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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. I remember in 97 when I worked at factory, my friend would bring in coffee icecream and i would be all mangled licking it up.....with my fingers haaaa.....that was the bestttttt ice cream in the world! I would sit there for hours eating one spoonful smile.gif))))) mmmmmmmmm

    hehe , memories


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  2. OOOOOOO here r mine!!!!!

    1st pic: My HOTTY ex (SIGH) holding my first cat (RIP) - looked exactly like whoever posted the orange kitten one and it had the same name - GEMINI!!!My ex gave it drugs and it went crazy, we had to give it back!

    2nd Pic: The kitten I just gave up, to 2 girls from clubnyc actually !!!

    3d pic: My 2 cats now, the old school ones hehe - Gatien & Jinx.

    Cats are the best, anyone who hates them can kiss my ass! smile.gif)



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 03-12-2001).]

  3. SIGH - whats better than realizing you just spent 3 hours playing records & dancing around w/ the headphones on to your fav old traxxxxxx......thought it was 10 minutes lol

    I can only imagine the feeling u must get when spinning for a huge packed club --

    FEEL WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!!! work Kristene W!




    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  4. Grew up in Chappaqua, 3 mins from the clintons hehe.

    I used to trekk 45 minutes in the car everyyyyyyyy weekend, blugh....miserable coming home!!!! I could not wait until I had my own apt, i would dream of it every day for years........Would you know, Ive been in the village for 3 yrs and now im gettin too old to make it out 3x a week like I did then! lol



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  5. i think the whole point was that ppl in the wall st area could go somewhere local for lunch.....why dont you guys have another one midtown. kinda defeats the purpose if we all have to travel.

    anyway im all about the hot wall street brokersssssss......well at least to LOOK at


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  6. djstripe i just tried to rape the computer screen . omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg whoare those guyssssssssssssssssssssssss holy shitttttt


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  7. When JR was at Tunnel, it wasnt straight, it was Straight-er....About 65 percent straight on any given night I would say. Remember that his crowd started off and was for a while, ALL gay men (Old Factory) and Tunnel I think really started that crossover.. which was nice. I've never seen such a amazing bond and connection between Gay boys and straight "tough guys" in my life -- amazing. And again at Arena. Not too often that happens - either gay people moan that a place is soooooo cheesily straight, or straight ppl moan that a place is soooo disgustingly gay.

    Cant we all just get along hehe smile.gif

    Anyway I remember the FIRST NIGHT AT TWILO -- opening weekend, and the first few months. I feel SO OLD!!!!!! It was amazing that summer...I still consider Twilo to be "new" in a weird way...damn 6 yrs later, I feel like it was 6 months




    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  8. Sex, Xenadrine, Orange juice, my cats licking my face and the sun smile.gif

    Being unemployed - NOTHING gets you up - your entire day becomes one big nap lol.

    If you're a night person, exhaustion gets u to sleep...akk if you work at night, you sleep from 5ish in the morning to around noon. Weird but a lot of people have that schedule...



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  9. I got Verizon DSL about 8 months ago. I had two huge problems (just system outage, but one time it was out for three days, I almost had a heart attack) Ever since then (about 6 months ago) I haven't had one problem. I know everyone says Verizon sux but ALL services will have some con (the other ppl are right, cable = shared so as time goes on it will be less effective)

    Anyway with verizon you get one bill for all ur phone shit & dsl together, can view and pay it online, they do have a good phone/online support system even if it is understaffed - they helped me install the modem and load the software every time I needed it, and helped me fix a bunch of things I fucked up. Plus the modem is free and they send you all this crap if you want to hook it up yourself. Once you get it up , its amazing. I use AOL with it and you can get a BYOA account which is only 9.99 a month, so saves u another 10 bucks.

    Good luck. I realized how insanely addicted I am to the computer/online when I didnt have it for 3 days lol

    We all need to get out of the house more lol



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  10. Just posting this for a friend of mine.

    LUHAN - Beautiful new restaurant/lounge/bar (Steven Baldwin owns, Group of people from LIFE manage/promote) at 59 Fifth Ave (around 13th st) Very chill place (god knows were all sick of monday night chinaclub cheese hehe)

    Every Monday from 19ish to whenever...It's great for dinner before too, amazing - seafood.

    I'll update w/ list info, not sure of all the details yet. & Oops, sorry spelled "Luhan" wrong in the topic - lol my bad.




    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 03-05-2001).]

  11. I'll host the meetup at my house for any hotty WS mid 20's types (minus the coke/hooker/attitude problem) who have half a brain and look amazing in a suit.

    LOL. Someonesssssssss having a hard time meeting guys who have half a brain and half a look smile.gif



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  12. You know you really can tell a lot about a person from how they are around animals. Even ppl who arent "Cat people" usually love my (and others) cats, it just shows how caring and nurturing they are -- i cannot STAND the ppl who like hit them and say GO AWAY...and are uncomfortable around animals! Relaxxx its a sweet little innocent thing, i mean i could understand being scared of a snake or a huge nasty drooling pitbull who bites, but CATS? I actually had people throw my cats away from them, and yell at them, i almost threw up. And yea, animals shed, but get over it - its called a lint brush. Only selfish ppl care more about a little hair on their clothes than cats!

    ok done venting smile.gif) sorry had to get it off my chest!

    meowwwwwww! I attached a pic of me and the kitten that I took just now !!



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  13. Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!

    I responded to the first email I got and I am happy to say that he now has a loving home!!!!! To everyone else thanks for the emails -- and I beg you all to PLEASE save a kitten and adopt!!! if you go to PETCO in Union Square they have DOZENS of them every weekend that are homeless. If you live w/ a roomate, try to adopt 2, siblings, i promise you will loveeeeeeeeeee having them!

    Thanks again smile.gif



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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