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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. stop being totally disgusting, people. I almost gagged. we arent barn animals.
  2. dimaggio has been known to wear skirts and stilettos....NYE he was rockin that outfit and looked FABULOUSSSSS :-*
  3. honestly, the worst nightmare....I used to have a re-occurring nightmare of my brother dropping me off at middle school, naked. :-X
  4. so will you be spinning this year? talk about resurrecting a post! Anything for my Chuckie.
  5. And Ryan, the woman definitely got burned, so sue for damages and some more to play with....but she claimed severe mental damage as well....she even claimed she had hot coffee nightmares and couldnt go to work anymore. Â Come now, that is ridiculous. Â I have transcripts from that case (from a paper I did in a law class a few years back) and that was the basis for my argument---so dumb (not you, the woman)
  6. I concur....but I dont think you really could have seen it any other way. you saw what you saw, plain and simple, and posted it...it's pretty cut and dry to me. There is no excuse for ever doing such a thing....that is a nightmare. like we'd ever hear an explanation for that. I'd be impressed if someone of authority from the venue responded to this.
  7. "for the record"....seems like you're backpedaling a bit here....dont worry, they wont ban you from space. Â they should just fire their arrogant out of line bouncer. Â Period. Â If this were in NYC I'd investigate and write up a story on it right now, and if it were a trend like it seems to be in miami, id definitely pitch the idea to colleagues at some periodicals here in new york---like you said, it gets a lot of reads...
  8. glad to see you all had a read and were interested in discussing :'(
  9. suing for petty things, like hott McDonalds coffee in your lap is BS....i agree, but sometimes bring a lawsuit (which can be settled) can change policies and amend the way people think or act....and bouncers need to be trained not to act like this....they need to know there are repurcussions AND big reparations for their actions. my brother was a big juicehead in college, and would kick the shit out of people for petty things in bars...Its just not right, and more and more venues are getting smacked with civil suits and such for their bouncers getting out of hand.
  10. THERE are laws against this....I've heard of cases where people made some serious $$ settling cases against venues with absurdly agressive bouncers. If the boy who this happened to is reading this, you should contact an attorney in your area (there are plenty who would take this case and not charge you, only take a cut of the settlment) --- clearly there were witnesses --- this kind of behavior is against the law, and you could easily file a case and they would fire the bouncer who did this and settle. Get the press involved too, then other people will come forward with experiences there, and there would be a major overhaul in how the policy of how they treat their customers. And for the Space staff who read this: be very weary of how you far you permit your bouncers to have their little power trips...this is a major liability... Venues in NYC have learned, as of late, that treating people with respect and being cordial goes a long way....makes the experience so much better! PS, if any of your staff ever did that to me, I'd never let you let you forget it, nor would my terrific attorney. I'd have a civil case filed within 24 hours. I hope this comes back to haunt you! Although then you'll just cut your losses by making more events 18 and over to get in....
  11. that's right. but now that I know you I wouldnt be suprised...you're a smart boy. ugly, but smart. ;) There is one more source that I depend on for realism, enlightenment and entertainment. It isnt print, though....It is broadcast... Do any of you watch Bill Maher's new show on HBO? Honestly, I detested this man's show on ABC (he was fired awhile back for calling the terrorists on 9/11 "heroes" in the muslim world...) Well now that he doesnt have the constraint of network television, he is free to really let his opinions flow, and the man, in my eyes, is absolutely amazing. He should be our president....my god some of the things he says make me shiver, and he always has a great group of guests on that have some of the most intense arguments...his writers are so smart....and so is he.... I've ordered a transcript from alst weeks show..I'll post an excerpt once i get it to spark a conversation yet to be rteally had on CJ...it moved me so much I nearly cried when I saw it. I know I sound like a mangina, but maybe once i post it you can get a gist of what im saying here. if you havent had a chance to see his show yet, there are archived episodes "on demand" on channel 200. give it a whirl.
  12. thanx Charlez! It's good to be home....although it was an amazing 70 degrees in Denver (i was shooting in a park with my sleeves rolled up and it was so nice to finally not be cold). The contrast between the tons of snow blanketing the peaks of the rockies with temperature at Denver level was remarkable... Anyway, I always have three mags in my bag, Economist, New Yorker, and of course Time Out! They are my bibles for social and intellectual readings....such great sources...and it's impressive how much they can collectively educate a human being. So yes...we need a good democrat from the south to be running for office...we cant take any chances....I simply cannot understand why the dems would not be pushing for a southern frontrunner just to AT LEAST get the executive branch back in the hands of the dems! jeez... There is no reason for trying to push something controversial....like Gore did with Lieberman last year.... And if we dont get it this year.....it will happen all over again the next election---we all know who the frontrunner already is for 2008.....that should be quite interesting...
  13. can't it just go back to being Spin? :'(
  14. LESjunkie

    Drama in bed

    when I bartended I used to get totally wasted! Â that was the best part. The only thing I had in arms reach was a LI Iced Tea, not a handgun! drinkin on the job is fine, i think, as long as you are a rational person. Â this big dude obviously had a big chip on his shoulder and a violent streak in his blood. Â Sometimes big people get that way, like big animals. Â
  15. I would have to say Kerry only because he is the only nominee who has a chance. Â he is abit of a hard-ass and is known to be a prick but I see nothing wrong with having a prick in office as long as he gets shit done.... I think it's especially important this year to vote for whichever democratic nominee is the frontrunner. Â It isnt about voting for which ideals we think are best, we need to just lobby behind one person and get bush out of office! Â People who vote for nader, etc based on principles need to steer clear of that this year.....if the millions of people who voted for nader last election (and he obviously didnt stand a chance) had voted for Gore than we'd have had a very different last 4 years... Our country is in some royal shit right now...just read the Economist regularly and you can see the way we are progressing.......we are in a really sad state of affairs, it's scary... But there is a big problem. Â Kerry is from the North, and the south just still has a big problem voting for a prez from the north...This will be our biggest hurdle in the coming months, convincing them to vote for him....In order for a northerner to be elected prez he's got to be extremely convincing and charasmatic---JFK style..... Southerners: Get over the Civil War, idiots! We aren't interested in taking you over. We only like Florida anyway. Chill out and work with us on this one... It will be interesting to see what happens....I think there will be a surge of new voters this year....i hope at least.....everyone should have learened a very valuable lesson last election---and I presume that this year again it will be a tight race, with so many people wanting Bush out, and so many people wanting Bush to stay....we'll see...it's not too distant on the horizon that our country's prez election will b e headlinng news across the globe for months. Â God help us... :-/
  16. PLEASE, ill drink all your asses under the table. Im off to colorado for a few daze, ciao 4 now! :-*
  17. First of all GK, none of us would ever make fun of anyone for being mangled at 2pm....i mean, i wont be mangled but i still love people who are mangled and would never think less of them cuz they're havin fun.... as long as you arent running around blowing a whistle and askign me if I want a lightshow with your glowstix I'll love you. as for CJ party, can we meet in Pearl to toast to all these grand things? Â otherwise i feel like we wont see eachother----it's going to be a mob scene i imagine----i believe pearl will be roped off and more intimate
  18. no worries on our end, charlie, we are totally flexible and we plan to see you more than just once at a cafe. mmkay?
  19. im not only attending trance events, but I definitely wont be at the happy hardcore stuff you'll be at that's why I said the beach--- but you're right, i highly doubt we'll see eachother, but ive got you in new york so im not stressin'.
  20. this fux everything up....if it's going to be unreal packed I really dont want to deal with that....I refuse to wait in a line that stretches 4 avenues long with babies trying to conceal their glowstix and pills. Shit! this is exactly what happens here when pvd is 18 and over, the line stretches across the Hudson into New Jersey... on a scale of 1-10, (ten being the worst) how badly crowded do you all predict it'll be? last year for Tiesto and Oakenfold the crowd and volume was , for the first two hours, scary. scary and not fun.
  21. strap it on. Â one of my favorite GK expressions. Â "means get ready, bitch." Â good stuff. Â GK, hopefully you can join us on the beach too. Â (will you be waxing your chest for the conference this year? )
  22. did he have anything to say about style and transition?
  23. let my spirit s-o-a-r, not sore.... sore is bad, ouch. soar is good, fly.
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