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Everything posted by housedog

  1. The Ducks tied it up after two over time wins. I cant wait till they beat the Devils, for their first Stanley Cup. DEVILS:peeleft: DEVILS SUCK
  2. http://www.80smusiclyrics.com/games.html#null
  3. http://howstrange.com/gallery/cat_rolling.gif
  4. Now you really are STUPID just because you went back and edited your email address out of your original post doesnt mean shit. CAUSE IF YOU LOOK IN MY POST DIRECTLY UNDER YOURS, then you will see you are the MORON cause you were doing exactly what I said you were doing. Allconnected tryin to be slick, but for real you got caught out there.
  5. Ok well I went to SS today and I had to verify all the jobs I ever worked in my life. I was out in 10 minutes, nothing wrong there. So on to unployment, Someone there has me down for working at some job and just walking out and quitting. They even gave me a name of a guy who is using my SS #. I gave them every piece of paperwork they told me to bring, even got papers from SS. All the lady says is I will give it to the girl who wrote it out. I am like lady "I need this $$ for my car payment and rent" All she says is is you got to wait for the other lady "Who isnt here. So now I have to wait till THURSDAY for a phone call from someone at unemployment to call and do an interview. I complained saying this is all screwy cause I already got checks, I depend on this $ for my bills. She gave me the supervisors # and said to call her on Monday. But she also told me not to tell where I got it. I told her "Dont worry cause I dont even know your name." I dont think she likes her boss. We will see on Monday what happens. Also good lookin on the I got some today (getting some Haze 2morrow) Yo if you ever want to come to Jersey and smoke or even meet up I am down for a smoke meetup. Just throw me a PM
  6. HELLO both of you. DO you guys know each other? Well if you don't (or even if you do) than this is not the brightest thing for you guys to be doing. HELLO do YOU know what you are doing? Well it is called a DRUG DEAL on a public message board. IVA!There have been many people, even in NYC who have been caught dealing on the internet. Either you guys are both REALLY STUPID are someone is a narc. Drug deals on the internet, how old are we? You guys make me and all at the same time.
  7. I am currently unemployed since the beginning of April. I have gotten like four checks so far. Today I was suppose to get one, I open the enevolpe and there was no check:confused: I recieve a letter from unemployment stating I am not using the right social security number. The letter says it belongs to someone else, even though it is my number. It even give me a name of the other person, so now tomorrow I have to go to Social Security and prove it is me. Then I have to wait for them to write a check out, that I needed yesterday to pay some bills:mad: Who knows when this will happen. Maybe with this we can get to the bottom of all the mysterious credit card charges on my CC. This sucks cause I was gonna help a friend out tomorrow with some work for some quick $ Shit I am so mad right now, and the worst part is I dont have any to calm me down:splat:
  8. I have a 2000 Jetta. The reason I need a job , for my car is becuse my lease is up this month. Next month it is either turn it in which is not a option. I am 34,000 miles over my lease miles @ $.15 a mile SO I have to have a job so I can buy the car outright, and not get penalized.
  9. I was nominted for class clown, but like usual the jocks (in crowd) always win
  10. I use winmx, and have no problems. I also use IMESH, but just to DL movies and isht like that. The thing wrong with IMESH is that it add alot of shit on to your computer when you DL it. It also has alot of pop ups
  11. No it is not funny it is quite sad. I cant even imagine what this man must be going thru. People better watch him cause he might take his own life cause he feels guilty because what he has done, he killed his wife of over 40 years. That is the sad part. The funny part to me is the way it happened. I get a good laugh on weird headlines and stories. I have a collection of over 100 weird news stories. This is not a article I would keep, but the way this all happened I found funny. SO what I find some weird and sad shit funny sue me
  12. The first thing I did when I seen the headline is laugh. IT is very sad though.
  13. If you can help them without putting your self in a hole go for it. If you can't maybe give them a little of the $ they asked you for. They should be happy with whatever they can get. DO NOT hurt yourself by helping someone else. I have a friend who called me last Feb (2002) she needed $ for an abortion (sp?) First off I don't make alot of money at all. I barely can support myself. But it was either me our her parents. The guy who lived in NC just said fuck it and didnt take care of his responblites So she calls me for $400 I give it to her, take off of work to bring her, sit there the whole day with her. Take her home and shit, to this day she still owes me $150. She got a teaching job in Central Jersey, but now we never really talk. Shit sucks cause I thought she was a good friend, Now I dont know, I am jobless and she knows this, I leave MSG on her cell about the money cause I could never get in touch with her. Now I am fucked, makes me stop and think about who out of my friends I really can trust. OH well good luck, if you do it make sure you will not put yourself in a whole, and I know this might suck but write up a contract saying when you will be paid. Your friend might get mad but it is just away to cover you own ass.
  14. Fina a job ASAP, if not I lose my car Find a apartment by Sept. Anybody need a roomate go to some yankee games go to a Demolition Derby work out and lose some weight. pay my bills Other than that bullshit and party, and try this new thing called "weed" Ever hear of it?
  15. OH SHIT THAT WAS YOU Im sorry j/k I wasnt there
  16. Why is there so many of them? and they are all different too. Can someone explain why?
  17. housedog

    attn: thrillfire

    I lie how you throw the I sell in the middle of it
  18. This is another one I found In conjunction with the screening of the independent short Iron DJ, we are putting on a live version of the Iron DJ battle (think Food Network's Iron Chef, but with turntables instead of kitchen appliances.) We need actors, improv specialists, comedians, and musicians or music industry people. The ability to work without a script, and at least some familiarity or interest in DJ culture will be beneficial. We require a commitment for at least 2 rehearsals plus the night of the show itself (July 10.) Please send your resume and/or personal statement along with a picture to Jesse Levitt. email: JLEVITT12@nyc.rr.com post: 147 West 136th Street Apt. 2 New York , NY 10030
  19. While looking for a job I found this, I always thought this would be a good idea. Do you have what it takes to be an Iron DJ? If you have ever watched the tv show Iron Chef and thought about doing the same thing with turntables instead of cutting boards, now is your chance. We are searching for DJs from various styles of music to put on a live version of Iron DJ in July. You will have one-half hour to put together a mix based on a theme record, and then up to one-half hour to perform your composition. You will perform in front of a live crowd and a panel of judges who will score you on originality, technical skill, creativity, and articulation of the theme. The house will be turned inside out! DJs will be paid a nice sum to appear, and the winner of the battle will receive a $300 cash prize, as well as the people’s ovation and everlasting fame. Send us a sample of your skills (tape, cd, or mp3) and a statement of why you should be an Iron DJ. POST ADDRESS Attn: Dr. Katana 260 Bergen St. Apt. 2F Brooklyn, NY 11217 EMAIL ADDRESS irondjcompetition@yahoo.com PHONE 917-674-4776
  20. housedog

    Code of Honor?

    I have a guy I know for a while like 10 years, there were time we were close but like thelast 3 or 4 years we are just like aquaitences (sp?) He went out with a girl on and off for 4 years. When she wasaround I hung out with them, cause me and her got along great. When me and my ex broke up I started to like his ex. Fourteen monts later I tell her that I like her, she says she likes me too. Now what do I do? They had a messy breakup (court and restraining orders) and they dont talk at all. Me and her started to hang around more and more in the last month. I never did anything with her (even though I want to) I feel like if I am gonna I am going to approach the guy and tell him, so he doesnt hear it from someone else. But I am scared cause what he might do. I am not really worried about the friendship that I can live with out. I am just afraid of the intial reaction. Do you think I am doing the right thing? Or do you think I would be a dick for hooking up with her?
  21. Good luck with your surgery. He will be back next month for you
  22. Isnt there a site called sidetracks? A site that is all music (new songs) Does anyone know what I am talking about Thanks in advance
  23. I wouldnt quit, but I would start looking ASAP. I was fired from the my J O B at the beginning of April/. Since then I found a job that Paid me $10,000 less than my old one. I turned it down cause it would of really finanically hurt me. But since then I havent had any luck finding anything. And If you think sitting at home is fun, it gets old real fast. Tv sucks and the omternet is not much better. I wish I had anything to do during the day. I try to find odd jobs just to get by. But even those dont come as often as I would like. GOOD LUCK, and keep to your self at work. Do you think you would be OK on unemployment? I am getting about $140 less than my work paycheck. It isnt enough but I do what I can.
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