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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. i dont know why im proud of this but:

    NOVEMBER 1998 baby smile.gif~

    I remember in 1996 when I first posted and Tunnel w/ Jr was closing and i would write these longggggg ass posts about how it was the worst thing in the world and what were we going to do?

    Lol...and I was right, its been all down hill from there! But I've also learned you gotta make your own happiness (music/drugs/clubs/sex just helps a LOT) lol



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  2. 1996, remember that club FatBoy on the west side? they had this basement that was just the sickest thing, so perfect for an afterhours, and we were all completely mangled on the BEST pills....sitting with my bf and all of a sudden this CANDY RAVER girl with glitter all over her comes over that i know and kneels down to the couch and goes "can I kiss you" and my bf just STARES at us and before i knew it.....it was so crazy I was so fucked up that I thought she was a big ball of glitter, and I kept seeing flashes of light all around her! And another funny thing - MIKE TYSON was sitting there watching the whole thing HAHAHA!!!!! I cant believe that was four years ago! smile.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  3. ok im gonna get blasted for this but its way too funny not to tell:

    This past sat @ Factory, met the HOTTEST/nicest/most amazing guy in the world. Like, one of those people u just have to sit there and stare at and wonder how they got to be so perfect. Anyway, 6 hours later walking down the street, he asks if i know this girl who lives near him & is in the club scene too; turns out I used to work with her @ tunnel, & her name is similar online (another DIVA) and i go "Yeah we both have Diva names online, and he looks at me and goes holy shit "MISSDIVA19" and it turns out we met FOUR YEARS AGO from that girl who introduced us online! And even funnier, he was totally quiet and not "beefed up" then and I completely dissed him! I felt like such a retard!

    LOL. But at least that's proof that some gorgeous guys do go online smile.gif)



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  4. i agree! and i saw THREEE old club nyc peeps from 1996-1997 MWAH ! I was a little uh...lets just say feeling good.....and it was so chill...even though it wasnt all "my" music...the luv and sun and music and relaxation and YES were doing something during the daylight hours feeling!

    smile.gif the main lawn, that would be SICK. we need a trance/progress.house weekend....48 hours of just that....up and down at the appropriate time of day smile.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  5. I've been spinning for about 8 months, but still learning and playin around, and collecting.....its great being a girl doing this but hard because of the different treatment - guys are eager to help for the wrong reasons and most dont take you seriously, its frustrating being in a record store with 100 guys pushing and everything lol (the net is great to shop around!) Butt.....hey, its all about using what u have to get what you want - look at jackie christie lol...the hardest thing for dj's is getting the "hookup" so in that sense, its easier...I know for myself Im just taking it very slowly, not stressing about it and not setting a goal to change the world....just wanna put a smile on my face, keep up a cool hobby and see where it takes me....its amazing how much you can make other people smile.gif too, after a longgg night back here I LOVE pulling out old trax and seeing people's faces light up! So if thats all it ever ends up being.....thats good enuff for me smile.gif

    good luck!


    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  6. damnnnnnnnnn long post - and i think i know like two of you on here lol. Anyone here used to post back in 1996 when clubnyc FIRST started ?? I read my old posts and CRACK UP...lol....I was EIGHTEEN..if i knew then....

    Email: MissDiva19@aol.com

    AOL sn/AIM: MissDiva19



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  7. fabuulous book! look at my post below and scroll down a little bit i listed 5 or so other books like that one (i think that was there too!) they are all just as good!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  8. Jaysea -- are you in soho? (it says that next 2 your name just curious bc im in the west village - anyway email me at MissDiva19@aol.com) and about disco bloodbath...yea i read that the day it came out. that's when i just started going out, disco 2000 days, so i was more of a spectator but certainly experienced it. And did you ever see SHAMPOO HORNS? its basically the movie to go along with it - funny thing is one of the girls in the movie (cheyenne - used to do the door at limeight for like 6 years) is one of my best friends now, but i didnt know her then! We worked together at life a few years ago and I was like werent u in that movie? lol



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  9. Some wonderful ones - interesting a lot of the authors still use drugs or are ex clubbers/drug users!

    Altered State : The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House (Five Star)

    Generation Ecstasy by Simon Reynolds

    Ecstasy : Dance, Trance & Transformation

    by Nicholas Saunders, - this guy wrote like 10 books on E, just recently died, his stuff is AMAZING

    Ecstasy Club : A Novel by Douglas Rushkoff

    Clubbing: Clubbing Culture and Experience

    by Ben Malbon


    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  10. QUERY - I read that too. AMAZING! Its incredible how many books have been written about the club/drug/music worlds, either for amusement purposes or just to educate....Its just nice sometimes to get lost in someone else drama smile.gif I know a lot of people dont like to read, or dont have the attention span (hey, this is coming from an ADD baby!) but it really helps you try to sort shit out and you find yourself totally associating yourself with a lot of what's written....I would come home from afterhours when i was in highschool and curl up in bed trying to sober up and read LOL

    smile.gif any other book suggestions please post!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  11. LOL actually its BABBIT smile.gif

    Its about this young girl who finds a spring with water that lets you live forever. She has to decide whether to drink or not...she meets all these people along the way who help her..its just incredible......

    GO GET IT smile.gif)) enjoy!!


    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  12. TUCK EVERLASTING by Natalie Bobbit

    READ THIS BOOK!!! I promise, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

    Its meant for young adults so it's very easy reading and not long at all... Trust me on this one GO GET IT! email me when you're done I would love to hear what you think!!!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  13. right answer - partly. ive worked with them for years. its never as simple as ANYTHING - especially with this crew lol. there's always 34875 reasons, some professional, SOME personal.

    but fyi, Kenny, Connie, King, and Giovanni - who work spa & worked (life) probably know the MOST people out of everyone! lounges dont focus on door as much as the bar income -- unlike mega clubs like exit where 17 yr olds buy water all night, thats where they have to be concerned with the door. it all kinda makes sense I guess, (although it still makes no excuse for dave to be such an asshole!) steve on the other hand is fierce -i love the people who say he's a dick, they're just the ones he dissses lol



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  14. Ok im being a BIG DORK right now but its 8am, havent slept, and im bored enough to go JOGGING lol. Anyway if any of you live in Manhattan (besides crystal, we cant go through the geography game again! lol) you should check it out - west side highway below 24th, all the way down to battery park. its like a 5 lane track and its so nice during the day (when its SUNNY !) then when you get down to Tribeca there's a HUGEEE brand new park - you feel like you're in the suburbs! Dogs running around, green grass, its amazing - check out the billion $ apartments there. And on the weekends - so good to go chill all cracked out!

    ok someone give me a valium! lol



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  15. Xenadrine is good during the day but dont even try mixing it w/ anything else - it just gives u energy and gets you out of lazy slumps....I take one before I go jogging and then it lasts for about 4 hours...

    Anyway take 5htp at night, it helps to restore seretonin -- do some research online about it, pretty interesting. I just take one every night i do "something else" And soemtimes in the morning too.

    There used to be this stuff RENUTRIENT and it was like a legal version (SAFER) of ghb, but people were mixing and abusing it so they just stopped making it. Blue nitro, VErve, all that stuff you can get online are the same stuff but you have to take like a CAPFUL -- not over do it.



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  16. Gay & Christopher corner/street is the most adorable, calm, non city like corner in the city! (esp for a fag hag like me) and an added bonus -- EVERYONE goes on that st to smoke up and i ALWAYS smell it in my apartment (2nd floor!)




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

  17. WEST VILLAGE ~ MANHATTAN - funny thing is i feel like im in the "perfect" area and NEVER want to move, but NO ONE LIVES NEAR ME!

    lol, and get this - i live on GAY street - hehe, you can imagine how angry my mother is about that one ! smile.gif~ But the adorable men who live across the street on the same floor sometimes see and hear me DJing and yell WERK IT GIRL out the window ! LOL



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

  18. Arena 1997. On the stage; enjoying the company of this GORGEOUS beef I just picked up...And actually wouldnt you know this guy from the old school CLUBNYC - i cant for the life of me remember who it was - came over and was like "Are you missdiva?" and proceeds to give me half a jar of goodies...So of course, im like WOOHOOO lemme get on this...And over did it; to the point of oblivion. Two minutes later im dancing fiercely on the stage and BOOM - fell FLAT ON MY ASS (in 6 inch platforms mind you, and a short patent leather dress, boobs flying everywhere) But the funny thing is I THOUGHT I WAS IN AN OCEAN FLOATING and i was having the best time, smiling, babbling while I Lay mangled on the stage. JR ACTUALLY SHINED HIS LIGHT ON ME! I was carried to the sofa and an hour later i sat up and remembered nothing except that I was in an ocean floating around. IT still was one of the best nights I had smile.gif but i learned my "be Kareful" lesson that night.

    RIP ARENA frown.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

  19. An asshole is an asshole whether he is a skinny rail or a huge beef. True, steriods increase a BAD temper; however that's not always the case. Its not about "keeping meatheads out" its about just staying away from ASSSHOLES period. There area always going to be clueless people in clubs; it hasn't been since the mid 90's that you had certain clubs/parties where there were virtually none. Perfect example was ARENA - half the chelesa boys were on roids and yet the vibe was so beautiful, unified, family-like and just insanely loving.

    Personally I find the annoying ones to be either the tourists who cant speak english, or button down straightedge dorks who just KNOW they arent (my) or whatever girl's type and STILL insist on rubbing up against her from the back and dancing (horribly!) even after they keep moving away. EWWWWWW!!!

    lol smile.gif



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

  20. I agree with the point of the first post here -

    BUT - Twilo isn't why drugs are used - its the people who DO the drugs!! They do it at twilo, factory, exit, ANYWHERE - if its not twilo its somewhere else. Someone doing occasional hits now and then is not the same thing as going out 4 times a week doing 25 hits and so on. While drugs are very prominent in the club scene, DONt fool yourself - college kids, wall streeters, older couples, young kids, and sooooo many non club people do them - look at all the stupid articles and news programs on it ; look how commercialized its gotten. CERTAINLY a hell of a bigger problem NOW then when it WAS just a "club" issue. (80's and early 90's as compared to 95 - today)

    Also, DAGFAGBUSTER - im a little appalled at your choice of a username. Even more disgusting than some reactions to the drug issue is the inexcusable attitudes towards gays(but thats a completely different topic) And another thing that breeds hate and intolerance!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

  21. You have to SEPARATE the two: being healthy, smart, and a responsible person (sober or not - you can still be that!) is not the same issue as "enjoyment" ie: clubs, music, dj's etc. FIRST AND FOREMOST its our own self worth: physically, mentally , emotionally, etc. that needs to be there.

    Its like that old saying, you cant love anyone or expect anyone to love you UNTIL YOU LOVE YOURSELF. Until you realize your own limits, responsibilities, and take care of yourself as best you can -- you have no place putting clubs first. If something like this doesn't affect you and make you just a litte more careful...you have more issues than what to do if twilo closes! Those people prove their inability to prioritize and realize what really matters in life.

    The entertainment industry exists to enhance our lives; but without the ablity handle it maturely & realistically (and still maintain a life outside it) it can destroy you SO quickly. Ive seen it happen time and time again over the past 7 years- celebrities, drug dealers, suburban kids, city snobs, every ethnicity, religion, race - DRUGS ARE BLIND when it comes to who ends up dead.

    Its not the kids who brag about popping 10 pils and going out every night that make it. Its the one that says , "Im going to stay in and take a rest tonight" that are the ones who can take the good from the club industry and escape the bad. And the ones who can look back and not regret a thing, who are happy to suffer through "miserable sunday" because they will make sure to get their ass in shape on Monday and do what they have to do. Yes it is possible to be in this scene, and still be a happy normal person -- but it takes a lot of determination and realistic thinking -- NOT saying "what about s&d" when someone DIES!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

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