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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. Im not gonna even tell u what I found in my drawer from that crackhead!!!! LOL EW!

    all i heard was "its not gonna happen" haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    some jar / beef / music / delivery all we need

    cya, bi!


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  2. I found a flyer from a 1995 limelight party in my FREEZER at home once. I really don't know what to say about that lol.

    I still have some from 1994-1996 and some that are old, yellowing, wrinkling and covered in "substances" lol.

    What about more empty jars in your desk drawer than paperclips? Or 104208975 business cards of people you dont remember that say shit like "mental substance delivery" or just like a weird name and number and NOTHING else..... Afterhours cards with just an address and thats it lol

    The weirdest thing is seein those old flyers from the mid 90s and realizing that most of the people on them you ended up working with, becoming friends with , or even hooking up with....so funny how you come into the scene so amazed and impressed by everything then years later you realize how far you have come.....(But then you face the "where now, what next" problem....)

    lol its that sunday evening rambling.....



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  3. SALTWATER loud, deep and on repeat........


    No matter how stressed i am it always relaxes me.....And it never gets old smile.gif

    everyone go DL if u dont have it!

    good luck w/ suicide tuesday!



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...



    The Graduate

    Coming to America

    Spaceballs (lol...."when is now..now is now"


    Beaches frown.gif....

    Boyz in the Hood

    Drugstore Cowboy

    a billion more, i used to go to blockbuster and type in "Club" "drug" "parties" lol and those kinda keywords. HAHA



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  5. Aaight any of you who remember my old posts about this know what I'm going to say but I cant resist, these classics are forever embedded in my mind and heart smile.gif I still bawl whenever I hear them out. (not very often!)And I remember each night I heard them back in the day --

    Music is My Life - Mind to Mind

    That Look - Delacy

    To the Rhythm - Angel Moraes

    Perfect Love - House of Prine

    Cafe Del Mar - Energy 52 (all 49025 mixes smile.gif

    Deep Inside - Hard Drive

    Give me Luv - Alcatraz

    Drop a House - Urban Discharge

    Instant Moments - ROOS

    Cheeseys but goodies:

    Your loving arms - BRM

    Why dont you dance w/ me - Future Breeze

    Your love is takin me over - Knight Breed

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more, I love some new stuff now and then but nothing gets to me like the old trax! Any of you remember Jrs Bday 1997 at Arena when he played That look, well, everyone started bugging, I laid down ont he couch and cried for 10 minutes. LOL smile.gif

    See ya all @ TWILO nye smile.gif



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  6. HEHE - for chanukah, I got a blind date, who just happened to have a HUMMER (green, tan interior, gorgeous) not to mention a PRIME hummer himself (anatomical) and I won't go any furtherrrrrrrr......lol

    Happy Holidays!



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  7. MMMMM lol I just came back from there!

    I live 3 blocks up from there -- how fuckin convienient! U know what's great too right there, Lemongrass (Thai) and Tutta Pasta (Italian) MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM




    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  8. When I first started working @ LIFE in '98 I would get ridiculously starstruck every night, there were 2-10 celebs coming in and out all night and a lot of their "people" would call in, and yours truly would be answering the phone smile.gif I actually became friendly with one of Puffy's and one of Prince's security guys, they were so cool and not obnoxious at all. A LOT of them are so boring - Mariah Carey we all hated, she was so slimy and trashy, our door guy made her step back when she jumped over the rope once. That was classic. You get over it VERY quickly, how cool can prince be when he comes EVERY Friday night and does the same shit.

    Some I can remember that I liked: Armani, Donatella Versace, Tom Ford, Helmut Lang, John Galliano, Nathalie Portman, Christina Ricci, Cindy Crawford, Denzel Washington, Robert Deniro, Janet Jackson, Joaquin Phoenix, Liv Tyler, Jen Lopez, Parker Posey, Beastie Boys, Vanessa Williams, Linda Evangelista, Seinfeld, David Geffen, Ian Schrager, Gloria Estefan, and omg the list goes on and on and on...

    The best by far?

    TONY DANZA! Who the fuck is better than him. He was the COOLEST sweetest guy, so humble and you're like OMG I grew up watching you! heheheheh!!!

    Well, I still get starstruck but a lot less often, Its good having seen so many celebs make suchhhhh asses out of themselves and act so stupid - plus have their "people" call and beg and yell and plead and act idiotic on the phone....I'd be more likely to hook up the NOBODY who is respecful and genuinely chill.......you really learn the way the business IS and the way it SHOULD BE when you work in a club, I think everyone should experience that in some way --- a great learning experience!

    Happy Holidays!!




    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  9. Nothin beats In your Eyes by Peter Gabriel

    The song, the boombox outside her window, Loyyd Dobler.......ahhhhh the memories (lol if you havent seen Say anything GET IT!)

    MD smile.gif


    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  10. Hey -- I live on christopher, on the street itself it's actually 99 percent men's stuff, but around here there's a lot of places - Andees Cheepes ( i think its on broadway around 3'd?) Cheap jacks as someone said,and Canal, Just walk down broadway from Washington to Canal Street. Also in the east village on 4th to like 11ith btw 3 and Ave A there are some cute smaller places, just find one and ask them where the other ones are smile.gif

    good luck smile.gif



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  11. Mark's good at his thing, and very chill - but -- in a different league than JR and DJ's who have been dj'ing/producing/touring/

    etc etc for 30 plus years. It's apples & oranges (oh, and the "homos" mention, Pleaze!)

    but SAMANTHA RONSON!????? LMFAO! Sure, give her an award for socialite of the year , the girl is mad cool actually BUT AS A DJ? Please. I don't spin in public bc I know I'm nowhere near ready. Everyone should be so humble lol smile.gif



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  12. No, the best has to be the guys who promote the 16 and up parties to kids who have been clubbing for like 5-10 years and are way into their 20's . AND THEY DONT STOP!!! Like, if it says "Tunnel,Roxy,Arena 94-98" in my profile IM NOT GAME FOR YOUR 16 AND UP PARTIES IDIOT!

    lolol.i loveeeeeee venting

    The 2nd best was when this guy pissed me off so bad that I flipped on him -- he knew I worked at LIFE and knew the owners name so he goes "I KNOW ROY AND I WILL HAVE YOU FIRED BY THE MORNING BITCH"

    I never laughed so hard in my life.

    You couldn't PAY ME ENOUGH to act like these clueless fucks act. It's one thing to be young, or inexperienced, its another to be so fucking braindead that you have no choice but to sit on aol and produce a whole lotta crap that means nothing and pisses everyone off.



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  13. I dont mean to be harsh, but it really bugged me when someone said


    Just MHO - But there are "dumb" girls and "dumb" guys. People make mistakes, are young, do childish or immature things, and grow up (well, at least somewhat, eventually smile.gif Everyone fucks and fucks with people for their own reasons. CERTAINLY not every 2 people who get together want the same thing the day after, that's just life. It's not about "the girl being so dumb" and honestly, that kind of comment is what HURTS women -- not to be this huge feminist, but come on, women can do whatever the hell they want for WHATEVER reason they want -- and how do you know they haven't gotten exactly what they wanted out of the guy (DJ or no DJ) and the GUY isnt left feeling used (please, it happens, a lot of DJ's live for girls in the booth on their dick! lol) I'm not advocating being a DJ groupie or doing it to get hooked up, that's just immaturity and being too involved with the scene (but cmon, everyone dreams of being with celebrities or people they look up to) And I'm not saying women dont sometimes make asses of themselves or act poorly in these situations. I just think that everyone gives DJ's this ultimate power and "word" over everything and everyone -- which breeds the male ego/attitude and makes everyone assume they just use women 100 % of the time.


    What is this, 9th grade? I dont know how you guys live your lives, but I CALL who I WANT and dont sit around pining for a phone call, or play a game trying to get one. It's 50 50. If someone doesn't want to pick up the phone for me, so be it. NEXT. I'm not going to specifically NOT hook up or change how I act to try and coerce them to call me. Why would you EVER want to not be yourself 100% to someone! The people who put up a huge front only succeed in getting attention for what they ARENT! Please...Also, what makes you think every girl WANTS a relationship or even a phone call. NEWSFLASH, women use men all the time. And enjoy it.



    Well, I hate the player AND the game. TRY NOT PLAYING ANYTHING. Try being yourself, if you LIKE and RESPECT Dj's, love music, are into clubs, and happen to find someone who spins that you click with GO FOR IT. We all choose our partners based on compatibility and attraction, the same way someone might like italian guys, or dancers, or blonds, someone else might like DJ's, or ppl in the music industry. Not every girl goes from DJ to DJ just to say "I hit that"

    I've been into music and following my favorite DJ's for almost 8 years now. I've long since learned why being yourself and being comfortable respecting and looking up to people is OKAY and what connects you to the rest of the music/club world. I've been spinnning for almost a year, and have dated a few dj's over the years. Those were probably the BEST and most fulfilling relationships I ever had. And the ones I kept as friends, and had the most happy memories with.

    Half a dozen of my friends have made it pretty big, another two dozen are on their way. It makes me proud and happy to see that, and is of course exciting to witness, to support them, to be a part of it and to learn from. I love music, I love the environment, the emotion, the bond, the beat, the club, the vinyl, the stores, the labels, the language, the clothing, attitude, events, EVERYTHING related to DJ and DJ culture, as well as nightlife in general. THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN IT ARE WHO YOU MEET - get to know, and become close with. Not many people can name the tune Im humming, quote from an old house song, whip out a certain track I miss, tell me who produced what when and on what label, or talk for hours about this stuff. I learn so much from these people,and don't regret ANY hookups, I've maintained close friendships with all the "x's" and dont play games or do it for the wrong reasons. ANd I know a million girls who live their lives the same way.

    Its such an amazign and fulfilling thing to find a little sub culture of people, music, and "industry" that you related to and become a part of. Writing off women as DJ groupies is a poor excuse for trying to understand the FEW women who just make mistakes or bad decisions, or are just being kids.

    If I ever started seriously spinning in clubs, and a guy clearly jocked me bc of it....I would laugh in his face. So these DJ's (actually, any guy) who fucks girls for the fun of it, for the most part, are the REAL problem.

    ~steps off lectern~




    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  14. damn I feel old, I just graduated there lol

    suggestion: GET ALUMNI HALL if you can, or Carlyle. Alumini has the only single rooms...you'll be sooo glad u did!

    Good luck!



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  15. 14 @ Robots, Old Factory (REAL fact lol) and USA. And the funny thing Is if I ever saw a 14 yr old out now I would be like WHATTTTT THE FUCCCCCCCCXXXXXXXXX is going on omg omg omg....

    You know what though, those 8 yrs were like 16 yrs with all the shit I did, WHAT other lifestyle allows you to live that way, I couldn't have spent those years any better....All those dorks from high school who never set foot into any type of club/lounge whatever are JUST now getting into it at 22 and Its like they have NO childhood beyond keggers and homecoming. how sad!!!




    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  16. lol.....that reminds me, I was leaving palladiume one night bc it was sooo cheesey from that taping and we were walking down the st going to tunnel and these two camera guys are like, can we film you walking, we neeed some footage! And they taped me and my 2 friends walking all the way down the street and swung around and came from the front as we were walking toward them, I was like thats kinda strange but ok.

    Two months later I'm watching it and wouldnt u know ALL YOU SEE IS MY BOOBS coming at the camera!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

    my debut!!!!!!!!! (well, THEIR debut!)



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  17. Shampoo Horns (one of my best friends is in it smile.gif) Its SO GOOD - not as mainstream like most of them...

    Party Monster - the Michael Alig one, its on video now @ Blockbuster

    Trainspotting - not clubby really but so fucked up, amazing!


    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


  18. I'm definitely an old hag!!!!!

    I started college in August of 1996 and I believe that's when I first posted, or around then. I cant even remember when clubnyc first started! I LOVEDDD the black and red color scheme -- SO HOT - very dark and sexy!! I used to sit 4 hours upstate under 5 feet of snow and write these longggggggg ass posts about how Tunnel would never die.....(Back in 94-96 it seemed that way!) And It was my only communication w/ NYC while I was up there! Can we get back to those old archives, anyone know??

    Ah...to be 22 and going through a midlife crisis ....... I wish I could FEEL LIKE IM 17 AGAIN! smile.gif



    ..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 12-06-2000).]

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