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Everything posted by housedog

  1. We can just about smoke anywhere. If you have a small pipe (like I do) you can walk and smoke. I dont know how to roll a joint, but I know how to roll a blunt. I find nothing better than walking around smoking a blunt on a nice day. I do it all the time. I smoke alot in the car too, either the bowl or a blunt. The best time to smoke a blunt is when you are driving down or home from the shore. There is nothing better than a 1 1/2 drive with the windows open and the music pumpin smoking an L. It reminds me I have to go to my spot and pick some up.
  2. This is (I thought) a funny commerical. I can't believe it is for tires http://media1.adforum.com/B/BB/BBDB_08646/BBDB_08646_0028797W.MPG
  3. They did have a feud, but it was a few years ago, Looked it up it is too long to explain. I think they respect each other, but dont speak. I don't really know, I remember the drama, but I am not the one to talk about it. I might not get it right, and dont want the drama myself.
  4. Hello, you can not recieve PM so I will post here. I was there on Friday (Arc) got there aroung 4 and I left around 9:30am.
  5. You are correct, MUSIC is better. Personally I think the lineups need some diversity. I go to raves only when I want to see a certain DJ our if a group of friends are going. Same with clubs, I go for the music, Went to Exit hated it. Never been to factory+ I will make it one day. Arc/Vinyl I would go every week, but I make it to see Danny at least once a month. I don't go to any clubs where you dress have to dress up or look nice. I go out to DANCE, and meet people. Inever get drees up to go out to a club, why would you, you go to a club to DANCE. Rocksteady next time you come down to NYC, you need to go see DANNY T on a friday, at ARC you wont be dissappointed.
  6. The funny thing is that the Dailey News said nothing about the raid just said he was an "Ecstasy-fueled patron" harassing other patrons. He was tankin in to custody after police determined "he was strung out on ecstasy" The words the paper use make him sound like "an animal" on E
  7. I thought Danny was good, not at his best but kept me on the floor all night. I really loved the Acid he played, I got there at 4 to Danny playing "Flash," I met a few people but basically just danced my ass off. Why do pleple insit on pushing you when you are dancing and they are trying to get thru They guy with the hat who won, I was talking with him and he told me he came in second last year, alsohe said his hat was better last year. There really wasnt any creativity this year. Overall I had a good time
  8. He spun at The Sullivan Room, thats all I know.
  9. Ok enough about PVD (trance ) Who is going to see DT for his Mad Hat party? I will be there and I wont have 1 complaint to all the bitches from last week. So who else is coming? Shedawg, I am putting you on the list, so you better show.
  10. Did anyone go last nite and see him? He was spinning for $5, at a record release party. Any reviews?????
  11. If there was a positive, then maybe I could. Like I said I got a memory from Exit. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get, but I got it. There is a positive.Music wise and some of the DJ's ability to mix, I DIDNT like it. So what that is my opinion, I can have it. Yes I was COMPED, big deal. I was saying it cause I WOULDNt pay to go there. I find ameusment where ever I can, if I got to make fun of people who cant dance? Oh Well, it is fun to me. The real Positive for me is I went to See Danny, only to find out he wasnt there. But the good thing I only would of lasted another hour before I was assed out. So I saved $
  12. When my roomate was in college she was roomate with Jason Jollins. We went there to see him. By the time I got in the door he was just ending. I was hoping the sides room would be better than they were. I don't understand if you have trance on the main floor, why have it in the other rooms too? I guess I was wrong. I did make the best of it for the 2 1/2 hours I was there. But it got BORING real quick. Not to boast, but I didnt get a comp, I never would of stepped in the door. I don't like trance so Y would I go? It was a freee night out, and I never went so I wanted to check it out
  13. One word BAD. I got there at 12:15 got in at 5 to 1 Search wasnt that bad, most annoying part was taking off my shoes. I went in and checked out each room. Only room that wasn't open (to me) was the white room. Brief description of each room the Hip hop room the set up is nice I like those chill spots on the 2nd and 3rd levels. The DJ COULDN'T mix for shit. The times I spent in there each mix was off. The people were ok I really didnt chill on the dance floor. The red room? (little rasied dance floor in center) The music was BAD (trance)((I HATE TRANCE)) The people who were dancing (LoL) Couldn't, I had to stop and watch cause people are funny. There were peopple who could, but there were more who could not. Now on to the main room. Music BAD, some people were cool, some were plain out rude on the dance floor. Don't you hate when people PUSH their way thru instead of Excuse ME? I heard Guy Ordnell (SP?), and Some of Ferry, I left about 3:15, after endlessy walking from room to room to find good music? I looked for people I wanted to see? But in reality when you never met someone and there are a few hundred people there in strobe lights, CHANCES are you won't see them, OH well there is always next time. I just don't think it will be at the Mix party at Exit Lowlight of the night, standing outside where people smoke. Having some random kid, I think he said his name was Eric. Spoke to me for 25 minutes, about religion, his father being a mack daddy, him being english and all his friends being italian. Also how american girls are all stuck up, and all european gils are easy.Alot of people thinks he is Musilm and when they do, he breaks their nose. I have NO idea what the fuck he was talking about. I couldnt get away for shit. HIGHLIGHT of that was a girl asked him for a light, and he took his sunglasses down to see if she was pretty, before he gave her a light. GOT to love a player? Personal highlight My roomate made a comment about wouldnt it be cool if we got that ___ for the house? So I made it my mission, the whole time I was there to get it. After getting almost getting caught by bouncer. Throwing behind speaker on stage. Then I had to sneak on to the stage to get it. Put it behind a garbage can, I had to bend it to conceal it, ( That was pretty hard) WaLKed out and then I came home. I decided to go see DANNY at 6am, but when I got there was a sign saying he was not spinning. So I went home and went to bed
  14. Wow that is still HIGH for a night out. I would pick DT for $20 anyday than go to this Only because I dont like trance.
  15. Sc I guess the thing is out. I think my roomate and I are going to pre party. Hopefully i will get a buzz on before we go in. I am not worried about the comp if it doesnt work all well I will go home and go to bed, I dont have the $ to go out, if I did I wouldnt be going to Exit I would Be going to Vinyl.
  16. I sent you a PM
  17. This is going to be my first time there. I did go for Junior, but that is a COMPLETLY different party. My roomate friend is Jason Jollins, so she got us comped. I really dont want to go for Ferry or GUY, I really want to go and hear Bugout and Justin Higgins fronm the board. No I am not riding their dicks, I don't like trance at all, and I want to hear what these guys have to play. I just hope it isnt trance. So Mike I will be looking out for you, and if anyone wants to say HIGH I will let you all know what I am wearing. Can someone tell me how strict they are with their search? And if inside is crawling with undercovers? I basically want to and trying to weigh it out if it will be impossible? Regarless of the outcome of the search and whatnot I will be there to break my Exit cherry One more thing is there a dress code? I really hate dressing up (how do you dance in kacki and shoes) I really want to know how girls dance in high heels? But that is another trad. I am coming(not in UFO'S) but comfortable pants, sneakers and a t-shirt and maybe a hat, I will let you know more later other people I want to meet is sexybabyd and jjcbebe. I hope you will be both there. vin-e
  18. I went to GA last year for fright fest. I t was really cold out got there at 5 got in for free. We got to ride everything we wanted. We went on Nitro so many times we sat in the same seat over and over and over. The front is the best and if you got to chance to ride it twice or more, change your seats it feels like the same ride it loses its thrill. It is fun never less. When its dead you puff anywhere. It is better to go on a cold and grey day then a sunny day, so much more freedom. The safari is the best part, but you need a car that your willing to get messed up. My friend and I use to puff an L on the way there go thru the safari, feeding all the animals. Then drive back to NNJ.
  19. Ok did anyone ever see Friday? Craig got fired on his day off? shit was funny right? Well guess what the same shit happened to me. Only better I am on a (or I was ) vacation. I get a letter in the mail today that read Please be advisec that efffect immediately, you are herewith dismissed from you position at _______. After repeated warnings about your conduct at ________ you have not worked in the best interests of the company. On vacation I get this. There is more to this, I could see it coming.But the funny is it couldnt be done face to face. Its funny how professional people can be? On the other hand it sucks cause I lost my main income. I took this week off to look for a better job. It sucks cause I know I have no money coming in, but all the bills don't, and the keep coming.
  20. The book was amazing. I read it in a week. I think the book has been out for about a year. I read it a while ago.
  21. This is the wrong sit. This is for World Electronic Music Festvail, which is in Canada. The one you are looking for is the Detroit Electronic Muisc Festvail/ I dont know if their is a web site, there probably is but I am too lazy to look and post it.
  22. This is one of the saddest things that can happen. Evan you should try to help her, talk to her about rehab. 5 licks is alot of bumps for 1 day. SAD Shit One more horror story is one girl I have all over my web site. She is one of the most beautful and sweet girls I know. She would be the perfect women if not for her addiction to K and what it has done to her. After lving with bladder infections for years, she had to have a tube inserted in her to replace her old urethra since the K had erroded it. She had this tube in her for the last year till it finally came out when they replaced it with something else. She now though has to use a catheter every time she pees. She hasn't been able to have sex in almost 2 years. And she still bumps 5 licks a day because she can't stop.
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