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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. I remember reading longgg ass posts I used to write in 1997 about how tunnel w/ junior ending was the WORST THING EVER TO HAPPEN TO ME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE --- I woudl be like "THE SPIRIT WILL NEVER DIE" lollllll i sounded like a crazed michael alig!! i used to print the posts out and keep them as souviners!

    oh, the good old days!

    Dmitry - remember FUTURE???? we definitely neeed another one of those!!


    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...



    are u there?








    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  3. can we say - BEFORE that::

    Jonathan Peters



    Europa Europa party


    no one even knew the kids name!

    heaven for a 15 yr old jewish girl from westchester smile.gif~~


    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  4. wow...now i feel justified in paying a BILLION dollars a month for studio -- its RIGHT smack in the middle of all those places....christopher and 6th across from Waverly Diner & Grays Papaya (ew, i dont know HOW guys can go there sober let ALONE fuxked up!) so much fun to stumble around the streets in the morning you dont even know the amusing people that you see smile.gif)

    my friend and I once were eating bagels once and this homeless man with a huge plant walked by....10 minutes and 5 bucks later us and the guy who worked at the bagel place were lugging a PLANT back to my apartment much to the suprise of the 6 cracked out kids who were sprawled out... LOL smile.gif

    sometimes its the little things that make the best memories !!



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  5. Ok time for a USEFUL post smile.gif

    Napster these songs when you're mis or just need some EMPOWERMENT !!! I cant help dancing around the room!

    Aint Nobody - Chaka Kahn

    Gamemaster (any mix)

    Drop a House - (Jr's mix of course!)

    (lord..why cant he go back to THOSE days!)

    La Rissa - Jay & Jane (a bi's relief lol!)

    Brazen Weep - Skunk Anansie

    and of course Can you Party--

    there are hunddreds others but im out to go dance to "aint nobody " lol

    feel free to add others! not just house/trance too --



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  6. without a doubt the best- they have every single track producer label artist etc EVER and multiple copies. Drawbacks: sometimes overseas, (more$$) and not always so clear which are in stock or not. a BIG suggestion - once you find the specific one you want (you might find 30 records of the same title, go through them to try and find which come from the US and the info about each one - which remixes, year, condition etc) THEN go to that seller's site DIRECTLY and inquire - if you go through gemm.com it works but takes longer and is just a pain in the ass sometimes. ITS WORTH IT THOUGH to check out the site for the hard to find ones! also htfr.com is good !


    happy hunting smile.gif~


    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  7. so funny - we all sit in temple and every time they go through about repenting for your sins and asking for forgiveness and respecting parents and elders my ENTIRE FAMILY stares and me and nudges me its so funny.

    im 22 but act 12 in temple - whenever the rabbbi says ERECT (its in the passages) my sister and i crack up. its funny, but also kind of introspective you have to just sit there for 2 hours and do nothign but think about your life and the drama of it all....

    not to mention, scouring the crowd for cute jewish boys HAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  8. well; I was just responding to the initial comment that it was "trying" --- it just hit me the wrong way. seemed VERY defensive and strange, esp if you knew it was the same staff/promos why post that? -- I NEVER wrote "little kids" either.

    It's true - SO many of the people who talk shit about Life/Spa say "that freak wouldnt let me in" etc etc....Look, dont like the club for its music, or for its attitue ( i certainly understand that ) but dont dislike a club because they have a door policy - they have every right to have one, and that's not the same thing as saying "the club is full of snotty pretentious people"

    I remember seeing 20, 30, 40 yr ols not being able to get in, so its not age either - People go to loungey places for other reasons than the music - i am the biggest house/trance head and DESPISED most of the music at LIFE yet sometimes its nice for a change and to chill without being surrounded by 1000 shirtless sweaty mangled guys! I'll go and bring a bunch of friends and just chill, if eveyrone else is stuck up, good for them, ill still have fun with my friends and relax and not come back and post "SPA is a piece of shit club horrible ugly inside nasty people wannabees"

    I just feel things like that come from insecurities and yes, most times, them not getting in! You dont know how many times people would call up LIFE and yes, come back other weeks and yell and scream at us how horrible the place was, simply because their ego was hurt. Thats incredibly poor charachter and just not the way to act. Kenny always used to say, that we did our job - those people are the ones we DONT want inside.

    Another intersting note: In the 2 yrs i was there, we got SEVEN bomb threats and FOUR threats on kenny's life (and two attempts) from people he turned away. scary, huh? No, not everyone is like that (and I wasnt saying you were) but after dealing with people like that every night for years...you see my point!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  9. Uh - petp or whoever wrote that "SPA is trying to be how LIFE was on tuedays...whatever"

    it IS LIFE - the same exact staff, promotions, PR, managers, security ....

    sorry just that I worked there for years and even though its not always my favorite its extremely successful & a lot of good people/hard work goes into it. not for everyone but come ON - all you people saying it sucks and is gross inside and so on are just pissed about being turned away! the decor happens to be great- whether u like the crowd/scene or not!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  10. ok not really the same bc it was @ a club but picture this:

    1 - 3 x a night in the club's office on

    $50,000 - 100,000 in 20's lol

    with the boss


    his girlfriend was outside waiting for him to "get off work"



    (it was a friend of mine!! i swear lol)



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  11. I'm assuming everyone listing the jacuzzi and other ridiculously expensive stuff are the people who DONT live in Manhattan - Im sure you all know how insanely overpriced everything is, from a snapple, to a TV, to a couch to RENT and so on -- I pay a RIDICULOUS amount, and I have a SMALL STUDIO - lucky to have an elevator, dishwasher, video security, and a walk in closet!! And its less than 500 sq feet!!AND - my last apartment was 11 by 11 no joke! That being said, i wouldnt change a thing, In my opinion i live in the BEST neightborhood in New york (West village) I walk outside and feel like Im in the center of EVERYTHING. Soemtimes its worth giving up space...I can walk everywhere! You just have to determine what the priority is - some people dont care riding the train for an hour as long as they have a huge bedroom and a terrace and 1000 sq feet...(But whats better than it being 9am after a club and just WALKING home all mangled smile.gif Im like a 15 minute walk from Twilo/Tunnel/Vinyl/ Roxy/Limelight/Spa and like every single lounge imaginable...As stupid as that sounds to some people (aka my parents) its a huge part of my life, and makes each night that much better!

    Its all about being creative within a budget. The best feeling I get is when people come over and are like OH this is adorable - little did they know its all via Crate & Barrel, Ikea, and little stores & shops around the village -- Sometimes your creativity and personality show through more when you shop like that. DONT get me wrong, i cant wait until I can pimp my next place out (think every R&B love song video lol) but for now, it works- and here's a tip

    BE CREATIVE ! Even at cheesey IKEA you can put together something new and different - I just painted half my apartment TURQUOISE and its the BEST thing EVER -- totally helps your mood!! Oh and fresh flowers and candles are key! I personally like if a guy has a Dog and a Cat but I know men hateeeeee cats (but think about it, most women LOVE them - it says, you are comf. with your masculinity and can be sensitive lol!)

    Above all CLEANNNNNNNN YOUR SHIT UP! I get lazy too, its hard esp when you live alone; but before you go out on the weekend make SURE your shit is spotless (it figures, every time I clean I come home alone, but the one time its pigsty I'll meet the hottest thing in the world and be like ooo shit there are socks all over the place ! ) hehe!

    Its so much fun decorating, I've been here a year and am still changing things all the time - (GEMINI!) I had this idea to open up an interior decorating service for people in their 20s' like college students in dorms, or kids with their first apartment who have no space but want something livable! What do you guys think - i mean, If i moved in, had $1500 to spend, I'd rather hire someone to work with that and pay a few hundred of it to them in fees rather than be clueless and waste it on crap!!

    Ok back to work.......word of the day:




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  12. Hooj Choons is my all time favorite!!!

    Some others:


    Strictly Rhythm


    West End Records


    Sonic Groove


    Giant Step


    Biohazard Prod





    hope this helps! i did this massive research a year ago when I started spinning and it really helps when u know where everything is coming from smile.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  13. for some reason, all the headhunters get me these miserable DO NOTHING ALL DAY jobs, even the ones that have a decent salary seem so pointless and not challenging - Im still trying to keep with a few of them, but Im coming up with nothing. Anyone know of some other sites or had good experiences with a specific headhunter? I think the whole idea is that you have to be patient (which im NOT - hey im a gemini!!!!!!!)Also its going through the transition from student to ADULT - you cant be like "oh im a student" you have nothing to define yourself as anymore and its NOT a good feeling frown.gif

    lol thanks everyone!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  14. COMMUNICATIONS~ cant get more fucking general and undirected than that!

    Only requirement is that it's creative, somewhat entertainment related and makes a decent salary - I'm certainly willing to work up, but doing 8 to 5 answering phones for like 20k a year is NOT ACCEPTABLE (call me snotty, i went to NYU lol)

    tnx for the responses smile.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  15. anyone else?

    um....how the hell is it SEPTEMBER 2000 already -- I still feel like a 18 yr old kid...when the biggest problem was "what am I gonna wear to Palladium on friday" lol ....

    what did you guys do post-graduation (college, not hs) ??? its like all the GOOD jobs pay SHIT and all the SHIT jobs pay decent but I refuse to be miserable every day in some boring non creative bs job!

    sorry just venting, and I know 19057320 people will respond so maybe I'll get some ideas smile.gif


    ~~~Deep into the VIBE of house music!~~~


  16. how weird:

    my aunt and uncle met THIRTY years ago through a matchmaking system, it was one of the first electronic matchup things they made.......(of course theyre both total dorks, but theyre happily married with 3 kids and loaded lol)

    so I guess you never know?

    plus how TIRED are you of hearing everyone you know (and yourself) complaining about how you cant meet anyone and everyones the "Wrong one" blah blah blahhhhhhhh



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


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