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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. omg mattyparsons (sorry forgot ur name) i rememember you yellin MISSDIVA at twilo on friday! i totally forgot LOL im sorry i didnt stop, my man was pullin me thru the crowd and i wasn't getting away!!!!!!

    nice 2 kinda meet you smile.gif



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  2. ur welcome, but I just freaked at the 1980 - Im goin through a mid life crisis at 22 and i feel so OLD, been there done that, ugh -- that's why I loved this horoscope!!

    But Geminis ROCKKKKK -- and 2 of them together is INSAAAANE!



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  3. I posted this above but it totally applies here - I have that thing where they email your daily horoscope, how FREAKY that this is mine!

    If you think your glory days have passed, you haven't given much

    thought to the future. Why sell yourself short when there's so much

    out there to see and do? The world around you is alive with

    possibilities. Of all the things you learned in the past, wouldn't

    you like to see even greater things headed your way in the future?

    Your past experiences have taught you plenty, but that's not worth

    anything unless you go out and apply your knowledge to the present.

    You can achieve a lot and your history is proof. Spend your day

    writing a new story instead of replaying the old ones.

    cwm30.gifcwm30.gif MissDiva


    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  4. OMG!! THIS IS TOOO MUCH smile.gif

    If you think your glory days have passed, you haven't given much

    thought to the future. Why sell yourself short when there's so much

    out there to see and do? The world around you is alive with

    possibilities. Of all the things you learned in the past, wouldn't

    you like to see even greater things headed your way in the future?

    Your past experiences have taught you plenty, but that's not worth

    anything unless you go out and apply your knowledge to the present.

    You can achieve a lot and your history is proof. Spend your day

    writing a new story instead of replaying the old ones.


    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  5. OMG you are so right!! lololol I never thought about that......I hate talking or hearing people talk about ex's (unless its totally appropriate)

    Sorry, Im just on this whole living-in-the-present kick, Im at that in between age (22) where Im sick of everything and dont know where the hell I'm going! And there's nothing worse than having to re live OLD DRAMA , like there isnt enough NEW drama to go around lol



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  6. who said anything about monogamy lol!! I don't even mean serious relationship post depression, (remember this coming from Mrs. I'm single & love it that way!) I just mean ANYONE you used to deal with on ANY level, it makes you feel like such an asshole when they move on, even if you've moved on 100000000 times!!! Why can't we just get over it, be happy for them and not let it bother us!! I know living well is the best revenge, but I don't even want to waste my TIME trying to get "revenge" I just want to get over it! When people act like this I cringe and tell them to grow up, but now I'm realizing you can't help it frown.gif I'm trying to get ready to go out and i keep feeling like I'm going to throw up thinking about it! And I didn't even GIVE A SHIT until I heard his name today! OMG -- someone throw me a prozac lol



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  7. Yes!! It's so stupid but you can't help it. I laugh at myself but it still feels soo shitty.....Why do we sometimes feel less adequate if we're single, I hate that ! I love being independent, but still crave the attention sometimes smile.gif

    You can't win... either peopel are annoying, on your shit TOO much (and you feel smothered and ditch them) OR its too much of a challenge and you spend wayyy too much time trying to get them! Its such a fucking game, and we're all sick of it but keep on playing!

    Well Im making up a new game! I have no clue what the hell it is but when I figure it out I'll be a millionare! (then guys will only like me for my money, not my boobies lol)

    smile.gif~~ anyone goin out tonite, I need to sit home like I need a hole in the head!



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 11-15-2000).]

  8. someone spotting the ex you THOUGHT you got over and THOUGHT had moved away, traipsing around clubs with some hoochie......

    lol, I'm just hoping soon he will burst from all that juice!But seriously WHY does it feel soooo shitty when ex's are so happy!




    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  9. I must know you -- (Chappaqua -->NYU also)

    Hmm....reply or email me @ MissDiva19@aol.com

    No one else everrrrr knows what Chappaqua is lollll, at least not till THEY moved there!



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  10. Aztec, thank you! (blush)

    I feel like a grandma sometimes, I've been posting on here since 1996 (gulp) and Im appalled at 90 percent of what goes on here now. The few chill, educated, people who just "know" get lost in a sea of immature, clueless kids BORED or DYING for attention.

    Anyway while most people respond with ridiculous immature, idiotic rambling posts there's a lot of brilliance out there, I try to take that away from the board and leave the bs behind..(what a good theory for life too lol!) You learn something after 7 yrs of clubs....lol....You become a different person, and in a lot of ways more insightful, worldly, and tolerant of how idiotic the "normal" world can be sometimes!

    Yeah, im single, and have been since 9th grade. I get bored of EVERYONE after 2 weeks. LOL - I also think there should be a law, you can't be in a serious relationship before 30. You're gonna wake up to the same face for the rest of your life, who wants 2 be on lockdown now! Be happy you dont have to deal with the drama of a young relationship, focus the energy on being confident and independant rather than on why you're the only one single. You could also be the only one with the strength to do it yourself, and do it just as well...

    That being said, closeness, friendship, trust and love are the core of it all, yet those things dont only come through a guy (girl) and last longer than anyone you might have for the wrong reasons - You can have all those things without the label, find them in your family, friends, and even lovers. But wanting someone next to you just "Because everyone else has someone" or because of an insecurity is the most self destructive thing you can do.

    I always felt this was the biggest mistake: A 50% person trying to find a another 50% person to make them whole. The key is being 100% and finding someone to share it with.

    (~~sorry, a lil stoned~~~)



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  11. if i had a dollar for every time I heard that same story / complaint.........I would be sooooooo fuxxin loaded I wouldnt CARE if i was single smile.gif

    You can analyze and worry over it for a billion years but it all comes down to this:

    the minute you stop looking , someone will pop up and it will be right. And, what's the FUN of being young and living it up if you dont have years of experiencing a lot of different type of people -- thats the way we learn and how we determine what we like in people and what we don't.

    It sounds cheesey, but read a few books on the subject, ya know the ones about being happy single & independent, and you'll find that it will be more of a fun challenge than dyingggg to meet someone.....



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  12. quote:

    Originally posted by neusense:


    shes a hottie too bside the great rack ... you get a gold star hunnie ...

    THANK YOU smile.gif (bowing)

    boobies are nice, but nice to see someone recognizing something else !!




    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  13. hehe...I was there, incognito smile.gif

    I never feel more at peace and relaxed as I do walking home from Vinyl!!!!!!!!



    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


  14. anyone remember the movie theatre chairs at palladium, well in 95 they had these upstairs rooms open and you could go behind these see thru curtains and sit on the bleacher/chairs and watch everything below you.....everyone went to have sex but it was so open that no one really ended up doing it, I kept chickening out until one night i was like ok enough......5 hours later lol smile.gif

    Needless to say, my bag got stolen during all that, but it was worth it! Plus TWO ex boyfriends and one of my TEACHERS walking back and forth below HAHAHA!!!!

    Better yet is the office, on a hundred thousand dollars in cash!!!!!!!!!!! lol


    ..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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