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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. Any girls looking to bartend --- I PROMISE - you will make a TON of money and you will LOVE this job -- no drama, bs, litte kids or obnoxious staff!!

    Its for a new Tuesday night party -- not like a Twilo/Exit/Factory/Cheetah kind of thing, more along the lines of Lotus, Spa, - Remember how Wax, Spy and Pravda used to be?


    Anyway at the risk of sounding like a -- GULP -- promoter hehe..If you're a girl, and can bartend, or cocktail waitress (you dont need to have years experience, its much more about looking HOT and being outgoing and totally flirty) then PLEASE email me at divagirl@bellatlantic.net - or my AOL im name is MissDiva19 so you can see if im online.

    Its Tuesday nights only, remember, so it wont take away from your weekend smile.gif In fact, it could probably FUND the whole weekend!




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 09-08-2000).]

  2. yup. Anthony Martinez used to own it before him. Also a great place to sort through old vinyl is DiscoRama on West 4th and Christopher -- Always find great stuff there (mint Drop a House, SNS, and Kamera in only 30 minutes of digging!!)



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  3. OK heres my fav quote of the week:"

    We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by loving an imperfect person perfectly"

    oh i could have a field day with this question.....my friends and i have the never ending conversation and debate on this!

    horrible example, but eric neis-ish (the look) without the guido'ness and stupid cockiness..needs confidence and energy but can also admit when hes wrong! someone who u always wonder what they're going to say and do next..and know how to keep it new!! (in and out of bed lol)

    Someone who can watch some guy (or girl lol)hit on me at a club and smile and just be cool and not flip out, THATS what keeps girls loyal when u give them space and trust, room to breathe and just be a kid and not have to know where u are every second of the day!! And not think that girls are BI just to please them! Its for US goddamnit lol!!!!!!!!Oh and they dont have to live for house/trance (tho im partial to DJ's just cant resist them) but they have to respect my love for it, be wiling to learn and go and become part of it.... smile.gif

    Hmm...5'10 ish..has a "presence" you just cant take your eyes off them, they light up a room...always workin on the tan (REAL!) just enuff muscles...deep eyes...clean cut w/ that hot 1 day stubble...CLEAN WHITE TEETH! Cleannnnnnn is key!

    ok and clothes; its so cute when guys look like they care but not like they're trying too hard..cant resist a guy in a wifebeater (black, no logo!) with kinda baggy really nicely cut pants and just like looks so put together but simple at the same time...loves his mom but is such a bad boy, but can also be like "ok enough e this month lets just take a drive and skip the clubs" ohhhhhh boy i would fall in love! And why does everyone think that the "beefy club guy " look has to mean they are idiots and assholes. Just cuz a lot are, doesnt mean some arent. The ONLY guy I met that fits this entire description was incredible, except for 2 things : he was WAY too old, and had um...can we say. THREEEEEEEE INCHES smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif!lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    sorry, im a little drunk, i sound like a little girl babbling i know! and ive been making this speech since i was 15 HAAH!

    have a good weekend everyone ill be upstate relaxing with the fam (first time for everything!) and workin on the TAN!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


    [This message has been edited by MissDiva (edited 09-01-2000).]

  4. trust me. 34dd's arent everything. i've spent the last 7 yrs wondering if every guy who comes up to me is just cominv over bc of that. key is to be confident and learn which ones r the boob stalkers and which ones appreciate YOU first, then the twins smile.gif

    Plus all i want to wear is a little shirt that ties in the back, but i'd need a fucking ROPE to tie these in smile.gif


    my TWO cents. HAHAH !!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  5. atf email me, if u love that song like i do we probably have the same taste in music smile.gif its only 200 rec's now but every single one i love more than the last !!!! what happened to the people that do this bc it makes them happy no more no less -- i think the minute I started depending on it for my income or CARED about competing I would be miserable!

    thats just meee tho!

    see that look..in your eyes!




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  6. DT has the most amazing in house studio. he built these crates right into the wall....the entire thing is just wallpapered with stuff....its so cozy too. seein that is what pushed me to start after 7 yrs of saying I was going to but procrastinating!

    Lol that being said im only about to break 200, (since January) Remember the first piece of vinyl u got? mine was GIVE ME LUV /Alcatraz and DROP A HOUSE /urban discharge. theres a cute little store across the st from my apartment, disco rama, where if u have an hour u can always find some good old progressive tracks. Its on West 4th st and sheridan sq



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  7. romulus! whats up - i was there from 4 - 4 also but in a wandering around and around state smile.gif only people i saw were jase & pj...ur right an amazing happy feeling being in an environment like that ..brought me backkk smile.gif~ and i kept waiting for the REAL wave speech but it never came!! lol




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  8. lol.....who the fu#k am i kidding?

    walked in at 430 pm today. tired...but HAPPY..many suprise visitors & tracks and before i pass out at the comp. im gonna go sleep it off....more to come later (jase im sure you'll cover it all ne way lol) DId u see me trying to steal the "oh no she didnt " sign they had hangin up? hehe! Best part, seeing Danny T and entourage come to say happy bday, among others....night!

    dare i say, a tiny bit of an A - e n A vibe?




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  9. Antvil & whoever else said i look familiar from roxy/twilo ---

    Yup - that was me!! That was one of my good friends w/ the blond spiky hair(Rich) When did we meet??? So funny!!

    And mskittie yea -- ill give you the other 3 guys in the picture if you give me the one 2nd from the left...oh my god...i cant even deal, he's too perfect. (Probably has a teeny one though HAHA - god cant give one guy EVERYTHING !)) LOL

    email me @ divagirl@bellatlantic.net bc i got thrown off aol for a month. dont ask why ! smile.gif~~~ Im still on instant messenger as MissDiva19 though.




    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  10. mmmmmmmmmm ur so right! ever since 1995 at tunnel when i was introduced to the "staten island beef crews" where one was hotter than the next...cant stay away!! funny thing is some of them that i met back then still call me!! lol

    "why do bad men feel so good"



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


  11. you're all wrong.


    Palladium 1994 - 1995

    half a pill.

    you could sit still for 12 hours

    and have the best time




    I would give any fucking thing in the world to have one again. I swear to god I would pay like $500 for one!!!!!



    --=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


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