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Everything posted by housedog

  1. I would say Nitro, Medusa and Batman And Robin Chiller were the best. Chiller is 47 seconds long, but goes 90 mph. Nitro my god I can go on that ride all day. The last two times I was there I went on that alone nine times. Go in the front at least once it is worth the wait. . Free Fall is always fun, I looked down when we fell, scared the shit out of me. Batman is good. I went on Viper and Scream Machine but didnt like either, feels like I got beat up with all the moving my head did. My Advice for Viper is hold on tight and hold your head back and still. The only thing I didnt do that I wanted to was go thru the Sarfari. My firend who drove didnt want to go. I got to see the mokeys from the top of Medusa. Overall I had alot of fun. If you are going to go, do it now. There is not alot of people there once school lets out (and weekends now) it will be packed like JaySea said. Unless you wait till after Labor Day. Have fun
  2. SO I went yesterday (tuesday) it was alot of fun. One thing, please DO NOT wait for Superman I waited an hour and a half for it and the ride sucked. Ok it doesnt suck but for the wait it wasnt that fast or scary. You sit in a chair and they turn it so U are looking at the ground. But you are still in the sitting position. Other than that the average wait was 10 to 15 mins if that. I went on Nitro (my favorite) three times, once in the front. Absoultly the best ride there, if you hold your hands and legs up, lean into the turns the ride is 100% better. Defintely reccomend it. You should definitely bringt asprin, cause after each ride (esp. Viper and Scream Machine) you feel like your all beat up. Also either bring alchol or weed (my choice) to wait in lines cause that time is so f in boring. Get your hand stamped and leave it in the car. Definitly a fun time, I will try to make it back in Sept. when school is back in session, or on a nice cloudly day.
  3. You could fight these? Where are the signs posted? Take pictures where you were parked and see if there are any signs there? They might be in the meter under the numbers. But if there are no signs, where you are parked you DO have a case. Good Luck with that
  4. I got one "How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?" "I dont know? But some people with out brains do an awlful lot of talking, Don't they?"
  5. It is funny, but now in the second seaon the jokes are not as good as the first season. Still a funny show for TV. It is funny some of the stuff they do, I do too. I just dont video tape it. STUPID ME
  6. http://www.randommumblings.com/video/mackdaddymario.htm
  7. http://www.electric-soup.co.uk/flash/pacman.htm
  8. How do we get in on the Battle? Not me but I have a friend (who doesnt have a computer) who would love to be in it?
  9. Mine too, but I dont think it will ever be like it was or anywhere close to it.
  10. I had a friend who was straight out of the academy in Ocean County. The first job for him was the summer in Seaside, those rookies are on such a power trip it is not even funny. I am glad I only visit Seaside if I am lucky once a year
  11. You are from New Zealand? R U here in NYC? I have a friend from NZ (actually Christchurch) She is coming up here for a few days around the end of August beginning of September. What kind of house are you looking for? Get back at me, maybe we can get together and hang out.
  12. What I ment was that the first year alot of the lineup was people you heard of. With the whole Carl Craig thing, made alot of people mad. This year there isnt alot of headliners at all. Thats what I was talking about. I would rather see no names that are good than headliners that are no good.
  14. Yes it is. The headliners have really fallen off since the beginning. Has alot of good after parties.
  15. My friends and I are trying to get Beetle Juice to come to a house party in JerZee, on the 4th of July or sometime in August.
  16. housedog


    I will say one thing and I dont know if it is good or bad. But I am a pot head. I smoke way too much. I am smoking right now at 7am Sunday Morning. Lady Sady I hope you are with me here. Even though we differ in age.
  17. holy shit I mhappy as hell. The Nets have a chance
  18. Brunette, but I am more intrested in if we are good together. Hair is really second nature to me.
  19. housedog

    3some or no?

    My thoughts excatly
  20. My first CD I think was Wu Tang Clan Return to the 36 Chambers I am not really sure it was a long time ago. My first DVD was The BettleJuice DVD (from Howard Stern) one of the worst DVD's you could probably ever see My DVD collection just hit 5, I am catching up to you ElementX
  21. housedog


    I gave up on this thread. I smoke so much that I would keep this theard going all by myself
  22. I fell asleep once , while I was on the bottom. And yes the girl was upset.
  23. You make it sound like it a normal (OK) thing?
  24. You make it sound like it a normal (OK) thing?
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