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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. lol, everyone do a bump and relax.

    Well the non selfish one:

    Ending abuse -- in all aspects, crackhead/spousal/rape/shootings whatever, -- I mean some things like diseases are part of life, but human vs human destruction is just insane. What's worse than seeing a parent beat their child, I saw this mom smack her kid in the grocery store today and I just started freaking, and thats the TAMEST end of it... twilogoddses and I watched this show last weekend about these crackhead mothers and their kids who had SERIOUS mental, social and physical disbilities , not to mention no parents, and it was the most horrible, sad thing I've seen in a long time.....

    Ok now for the selfish ones:

    u know when ur f-d up and u think "omg i just want to feel like this forever"

    well, to be able to "freeze" those moments and be able to turn it on an off forever...like "enable E feeling #13" or "enable bumped up feeling #26" --- or even the feeling when you have a great SOBER night w/ someone u love or whatever....of course, the ability to turn it off, ie: when you're with family or doing something "pure" lol.......

    Yeah, unlimited money - but thats so predictable.....What about being able to travel at a moments notice - ie: Star wars, being "Beamed up" -- like, "Beam me to IBIZA for a month" lol.......

    Also a little angel on your shoulder telling you thing before you learn them the hard way:

    "That guys is a complete asshole and has a girlriend, stay away"

    lol.......you get the idea

    I also alwayssssss wanted to be invisible...not as profitable as the 10 billion but how much funnnnnnnnnn



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  2. my friend who grew up in nyc and moved to SF is movin right back, didnt love it at all......maybe try jersey? heard there are a few nice places like little communities that arent so expensive.....if u dont mind being broke , move to the village like I did, not a penny to my name but loveeeeeeeeee my apt lol smile.gif good luck!!



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  3. aw thanx smile.gif

    It still amazes me that most people DONT think like we do ..... some of the things people (even my close friends/family) have said to me regarding him/us -- makes me cringe. But instead of getting angry I just thank god I have had the experiences that I did, and learned at a pretty young age things that some people NEVER learn...and are lucky enough to experience.....




    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  4. im sorry, but chris is fucking adorable and probably the sweetest chillest guy in the worldddddddddd (no pun intended lol) its so rare that you come across someone at all, let alone in this industry, who has a brain, a clue and LOOKS these days....

    lol smile.gif~



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  5. grow up , ugh, how trashy and disgusting can you get, not to mention stereotypical....There are assholes in every race, but so say general comment like that is just ignorant and immature....

    Actually, the guy i mentioned was the one who encouraged me to start jogging again when I stopped and we lost 20 lbs together lol....so much for your theory smile.gif And NOT every black guy has a huge dick!!!!!! lol



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  6. i agree.....amazing, what about the part with the shit & the sheets HAHAHA!!!!!

    good call! there are so many more. Basketball Diaries was the best mainstream one I can think of...... When hes wired writing in his journal its classic. ALso the part in Boogie Nights when they are WIREDDD sittin on the couch tryin to make each other relax and theyre all sweaty.....I know there are so many more old ones, much more realistic but Im drawing a blank



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  7. its not the same girl but really does look like her! definitely some FABULOUS cinematography, thats so funny I mentioned that in the middle of the movie....fantastic. But I think the first half dragged on a little, everyone was getting antsy. Def very powerful though smile.gif Makes you wanna go rent all the old drug movies !



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  8. Saw Traffic last night, it was pretty intense but not as good as I expected (LONG -almost 3 hrs)

    Anyway the whole heroin thing freaked me out, coming from someone who has that "Ive seen everything" attitude, seeing the 16 yr old girl become a junkie was probably the most profound aspect of the move. You know how you see other things in the media that make you WANT to do them (the stupid e shows, everyone looks like they're havin FUN lol)This was the complete opposite, its the scariest thing to watch, they should have more shows with ppl addicted looking like that. Such a great deterrent, I was petrified of it before but even more so now...It's amazing to think there's something thats 1000000000x worse than the stuff most of us have experienced......



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  9. try taking a break and doing some fun job (in a club or something) for $ for a while.....clear your head, it gets soooooo frustrating and becomes such a chore and you lose all motivation .......

    smile.gif gl


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  10. one of my best friends is black and one of the most unbelievable people I have ever met. He's opened my eyes to an entire new world, at one point it was a sexual thing but its been 3 yrs and we're like best friends -- the fact that you can even go through that and REMAIN so close says something. I think ppl of different races teach you the most and show you a whole new way of looking at life, make you appreciate and embrace diversity and difference much more...... smile.gif



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  11. i think i beat you all.....i cant sleep before like 6am.....when the sun starts comin up smile.gif i just ordered breakfast, my sched is all fucked up......ugh




    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  12. valium everyoneeeee lol

    aaight, i feel like a grandma but:

    That Look - Delacy (all time fav!(also hideaway)

    Muzik is my Life - Mind to Mind

    Wave Speech - Peter Lazonby (this wasnt always so played out smile.gif

    Perfect Love - House of Prince

    Give me Luv - Alcatraz

    Bottom Heavy - Danny T

    Music is the Answer - Danny T

    Walk for Me - Robbie Tronco

    Welcome to the Factory - Angel Moraes

    Cafe del Mar - all 5 billion mixes lol

    Deep Inside - Hard Drive

    In your Eyes - Critical Mx

    Didnt I know - EG Fullalove

    Wave Accelerator - Taucher rmx

    Dream Universe - CM

    Welcome 2 the Dance - Des Mitchell

    Voco Me - Hybrid mix

    Feel This - Robbie Rivera

    Ofortuna - Apothesis

    Reach - Lil Mo Yin Yang

    Weep & Reap - both Jr's Mixes

    Your Loving Arms - BRM

    Twisted - BXR

    WDYDWM - Future Breeze

    Someone - Ascention

    Shamu - Vincent De Moor

    Beautiful Day - JRs mix

    Gamemaster - LTribe

    Somoene 2 Hold - JV

    Drop a House - Urban Discharge

    Salva Mea - Faithless

    Pulse - Antic

    Secret Studio - Dropout

    Saltwater - Chicane

    Dammit Janet - Pants & Corset

    YDW - SNS

    TJATS - Deb Cox

    Sparkles - Tiesto

    Enjoy the Ride - Lambda

    Invisible - Tilt

    Epidemic - Future Breeze

    Lately - Divine (happy cheese smile.gif

    Space Manouvers - Stage 1

    Madagascar - AOT

    aaight tired smile.gif happy huntin



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  13. we can ask him to autograph my tits. ha.

    what about a line o beef and we can choose, and they all have speedy hits and mex k.


    that guy gets the prize for king shmaltz


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  14. theres a site where u can order cases online and get it delivered, just do a search, i forgot what it is smile.gif


    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


  15. Do whatever u feel comfortable doing! Just be safe.....No one's an angel, ppl have their flings but there's no excuse for not bein safe! smile.gif

    Anyway if you're at all vouyeristic, schtuppin at clubs can be FUN, just don't do it to be trendy, like right on the dancefloor or totally in plain view, at least find some little dark corner, and make sure u TRUST the person, not just some random guy / girl u just picked up 2 minutes ago! kinda creepy. But w/ the right person its fun, and then whenever u go back to that spot ur liike "oooooooooooooooo guess what i did here" lol..I had an "experience" the weekend Twilo opened like 5 yrs ago and whenever i pass that spot i just smile!



    xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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