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Everything posted by housedog

  1. ARC/Vinyl is in the city. It is downtown by the Holland Tunnel, the address is 3 Hubert St. Three blocks below Canal St. Danny Tenaglia is there almost every Friday. On Sat. they always have good talent coming in to play. Go to www.arcspace.net for the lineups. Cover is usually $20- $25, it is 18+ with ID there is no liquor there but there are plenty of bars around it to get your drink on. They usually open at 12 am there is no reason to dress up, If you go prepare yourself to DANCE
  2. R u drinking a 40 of O.E.?
  3. No one is really hateful, just telling the truth. First off how can you go out on 2 different nights and have someone forget their ID? Then you (friends) bribe the bouncer (s) and they throw him out and you too. Thats some funny shit, they played your boy. Also the shit with Vinyl is hard to believe cause they dont take no shit from no one. They see you with drugs you are gone. The best is when Danny sees someone doing something he comes down from the booth and escorts them out himself, or just put the light on them to security comes and takes them out. NOT everyone hear does drugs when they go out, some do but they dont really talk about it like you do.
  4. The funny thing is that I have a flyer from the mid 90's I think 1996 where she played in NYC. I didnt go but I have the flyer for it. I wish Victor would get her to come over here. A night at tronic witl Monkia Kruse, DJ Rush and Chris Liebing now that would be something. I seen DJ Rush back at Fantasia II (Randalls Island) all I can say is WoW.
  5. I have a list for you, Oh wait Sorry it was for last night. Well there is always next time
  6. Dam I thought that was funny, I wish I was there to see it. You on the other hand seems like you are too nice with your words? NOT! Really if you can't say ANYTHING nice don't say anything at all. IT really is easy.
  7. Sean you little bitch, Whats up how are you? Havent talk to you in a while. It is Vinnie, What up, what the hell have you been up to?
  8. Sorry that weed got me parnoid.
  9. the only in in newark for me is Dont really mess with anything else.
  10. http://koti.mbnet.fi/bleach/pebat/index.html ENJOY
  11. From what I hear you can get them for $6-10 in Newark. $20 in nyc and $30 for Molly (MDMA powder)
  12. My friend who went to vegas last week, packed "favors" in his suitcase. GOOD LUCK
  13. Can you help me out here? What did I say that was so wrong that makes you think I am no more than 15?
  14. Well in my mind, If I don't think your are cute, I won't saying anything. NO need to ass kiss here. What do you get out of it? If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all
  15. The weed I speak of it is called "Haze" Just found a new connect. I picked up a little jar for $20. Munchies I eat, I try not to eat any food. If I do my weakness is Hershey Choclate, Any kind I can eat ALOT of it. Havent done it in a while. But while I am on the weed I try not to eat, cause after I do it kills the high (at least for me) Tip: EAT before you smoke
  16. Facing the DJ booth the speaker stack to left in the front there is an EXIT sign. Thru the doors down the hall to the outside, you can smoke and get fresh air. I donbt know the name of the street either but it is the next street over with Wetlands on the corner. The back of Vinyl.
  17. You are correct. QUOTE]Originally posted by copahc The Wizard of OZ?
  18. housedog


    This for everday that past since I last posted. I am going down the shore on Sat. and the drive down and drive back with a blunt each way, and music On of my favorite places to smoke
  19. Craziest place I would say limelight back in the early 90's. Shit was just crazy, music, people and the balcony on the trid floor when you walk in the main room Craziest place for sex was in Seaside, there is a school close to the exit when you leave Seasside. At the school there are like trailers for classrooms, so we laid on the walk way leading up to the trailer and had sex. Also had sex on my parents front lawn in the middle onf the night. A Geo Storm just wasnt big enough.
  20. Did you ever watch a movie on "weed"?
  21. You want to hear my shit. My story is pretty bad, I think I lived a Jerry Springer eposide. I went out with this girl for like a year. We broke up and a few weeks later she starts dating a girl. Her first time with that, they go out for like 8 months and the girl dumos her for one of her friends. that crushs her so she comes to me for the shoulder to cry on. My mistake was I still had feelings. So this was in April, in June she moves into the apt, below me. So after a while we are always together, sleeping over with each other. In October she meets a girl and by my birthday (Dec) the girl is included in all plans. She has more time for her than me, SO on Christmas I lost it and break up with her. She always told me that there was nothing going on but by Feburary it was pretty obvious there was more. Now they are together all the time. The worst part about it is she is right downstairs. I got to see this shit all the time. My roommate who was her best friend, isnt anymore cause of the muniputive (sp?) things this girl has done to me. This girl thinks she has done nothing wrong. I am out of here in Sept. right now I just be nice but once I am gone I am GONE. Right now I am over this girl, just disgusted with her. I am just nice to be friendly but I have some much and when I leave I want to give her . But knowing me I will be nice to her. Sometimes girls just suck, but I think I might of found someone so we we will see. The only thing it is someone I know ex's, but that is a whole another story.
  22. Shit I got scared I thought it said men instead of many. Myself being a man I hate how alot of men look at women these days. Even friends when they see younger girls, and the shit they say. I want to smacked them upside the head.
  23. The closet thing to it is an arcade across the street. Surf Club is close, seaside is maybe a mile to a mile and a half probably longer to surfside.
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