at the moment? Not to mention, I think he is only 23 years old??
  13. Craig, that is too much. I wasnt expecting that at all...im passing this on to my entire workplace right now.
  14. You got it, EV! Sorry I just noticed this post now. Old Twilo...Gatecrasher...NYC...FUCK YEAH!!!! ;D ;D See you then! That's the energy that I want to see! I'm very excited to have you up for this. What is your first name, anyway? I prefer not to introduce you to people as trancelator. Sounds like a dance superhero.
  15. A few questions about the new site: 1. I notice that if you go to cooljunkie.com in your web browser, it goes directly to the miami site. Is that permanent? 2. Will there be a conspicuous link to the forums on the main sites? I see that that is gone. Are people finding the forums now because they put two and two together or am I missing something here? 3. If I recall correctly, with the old version of the site, one could receive only 10 Private Messages. Is that still the case? If not, how many can we receive? 4. And I remember when I first started coming to this forum, I eventually noticed that I had messages after a few weeks. Maybe down the line it could flash somehow, or alert the user that they have messages---ya know? Just a thought.
  16. because it is interesting for me, to discuss how things change for better/worse in a film when it is re-made in a language deviant from the original. As for Penelope and Tom, I dont care.
  17. aside from the cigs I was lighting up. :-X I hope that my post here didnt seem too hypocritical to you Nick and Ryan... it's insignificant compared to if the entire place was lighting up...
  18. from a NYer perspective, and as a smoker, I definitely concur that smoking should be done outside...smoking indoors PERIOD is disgusting. My clothes from the conference, I had to put them in a big gross bag and bring them to my dry cleaner...seriously, every bar and club should just have an outside area to smoke in. People say it interrupts the groove they are in....please, no one should be smoking on the dancefloor....how many times have you been dancing and suddenly felt a hot cherry of a cig burning your arm? Especially in Florida...I mean, it isnt even cold when you go outside.
  19. Dan, you are a celebrity 8)
  20. this was definitely the best time I've been able to have with the Miami junkies in town=and of course Dimaggio== Friday we got a chance to hang out, speak and have a clubbing/nightlife itinerary about town that would have made a rockstar jealous. Great to see you again Nick, ,and of course, it was great to meet you, Ryan-- Ryan is really a cool guy for those of you who have not met him. All in all I'd say Friday night was a great opportunity for us all to connect and just do whirlwind of NYC... our itinerary included 1. pre-party at my apartment..unfortunately the girls were going to a different party so they left us around midnight. 1a. Brite Bar, where Tim Oconnell was spinning....we finally go to meet him--- awesome guy, and definitely has a lot of love for this scene which pretty much radiates from him-- I presume a pic will be posted shortly. 2. Crobar 3. Spirit 4. Avalon (the best, in my opinion) oh dear...definitely edit the pics please. Ona nother note, I must say that we were a bit disappointed with the way we were treated by the doormen (bellboys) outside of Spirit. Not only was there no one in sight who seemed to be controlling any list, it was calamity. Not too bad, but someone should have been there of authority to make sure that people were treated a little more respectful... Andy, thanks for the great tour of the place. The guy was so busy, everyone vying for his attention it seemed, and he stopped what he was doing to take us on a grand tour, whih included going upstairs to where the DJ (where was Anthony Pappa?) was spinning...the sound system there is definitely nice. What type of system is that, Andy? I'd like to give afull acount of what I think about Spirit, and tell you how Crobar and Avalon were, but Im visiting my mother upstate and I want to go eat some of the massive meal she is preparing A+ to this weekend, hope to see you all up here again as soon as you can...and I'll surely be making some cameos down to Miami
  21. If these new clubs open miami will be able to keep up with the multiplying ## of people that come to the wmc?
  22. Loved it! yes! It's awesome. I love the part where the bellboy is like, "I havent got a problem, Ive got problems, Plurrrrral." that hotel part is the best in the movie. "Did they misbehave?"
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